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Posts posted by brucestrachan

  1. DON'T READ THIS RIGHT NOW. YOU'LL HAVE PLENTY OF TIME IN THE HOSPITAL WHILE RECOVERING. about 16 yrs ago, had intense leg pain. went to sirirat hospital. they ran a catheter down my leg, blew up the balloon and yarded out the clot. very lucky i got the right doctor as many others would have amputated the leg. 16 or 17 years ago i spent 8 days in the hospital getting my coumadin level right. now i take coumadin every day and will for the rest of my life. a small price to pay. GET TO A HOSPITAL, NOW!!

  2. smilepur

    clearly good advice but doesn't address the problem of not having a receipt for the last report. still have the ems receipt from the post office. but if the letter went to chaeng wattana they likely won't have it so won't be able to give me a valid receipt for january which will delay if not eliminate my getting a receipt for april.

    bruce,taling cahn

  3. similar story about 90 day report. fell off m/c and broke hip. can't walk but still mailed the form in to chaeng wattana just in time i think, but have received no reply. now it's almost time to send it in again. the problem is that i don't have the receipt from the last one and the chang wattana phone number says go to these other places which i saw here they don't accept mailed reports. i still can't walk yet so can't really go there even if i knew where these places are. pain killers seem to fog my mind some. wife said she saw on the news that we could ignore the 90 day report but i don't trust that.. any suggestions? should i make my trip to cambodia a little earlier than i had planned?

    bruce in taling chan

    please excuse my lack of understanding on how to use this forum. i will learn eventually

  4. My wife of 17 years at 54 is undergoing what appears to me to be just these sorts of symptoms, and has been for the past ~10 years. She will not discuss the matter, but went,on her own, to the shrink at the hospital, who immediately put her on Prozac. She doesn't go and consult with the doc at all, buying her Prozac at the pharmacy across the street. A couple years ago i forced her to go to the hospital with me to see the doc who told me it's just menopause, though she's still experiences menses regular as clockwork She (the doc) focused on my lack of sexual activity as if that was all that interested me and ignored my lack of intimacy, the wild mood shifts, etcetera. The result is that I now still have a wife who won't sleep, eat, walk or talk with me. My apparent purpose for her now is to just pay the bills and buy the food Every once in a while she alludes to her still loving me, but I'm beginning to wonder. I recently took a trip to Cambodia, she declined to come along, and now i'm considering moving. At 66 I'm really not interested in starting all over again, as I would have to find a job again and do a bunch of crying as i did when i lost my 1st wife to cancer.

    I try to keep my spirits up by recalling that this is just another marvelous opportunity for a challenge but then I recall that change is often for the better. I wish I could afford a mia noi, but paying for love by the hour really isn't all that appealing. If I just walk away as a Thai man would, what's the chance she could find me, and would she even bother to look?

  5. a couple of years ago i attended a red bull F1 display on ratdamnoen at the democracy monument. it involved 2 or 3 hours of the announcer imploring the audience to please get off the street, which they never did. the consequence of this was they "demonstrated the awesome power of these machines by driving up the block, around the monument, and back, at the ferocious speed of about 40 miles an hour in first gear with the machine coughing and spitting unable to deal with speeds so slow. i hope TPTB can find a way to avoid this sort of situation as an event such as this IMHO could be a real boon to Thailand in they can keep the government and the banking sector away from it.

    Canadian expat living in BKK 20 yrs.

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