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Posts posted by anon7

  1. Sophon let the cat out of the bag with this one, revealing the true intentions of Pheua Thai to emasculate all checks and balances and turn Thailand into a dictatorship run by the Shinawats.

    Awaken all Thais, rise above the clouds and fight the evil !

    This looks similar to the constitution of former president J. R. Jayawardena which completely ruined Sri :Lanka up to today. Ever since we did not have had any democracy. Since then we have massive rampant corruption from head of state to ministers to MPs to heads of departments. They are all henchmen of the top. People are ruled by fear psychosis by decade long unresolved disappearances to stop freedom of expression, unlimited military and police control of freedom of people,government sponsored thuggery, unlimited criminal activities including murder to cover up politicians criminal activities, ruthless robbery of national treasures and fearless thundering lies to cover up it all at the parliament and in front of people. Recently our president with the help of the Chinese government siphoned out public wealth in to his personal accounts in China through useless multii-million dollar projects. One such thing is the bogus satellite project. Your present prime minister is a thundering liar like all those we had since JR.

  2. Extremely Good! God has answered! That money should have been spent on those poor ladies who sell their bodies to keep their brothers in school. What portion of the 25b USD earned from foreigners were spent on poverty alleviation last year? I think Thailand has the most corrupt government officials in the world. Just like all the other elected heads of states (other than that of Iran) your's is also a thundering liar.

  3. Lord Buddha, accurately and completely understood the workings of nature and it's underlying theory (Reality in it's true essence). Only he had the ability to model the whole thing inside his mind. He also very clearly and accurately explained the workings of the human mind, it's interactions with nature and how to free the mind totally from effects of external forces (both inside and outside body) which is eternal bliss. Having read Lord Buddha's teachings Albert Einstein has proved most of those mathematically. When all it is nature, why do people use separatist words like 'Buddhist', 'Buddhism'. Aren't they putting the greatest master's teachings in jeopardy? People should talk about what they have realistically understood not just memorized stuff. Otherwise they will be misleading others as well as them selves.

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