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Posts posted by kaidahousecat

  1. If you ask people for advise here, most will probably recommend you to leave her behind and they are probably right. Dont think about the sweet things she have done or said, it means nothing. She is sweet because she wants you, not because she is a good heart person. She might be a good heart person, but is not at all connected to her sweetness.

    That being said, you should listen to your heart and follow the way you feel is the best for yourself.

  2. In my younger years I used meditation to fight my depression. The relief I could feel sometimes out of it after a really bad day could bring close to tears, this good feeling would go away fast though and it never worked for me to get a longer effect out of it.

    About a year ago I read a book "Jiddu Krishnamurti - Freedom from the known" and it helped me see things clearer for myself. There is a lot of knowledge in the book and it can help you to understand more why meditation is good in the first place.

    What do you do when you usually meditate? You stop your thinking with different techniques and you mind becomes very quiet, what is left is a state of...basically what Water Buffalo describe as his benefits.

    The perfect meditation he says is that one that you can do all the time. For that you need to use your thinking in another way, basically take it the power to define your daily worries and pleasures ect. Just look in yourself constantly with full awareness and live yourself without your ego.

    This would be the perfect state of mind and I dont think many people can ever reach it, still I got some very positive changes out of it and think nowadays I see my life clearer :)

  3. Hey Tom, how is it going with Thai learning? For now I learn mostly from other Thais who are willing to help me with it, I maybe learn 2 or 3 new things the day and are good on the way I think :) Even the big mistery about the letters and the tones is getting smaller. Now I changed my stay to Thung Wua Laen and found here a teacher, she will give lessons in April (twice a week for 2 hours), its mostly about the writing I think, anyway for now I take every chance to improve my skills in Thai language. If you like we can meet up for dinner or whatever and exchange some knowledge?

    Hmm I like the idea to buy schoolbooks and sit somewhere down in the public, its maybe a good way to meet some Thais. Any remmondations for Chumphon? I think the park could be a good place.

    Aarn I am interested in your files, when and where can we meet up?

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