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Everything posted by aussie11950

  1. Will they do anything against retailers online with "bait and switch" tactics. Showing one product and price, then on ordering the item, it is more expensive, and the price was for a cloth or some cheap item.
  2. Carbs is the problem, not salt or animal oil or lack of fibre. If you eat less calories, or skip a meal, your body will clamp down and use less energy and make you hungry, so you will always return to your original weight or more. I lost 17 kilo (37 pounds) on keto in Thailand. One meal a day. bacon, sausages, eggs, yoghurt and a little apple cider vinegar. Eat in a 6 hour window, or less, and water fast 1 day a week, so your body's insulin can drop and use your stored fat. Eat as much fat as you want, it wont make you fat. Its carbohydrate that's converted to sugar that's stored as fat. Avoid any seed oils (vegetable oil) as the high omega 6 makes LDL sticky and the cause of heart attacks, use butter, coconut oil or olive oil. Just eat the original food we used to eat 150 years ago, not processed food, margarine, vegetable oil or any snacks.
  3. Yes, it's sacred. A woman should never touch them.
  4. Jail the grandson of Red Bull. He is a murderer.
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