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Posts posted by joelm

  1. Thanks for the reply, can you give me any advice on where in Trat I should go??

    Hi, I would beg to differ to an extent regarding second hand purchases, I've just bought myself a second hand PCX from the local Honda shop in my province, although there is a risk involved in second hand buying I think if a little savvy is used and the bike isn't too old or high on the km's you can find yourself saving quite a bit, I've saved just short of 30k on the new price, which should just about cover most/if any future problems come up, I previously had a Suzuki Skydrive for nearly 2 years which I also bought second hand ( 5 month old at time of purchase) and never had any probs whatsoever with it, I saved 19,000 on the new price on that purchase,, the way I see it is I really grudge paying for a gleaming new bike here in LOS, especially when I see the way parking attendants try to squeeze the bikes together with no regard for anyone's personal property just to create more parking space,, There are a lot of repossessed bikes here that aren't very old, unfortunately many of those are unlikely to have been serviced as regularly as they should be, if they can't afford the payments then they probably won't be paying to have them serviced, so sure there are risks involved, but still there are bargains to be had

  2. Can I ask if the thai bike dealerships have any websites? Ive been to the two dealerships in Koh Chang and they dont speak english so it was kinda hard to get info but maybey clicking around there website would help,, a google search for it is not yeilding results

    With so many views I am surprised no comments yet?

    Best advice is......forget second hand...buy new from a reputable dealer. Far cheaper and safer in the long run.

    Most 2nd hand bikes are never maintained, and only come on the market because the cost of repairs (that you are about to inherit) is more expensive than the owner buying a new bike at 100 baht down and 100 a month forever.

    If you do want buy second hand, take the owner and green book etc to the DLT and get everything verified (correct book real owner not stolen etc) BEFORE you part with ANY money.

    Wish you well, good luck.

  3. I was hoping for something decent that didnt have to many clicks on it and was hoping to pay less than 30000, also i needan automatic

    OP don't mention which type of bike he wants? Is it a real bike or a cheap Thai bike run about?

    I tend to agree with visions answer, best to buy a new one, especially in you are looking for a Thai bike. But that being said I previously bought 2 pcs used Honda Wave's at dealer in Pattaya and saved app. 15-20k bath compared to new prise and I never had any problems with them. Honda Wave's are very strong but if you want an auto you will have to be more careful if buying a used one.

  4. So this was like a private dealer right? not for the actual dealership? What does pm mean? also can anyone tell me how i get notified that people were responding to my post, cause I had no idea there were no new messages or notifiactioin at the top by my name, I just came back and looked at the post by scrolling through the bike forum

    I wasn't used to motor-bikes so I bought second-hand. Paid 27k for a Suzuki Best 125 18 months old , and it worked fine. Changed up to Phantom and sold it to a dealer for 12k after 5 years. Bought the bike from a dealer on Tad Mai Road. Tad Mai Road is at the back end of the market, go along towards the PTT garage and the bike shop is on the corner of the cross roads opposite the furniture shop. Or PM me.

  5. Thanks for the advice, I guess that makes sense what you say, I'm just not sure I can afford a new one right now

    With so many views I am surprised no comments yet?

    Best advice is......forget second hand...buy new from a reputable dealer. Far cheaper and safer in the long run.

    Most 2nd hand bikes are never maintained, and only come on the market because the cost of repairs (that you are about to inherit) is more expensive than the owner buying a new bike at 100 baht down and 100 a month forever.

    If you do want buy second hand, take the owner and green book etc to the DLT and get everything verified (correct book real owner not stolen etc) BEFORE you part with ANY money.

    Wish you well, good luck.

  6. Hi everyone,

    I just joined this site now at the suggestion of my friends here. I recently moved to Thailand and have a job on Koh Chang. I have been renting a motor bike (scooter) and have been paying monthly. I figure since I want to stay here for a while (maybe a few years +) then I may as well buy one as it will save me money in the long run right? My friend says that I should go over to Trat and buy a used bike, he figures I can get a 110cc not to used for as low as 20000-25000bat. Is this true? where should I go? I have been to Trat several times and seen lots of used bike shopes along the way. Do i need to wait until I have my work permit all sorted? or do I just need a fixed address? can I get this kind of deal? who should I trust? My friend is english but can speak thai, should I also bring a thai friend with me?? everything and anything anyone can tell me about buying a used bike in trat would be very helpful. I'm told I can get a better deal there then here in Koh Chang, and that the bike would be in better condition as it would not have been driving all theses hills, he said I can maybe get like one from a dealership thats been taken back because of lack of payments and that if I go with cash then Ill get a better deal,,, I'm not a rich guy so I want to make a good chooice here, what brand, where do i go, what should I pay, what do i do ?? lol any advice will be appreciated :)

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