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Posts posted by BrianDouglas

  1. Yes the usual roadside garden center stuff, as for fertilizer, again following some good blogs, I use bat guano ( one cup soaked in a gallon of water for 24 hours, pour off the water for fertilizer and discard the leftover s**t....important not to get the leftover shit in the fertilizer water when you separate...burns the plants right out.

    Following the experts, I fertilize only occasionally, maybe once a month or 3 weeks but about once a week I give them an exfoliar spray of two tablespoons epsom salts to one liter of water, shake well and mist the entire plant.

    Soil mix seems to be important and I am using 2 parts soil, one part peat moss, one part sand with lots of drainage at the bottom of the pots....I also throw in a handful of worm castings to enrich the soil initially

    I'm really new to pepper growing and just doing on a small scale and had a few failures but once I started following some tips i started getting pretty decent results.

    After I built the recycled greenhouse from an old laundry rack and some recycled pvc the results were great !




  2. I recently had the same problem with my Habaneros here in Phuket....one of the blogs I checked offered a simple solution...dish soap mixed with water shot from a spray bottle, making sure to cover all leaves( both sides) and stems thoroughly, let sit for about 20 minutes then fully rinse with clean water.

    Worked great but has to be repeated for a few days in a row as the initial soaping will only kill the live ones and not the eggs they've already produced.

    The eggs hatch in about 3-4 days hence the need for repeated apps. Good luck !

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