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Everything posted by deesquared

  1. Look at these despicable tourists standing around in their bathing suits! Terrible. (Pay no attention to the local business clearly hosting them for a foam party)
  2. Many countries don't have entry stamps anymore.
  3. But, in places like KL, you go through a kiosk and never get a passport stamp. So how do they know that you have been there?
  4. I did this same thing once! The driver let me try it, so off I went! However, the foot brake is not so cut-and-dry. There is a specific way to operate it using the top part and not the lower part. When I got to the turn, I could not engage the brakes! I think I took the 90-degree turn on two wheels but managed not to crash. This guy made a mistake, and he's making it right. Good on him.
  5. He believes you are going to hell and he has the anecdote. What kind of person would he be if he did not take every opportunity to share it?
  6. Nothing was done in secret. The temple knew precisely what they were doing. They welcome any English teaching and understand it will be done using biblical scripture. Secondly, just because you raise your hand does not mean you are rejecting Buddhism. Often, they will raise their hand simply to not embarrass the guests. Thirdly, Thailand has freedom of religion. So if they were invited in to do this (they were), there is nothing illegal or wrong about it.
  7. There are loads of villas on that mountain. Why did this one get targeted?
  8. Put one in the car? Come on. Don't be daft.
  9. "However, instances of drug and other illegal activities have occasionally surfaced..." LOL!
  10. He's representing them in a spokesman capacity. Not in court.
  11. There is no beach front there. She was walking through people's yards. https://maps.app.goo.gl/x4aYdvXGfXCCUuEb6
  12. Literally, none of what you just said actually happened. Wow.
  13. Also not quite correct. The love of money is the root of all KINDS of evils. 1 Timothy 6:10 ESV For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.
  14. No, that reads as the wrong vowel sound. It's an "Aw" sound not a "Ah" sound.
  15. A relationship between an adult and a 16 year old is never ok. Especially when it is a teacher.
  16. Like Trump, he is loved by as many as hate him.
  17. Yeah, but... hear him out...
  18. *checks to be sure he is not American* Good! Good riddance to that farang scum!
  19. At 1 baht how is it possible to fund even a bus ticket to Bangkok?
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