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Posts posted by MissesGrin

  1. Although I'm not a smoker, I can understand how hypnosis can work when applied correctly. The mind is truly a powerful thing and sometimes we can limit it capabilities because we let our urges take over.

  2. With all due respect, none of the above are really 'tips to burn fat eat healthier' are they? It's just a list of things even small children know they should do to be healthy ... but they still reach for the ipad and pepsi don't they? Everyone knows what the right things are, but chose not to do them. Why not address this?

    For example,

    1) yes, everyone knows that drinking water is healthy, but chose coffee and soft-drinks because they taste great and have caffeine which, unlike water, really does boost energy levels.

    2&3) does everyone have the time, energy and money to buy, prepare and eat fresh organic food day in, day out? Even if you went shopping once per week you'd still find some things don't stay fresh for 6 days.

    4&5) like coffee and soft-drinks, taste is king and alcohol and refined carbs infest every area of everyone's daily lives; they can be found everywhere, the BTS, your office, every gas station - they are inescapable and people enjoy eating and drinking them.

    In my opinion, real tips would be strategies to avoid eating poorly and being inactive. The closest system I've ever seen which simplifies things enough for the general population is Body-for-LIFE, you can visit the website to read more and get started right away for free without using the meal replacement shakes; it's over 10 years old and still going strong. Closely following this system, my tips would be:

    1) Develop a vision and mission of what you'd like to accomplish

    2) Plan what you'll eat and when

    3) Plan how you'll exercise and when

    4) Review your goals for 10 mins every evening in a journal or diary.

    5) Give yourself one day off per week when you eat whatever you want and don't exercise.

    Those tips will help most people make good choices more often and help eliminate most of the common stumbling blocks that commonly lead to failure. Most people know what to do, life just gets in the way. Real tips empower people to set things up in their favor and skew the odds their way.

    It really depends on how you define "tips". A tip is basically a guidance or recommendations concerning prudent future action, typically given by someone regarded as knowledgeable and I believe that list falls into that category. Also your tips are good as well but they cover more of the HOW and I cover more of the WHAT. You can't limit helpful advise to just a single perspective...

  3. Brilliant advise from Missesgrin. One does not have to do it all in 1 go - or if one can't get (or afford) organic, then buy the normal stuff.

    Just cutting out most simple sugers/white carbs will make a huge difference. Eating more fresh veggies/fresh veg juices/smoothies is a gigantic next step. Those 2 alone means (healthy) weight loss for pretty much anybody I have helped with losing weight.


    It's the exercise part of the equation that is more important. if you are burning calories it does not matter what you eat, in the main anyway. so not brilliant advice really.

    I beg to differ.If you really knew your weight loss equation you'd know that when it comes to seeing healthier results and quicker body changes it's 85% diet (meaning the foods you eat, not necessarily what you limit) and 15% exercise. You can easily negate the progress of exercise when you continually eat unhealthy food and junk. That's why a lot of people who go into body building or try to achieve weight loss change their diets and some even go on strict diets to achieve faster results.

    In addition, people who are really obese and aren't able to do much physical activity begin their journey to a healthier lifestyle and weight loss through DIET alone in the first few weeks/months.

  4. Asians aren't usually known for their bright smiles and straight teeth, but aside from lack of dental providers, I think it's also do to the lack of education and knowledge most have on this subject. For one, not a lot of people know what a dental floss is :huh: and usually if they have a bad tooth or cavity they usually resort to just pulling it out rather than saving it. Flossing can be one of the most beneficial things you can do for your teeth. It prevents plaque and tar build up, keeps teeth from forming bacteria, and strengthens the gums.

    As the famous dental saying goes, "You don't have to floss all your teeth, just the ones you want to keep!":D

  5. High cholesterol runs in our family as well. But we try to tackle it the natural way through diet rather than resorting to medications. So far so good, you really have to be considerate about what you eat, and if you're disciplined enough and completely change your eating habits to a much more organic, raw and natural one than you will most likely see that cholesterol level drop on its own. Each case is different depending on the individual...but diet is absolutely one of the biggest factors.

  6. Losing weight is not about NOT eating, but eating the RIGHT foods. Here are some tips to help you achieve a healthier diet and burn fat at the same time.

    1) Drink a lot of water and natural juices. Cut out caffeine, cokes, and other artificial sugary juices as much as you can, or all together if possible. Stick with fresh fruit and vegetable juices and I can’t stress enough, water, water, water. Your energy will shoot up the roof!

    2) Try to eat as much raw fruits and vegetables as possible. Sometimes when fruits and vegetables are skinned, cooked, or steamed it loses a lot of its vital nutrients and we don’t get the full impact of healthy benefits. Fruits and vegetables are also a natural body cleanser.

    3) Stay away from processed, hydrogenated, and frozen foods. These types of food are not only unhealthy, but studies have shown that they contain cancer causing agents. Always think fresh, organic, and natural. Freshly prepared food can not only be healthier, but can also taste better.

    4) Give up alcohol. Yes this may be a difficult one for some of you, but you can get more benefits from a glass of grape juice than a glass of wine. Alcohol’s negatives outweigh the positives bar none; don’t let those money hungry corporate advertisers tell you otherwise.

    5) Avoid white carbohydrates, also known as bad carbs. White rice, potatoes, cereal, white bread, pasta, and fried food with breading. These are quickly absorbed into the body’s digestive system which can result in weight gain. Instead stick to healthy carbs like whole grain flour, hearty vegetables, oats, and unprocessed grains like brown rice.

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