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Posts posted by RobertLeisk

  1. <br>hello campers , morning all,<br><b>north east.</b><br>this was the water line on the 5/11/11<br>post-37066-0-75808100-1320976839_thumb.j<br><br>this is the water level today 11/11/11<br>post-37066-0-57705800-1320976991_thumb.j<br><br><b>in short </b><br><b>good news</b> lam luk ka khlong 4 down 2 cm ,    down for 9 days , 2 cm a day = 18cm<br><br><b>good news</b>  fashion island area , khlong sam wa down 2 cm , for the first time , looks like its peaked, and on the way down, <br><br>lets be careful out there , <br>good luck<br>
    <br><br>I live in Bangkraui Nonthaburi and have been watching the water flow for the last 2 weeks since we were flooded.<br>It went down by 12 inches during the week until 2 days ago when it stopped and has stayed at the same hight ebbing and flowing a little with the tidal movements. But today when I got up I noticed it had risen by about 5 inches which was a surprise so I went back to the high tide charts to see the the high tide levels are higher now than they were when the crisis was at its so called peak around the the 26th of October. Is it going to go up more. My guess yes as the high tide is higher again tomorrow.<br>http://www.myforecast.com/bin/tide.m?city=W48455&metric=true&tideLocationID=T0138<br>
  2. Looking at the current satellite photos shows water area 3 times the size of what is around Bangkok waiting up country to move south to the sea. Hard to imagine that will jzst evaporate before it arrives in the next 2-3 weeks. This way beyond being overly optimistic.

    Here is a link I found for 2 different time lines, 1 now and 1 in 2008 from Nasa so should be accurate. http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/NaturalHazards/view.php?id=76204

  3. RT @Ryn_writes: Prodprasop's house in Nonthaburi has been flooded: he didn't know it would be very bad. via @satien_nna/@veen_NT


    Where has he been sleeping, I live in Nonthaburi and have had 36+ inches of water outside my house for well over a week now.

    Maybe he was one of those planning to put 1000's of boats on the river to increase the speed of the river hahahahhaahahah

    I think maybe they should line the river with all the people of Bangkok and surrounding areas flooded, give them a boat paddle and tell them to row the water to speed it onward to the sea. I'm sure this would work just as well as the boats and with 100% less pollution. Come on Thailand paddle for your country

  4. She obviously hasn't been checking the water levels, I don't live far from where that picture was taken in Nonthaburi. My water levels are going up at a rate of 1 inch per day. I now have 38 inches outside my house, but luckily the barrier we have built in the door way (not sand bags) has held back the water so far.

    I don't know what the situation will be like once the tides start dropping but I have a feeling that more water will rush in as the water levels drop in places. Anyone have any experience with floods and receding floods, would like to know.

    I'm seriously thinking of abandoning ship, nearly 2 weeks of bloody water. Love the beach but this is crazy.

  5. Right now at the Ramkhamhaeng Stadium there are around 1000+ people relocated from Don Muang/Thamasat area. There are so many cases of infections etc that people are being transported to hospitals hourly by volunteer rescue workers but the rescue workers say its not working out since some government hospitals are becoming "difficult" about accepting patients since there is no government policy on this right now.

    The workers are already tired and are having to pay for the transport costs themselves. Consequently the amount of volunteers is diminishing daily (This was also reported from Don Muang).

    Also some hospitals have said they would send staff and vehicles to help but they have not turned up as yet. (Director of the Sports Stadium told me this).

    Under the SOE, the Red Cross would take over and could better manage the situation as they have done in the past. It's a pity they can't bypass the SOE rule and let the Red Cross do the good job they normally do in coordinating all government and NGO services.

    As mentioned in the article, I think the true emergency of these floods will be post floods. After only one day in the water I had skin rashes. People are spending hours daily in the water traveling or helping. In many areas after dark mosquitoes are in there billions, I stayed in the water to avoid getting bitten only my face was uncovered and I spent the whole time swatting them just to be able to breathe without inhaling some, and then in the back of my mind were thoughts of snakes (and to a lesser extent crocodiles) in the waters around me.

    Terrible conditions for people. I can't imagine people in Ayutthya have been living in these conditions for a month now. My heart really goes out to them.

    Mosquitoes? Here where I live and its flooded, I have been surprised by the lack of them. I do keep my doors shut to keep them out of the house and my bedroom, but as stated in the article, most breeding grounds have been swept away.

    Don't know where you are living, but here the water is about 40+ inches high and going up day by day.

    I also see lots and lots of fish around my house which is helping with the mosquito problem.

    Lets hope this finishes soon.

  6. Don't you just love the panic statements. A 3 meter wall of water.

    I was warned by our security gaurd to move out as a wall of water was going to hit last night. Just checked outside and its the same as when I went to bed and very very still accept for the fish jumping and frolicing in the water, they are having a field day.

    I have been in the flooded area of Nonthaburi closest to Khaosarn Road, been under water for about 5 days now, some of my mates for over a week and a 1/2.

    Everybody is helpful to a point, food is still cheap and water is available. We stocked up before hand.

    Am going to tough it out. have my little boat the good ship sinkalot to paddle around in.

  7. Well watching the water rising here in Bangkrauy Nonthaburi, not far from Pinkloa, I feel that a lot of water is destined to seep through. Its rising here by about 5 inches a day and is up to 30 inches out side my house, although it has not come in yet.

    When the high tides hit at the end of the week, water is just going to flow all over Bangkok and make a hell of a mess.

    Get out while you can. My neighbours have all left, but I am staying as I have belongings to safeguard.

    I have a large stock of water and some food to last. A good woman to keep me company and as long as the electricity lasts my computer to see me through these dark days.

    Funny how most of my neighbours have moved to Sukhumvit to escape the water. Could come back to bite them too.

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