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Posts posted by delphioracle

  1. Note that citizens of The Netherlands were involved and arrested. Also note raids were coordinated in other countries on other servers.


    The arrests took place at a restaurant in Traben-Trarbach and in Schwalbach, outside Frankfurt. Raids also happened in the Netherlands, Poland and Luxembourg.

  2. It seems as if in truth TVCUK was not the target, it was more a case they were collateral damage.. The server was hosting some very undesirable outfits,  seriously illegal sites were involved, a number of arrests were made as a result of the action.






  3. Seems as if there is life, thus there is hope in the future for TVCHAOSUK and its members scattered around the world.


    The message below   was posted  on their FB page around 5 hours ago. and sent to those of us who link to that page.


    Hello everyone! As you all know the site is down. At this stage we can't say for sure how long it will be before we can get up and running again as we will need to move to a new home,, but rest assured that everything possible is being done and we will be back better and stronger than ever as soon as humanly possible..
    I'm afraid that it is not possible for me to reply to you all individually so please keep an eye on this page and I will update you as soon as there is news. Thank you all for your support!

  4. Now does anybody here have anY inkling as to what is happening or has happened at TVCHAOSUK?

    Been a member  there for years, ideal site for UK tv old and new. Went yesterday for my weekly fix and no site connection .3 days back all was fine. Any news, info or  links greatly appreciated.







    The legality of it , they were expecting some casualties and its probably illegal to drug someone and handcuff them  and there could have been some lawsuits if there were some deaths 





    One might do well to remember that this is Thailand  and as such the system is not plagued with ambulance chasing parasitical lawyers.
    The end justified the means.
    Speaking as a parent had been a parent of one of the children involved in the issue  the actions would  certainly been approved by me.


  6. Pray tell us what the  difference may  be (if any) concerning the  presumed actions in the O P compared to the administration of Morphine or  any other  pain  relieving agent or the induction of a medical coma to assist  both patient rescue and recovery ?


    Question to the O P. 


    Do you take medication or alcohol or any other stimulants that are freely available to relieve suffering and, or anxiety when feeling unwell or depressed ?

    • Like 2
  7. Sadly the financial future and the dreams of many a  small resort owner both Thai and non Thai have become nightmares. In a village near to  our house in Surin a Non Thai opened up a beautiful  small resort  near Sangkha in Surin, near to the town, 10 minute drive or about a 30 minute walk,inter province buses  passed by the doors  some 100 metres away on the main road. In the end  it  failed, prices were fair surroundings and service amenities fine.. However the I want  local colour  foreign tourist  just didn't arrive. bit of passing trade Thai wise but  just not enough to  make ends meet. Such dreams are sadly the reverse of the American dream of rags to riches, said  dreams become nightmares of riches to rags.

    • Like 2
  8. An interesting point was raised in the  two post shown below on another social forum board. 



    Thailand does not have a reciprocal agreement with the UK re pensions BUT the UK DOES have a reciprocal agreement when it comes to income taxes. Go figure. Why would any country need a reciprocal agreement re pensions. I paid for mine just the same as EVERYONE else.

    Then a reply was posted  shortly after raising an interesting point,see below.




    That tax agreement could be worth investigating as it might be possible to use it as a precedent to have the same reciprocal agreement applied to U K state pensions.






    • Like 2



    G B W

    Foot note:

    * Correction: The police have still not received the alcohol blood test results from the hospital. The error is regretted.
    Phuket Times this afternoon.

    7 days seems an awful long time to take and analyse a simple blood sample?????????????????????  


    Possibly trying to analyse just how much water there was in the whisky !!


    • Haha 1
  10. The operation  is  being conducted  as well as can be expected given the conditions I am certainly not gong to criticise those involved. We need to remember this is an exceptional incident for Thailand and as such it  is not always easy to decide the best move(s).


    Well done to those  who have been  and still are involved in the rescue operation , please keep up your work, 


    However to be a realist I am  of the opinion that considering the water volume and depth as well as the time frame  the chances of  the  group  surviving are  at the best minimal.But we should not lose hope until a full  physical conclusion is reached.


    Searchers keep on searching, while there is hope on your side and  hopefully on the side of those trapped in this cave system there is still a chance  of a happier outcome.


    Human beings can  and do survive  some dreadful  situations, 


    I do hope that my  initial  feeling of pessimism will be proved wrong and realist pessimism is defeated, and families reunited in a better situation

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