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Posts posted by Rivertiger

  1. Like you I am from the UK สุขสันต์วันเกิด. Like your rants, always read.  I first came in 84' loved the excitement, that Thai people always give you.  Wonderful people, I have no words I could express for the current government. Married divorced have a Chinese Thai son in uni uk a wonderful Thai ex mum she just had her first AZ jap.  Nice story have a nice day.

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  2. Well, sucks for some hotel owners, but I seriously doubt politicians would give a damn. Money from International tourists is about 6~8% of GDP. And that is not where politicians "earn" their personal profits.

    The minimum wage did not help, the exports are effected due to that 30% increase, prices went up and starters (staff) kept to a minimum, also the flood in 11 when a lot of buyers had to go else where and never came back. The factories are working on a much smaller margin if any, it is a hard game for the normal working Thai factory and workers. I believe it will take a decade to get back to normal, seen levels, unless the AEC market will transform TH. Lets hope so.

  3. The PM had shown Statesmanship in the way she has acted over these last few weeks.

    The antigovernment protesters have lost their rattle out of their Pram, they cannot debate.

    They wanted conflict and did not get it.

    Over eight million live in Bangkok, over fourteen million people live within the surrounding Bangkok Metropolitan region.

    150,000 protesters (BBC) is little compare to a Red Shirt calling.

    So where is the other BKK 21,850,000 people, may be PM supporters.

    The people had voted the PM Yingluck in power, so she should have completed her term.

    New elections will voter her in again.

    Any PM would and does look for point of views from who ever, family or another to see the best possible way forward, on all aspects of their administration.

    The Thai people will decide in February.

    Do not give up Yingluck, power to the people.

  4. Why do you think most of the girls in the bars get so drunk! They have to get drunk or they would not do it. Most are forced into the sex trade because there is no wealthfair state and a very poor education system, and some are mothers who are left to bring up their children alone. What would make a big difference is if the education system changed, making it as good as the private sector (sorry better) and free, taught sex education at school with all its problems and make all the absent fathers pay maintenance.

    There should be DNA register for all children and everyone it should be part of your ID that way fathers would have to live up to their responsibility, (maybe one day) cowboy.gif

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  5. So many different stories at the moment, one is that a man (Iranian) came out of a house covered in blood and tried to stop a taxi, the taxi driver would not stop so the man tripped trying to stop him and that was when the bomb he was carrying went off and blow his legs away, two other men (Iranian?) run off from the house carrying another bomb this may be the one that was thrown at the police. This came from a TV Thai twitter. I am sure the story will change again. I hope the bar owers in Cowboy and Nana take note and make sure their service girls are switch on to customers leaving bag!!

  6. Sorry can not help here Accommodation

    Sorry our Condo full already Parking

    Sorry no Space for Storage

    Sorry here Kennels

    No Pumps Pump-out services

    Can help here, BTS and MRT areas, Checking on family members

    Sorry can not help, Transport

    Can help but a bit limited - Physical help with protecting property from floodwaters

    Sorry cannot help here - Expertise in safeguarding systems such as electrical, sewage, and plumbing.

    Can help here if I can get to you and get back to help clean up, Clean up and sanitation.

    Sorry very limited and have a few situations myself, with storage then if a group of people get together then may be inexpensive to rent a condo, room for storage, may be a database can be set up with who can do what then these members can be contacted when there is a need. Also people with jet washes and other item which can make the cleaning up easier.

  7. I think the biggest problem will not be the water going over the defences it is under, depending on the structure of the soil, there has already been problems in the past at Survarnabhumi with small parts of runways collapsing, water will find its own level, how many underground water streams, (rivers) have been carved out because of this flood I wonder, some are under building undermining the structures. You may stop it going over but you will not stop it as it washes its way under. Hopeful the new drainage is working making the water go the easer route. I believe over the next few months leading in to the next year will be the most testing, more crime, more anger, less jobs, more diseases, structure problems, let hope its will not be as bad as I fear. Stay safe out there!

  8. Anyone else using the free elevation app for iPhone? Curious to know if it's accurate. My house is showing an above sea level elevation of 7.2m (ASL). I am about to find out if it is accurate as 7.2 ASL is about the highest elevation I could find in the area and the water just arrived down the street.

    Found a good iPhone app "Height Finder" it is free, some do not work.

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