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Posts posted by punch

  1. Hello,

    I am sure the divorce is final once ist happend in Thaialnd, there is a 2 year time frame that she can still make a claim for assets ect here in Oz though. Once she gets here she may be able to try and get assistancefromf the government to stay. After all her child is now an Australian. This could open up a tin of worms for your mate. Maybe because she will only be on a tourist visa they might say go away. There is a whole net work in Oz to help so called poor disadvantaged migrant women.

    I also can not see here getting a tourist visa with out a sponcer, so if your mate is thinking about that then he is a fool.

  2. Hi

    I would like to know if there is a way I can get a settlement agreement signed by my Thai wife whilst she is in Thailand.

    She went back in November and at that time I was getting a settlement of seperation agreement drawn up by my lawyer. As I understand it she had to see her own lawyer in Australia to make sure the contract was oaky and then be signed. I really want this contract over with without the fear of her coming back to Oz and trying to grab inheritance or whatever in the future, or my child.

    Are there lawyers in Thailand that could process an Australian legal document?


  3. Anyone getting raped anywhere in the world is a crime and my upset is not just because its a young Aussie girl...But I am sickend at the responce by the Thai Police... I would just like to know are they as really stupid as they look. What type of education do these dick heads need to become police?

    Is it a case of Dad, Bro and Uncle are pretty stupid and there police, I may as well take a leaf out of there book and become one to...?

    The more I read on this forum & learn about Thailand the more tragic the country looks from the outside !


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  4. If anyone is following or interested I tried something different, I tried a financial/Post Nup agrement. Well after 3 months of getting it organised it's just not worth It. Australian FamilyLaw can over turn anything and the costs where huge. My wife was more then happy to sign it after I told her about it. So at the end of the day there is nothing that can be done but to just cop it. She has pulled her head in a lot and wants to make it work. She is still pretty neglectful but our child loves her regardless and I have not got it in me to split them up just yet.

    The only thing I am doing is selling my home and then rent, some how hide assets as a lot of posters have sugested, not easy but thats all I can do. Its not all bad, my kid is still the best thing to ever happen, its only money and it could have been worse. I could have married an Aussie (again). I suppose any long term TV readers know all this anyway, and new TV users just keep reading, I wish I had of found TV before my first trip to Thailand many years ago. As far as Thai girls go, I still love them, but next time I will do things very diffent.

  5. Can anyone point me in the right direction to understand the laws in English were I to ever find myself in the same / a similar situation?

    Hi Randy, All I can say is that every case is different and that if you think you may find yourself in the same situation in the future then just keep reading posts. I learnt a lot more on TV then I could any other way. There is no legal advice you can get to prepare you for future legal battles. I tried to get a pre nup before we had the kid but then I was told The Family Law Court could over turn anything so it would be a waist of money.. All the other poster on this thread and others have the best advice. Dont bring your Gf/wife to your home country and and be very carful if you have a kid with a thai girl.. But I have lots of friends who have done this and there just fine. So who knows.

  6. One thing I really love about Thailand is the near-universal total lack of respect for work and career.

    Family comes first by far, friends a close second. Comfort and ease, not worrying about tomorrow,

    enjoying the moment.

    The cultural programming I grew up with sees this as "lazy" and "bad", valuing goal-oriented striving, improving yourself work work work above everything and most people end up unloved and alone.

    I think they've got their priorities straight, no one ever lay on their deathbed wishing they'd spent more time at the office.

    But of course you have to live with the consequences of your choices.

    Balance is the hardest thing.

    So trueclap2.gif


    Well said.

  7. My wife on her fb page tells her many friends that she is single with no child. I think its pretty normal for these girls to have a back up plan, built in. I love it when she leaves her page open by mistake and i post youtube clips of all of us on there (family clips). She went psyco the first time..

    I would be getting your own back up plan ready if i where you.

  8. WHY???????????? In a whole big world full of women; why would you want to get involved with a muslim women?

    O dear. Daylight has hit the cave.

    It is being a Muslim per say...it is how deep are their beliefs and will this translate into problems for an inter religious marriage.

    It has no effect whatsoever, not one iota, in my relationship of four years with a wonderful muslim woman. You have no idea how they believe in their man and how they take proper and loving care of him.

    So your the one in a thousand that it works for, big deal, but really why would you bother. In a country with the most sexy women in the world and all Buddhists. He would have to have a few roo's loose in the top paddock to even think there is a bright rosy future. I had a mate who met his sweet heart in a bar who had a gambling problem. Done his nuts over her, thousands of dollars later and constant heartache he is wondering why he did not listen to all his mates who said why would you bother... same shit.. i am constantly amazed with people who make life complicated.

  9. Men look only at beauty, women look how much doe you have. Just a general rule.

    I was thinking to write a guide on how to get girls in Thailand easy, not bar girls, but I need to learn how to be patient and stick with one...

    Also the location is so so important. You need to pick up in the area that many farangs live. Otherwise you are screwed. You will not get any girls in a remote location that have never spoken with farang. Foget it.

    Also they need to know english.

    I have shoot few videos about my ex girls, and take pictures of almost all of them, one night stands are not included. If anybody wants to buy a guide like that, please let me know.

    I dont need a guide but i would love to read you book mate.. i have read a lot of your posts and your a funny man.

  10. sometimes i think that farang girls are easier to manage than thai

    i have new girl now, she wants new bag today, go to island tomorrow, go to movie next day, omg so annoying!!!!!

    I think i will stop dating seriously, I dont like this behaviour whatsoever

    I dont know what mate. But everything write just cracs me up. I would love to sit in a bar and here your views on the women of the world.. :)

  11. Thanks fezzy and again everyone else. But the legal advice i have got from different lawyers said assets can not be transfured or hidden. I am working on somthing right now but staying calm is the key, hard but a must do. I will give imagration some more info on her doings and see what happens. I am just happy she cant get my kid out of the country. I will keep this thread going until i get a result but it could take a while. I will post everything i learn legaly on the way for anyone who is interested.

    Keep thai girls in thailand!!!!

  12. Yes, I felt real bad. Many years ago I askes this girl if she had been burnt because her belly had such severe scaring. I felt horible when she told me it was after giving birth. I had never seen anything like it. But my thai wife of now is looking good after a few years. But like Kerrie said different skins, my thai wife is pretty light with chinese mix and the other gal was very dark.

    As for the leaving there babies, well you here all this bull shit about having to leave because the gals have to work, a % may be true, but my wife shot back home to Thailand after 2 1/2 months of giving birth. She stayed for 5 weeks and I begged her to come back for the childs sake. I just could not do the 2 hour nightly feeds and run a bussines. Wish she had of stayed there now but thats another storry, But there was no need or reason for her to go back only her own self worth. She missed her old HiSo life and did not like or want the responsibility of being a mother. She has bonded with the child now quite well but given the oppertunity I think she would be willing to shoot through again for the right price or pay check.

    So Radiola I am just like you and do not and never will understand this part of Thai culture as they say, how can they just up and leave there children.

  13. I've recently heard a few of my friends saying that getting your partner out of Thailand and living for a while in your own country is critical for the success of your relationship. I can see a logic in that however I have also heard of stories where doing just that has badly disrupted and destroyed some relationships that have gone well.

    What's been your experience on this issue? Would you agree that people doing this have a greater chance of a long term relationship? Or does it just open a new set of problems?

    I would suggest that giving your wife access to the courts in your home country would be a recipe for financial disaster, for those men in the 50% of marriages that eventually end in divorce. The odds are bad!

    Yes, fully agree with this.

    Recent case in point, just look at poor old "punch" at http://www.thaivisa....-and-i-know-it/

    Never did hear how it ended up for "punch", but it certainly isnt a good sign when your Thai wife, after only 2 years in Australia, looks you directly in the eyes and tells you smugly she is going to take your house, and get a new rich husband to support her and her daughter. And by the way, guess how long a relationship is required to last in Oz in order for you to have to hand over half your house if the relationship goes pear shaped - wouldnt you know it, its 2 years - funny that.

    And no, she wasnt an ex bar girl, she had a degree, good job, car, etc And the age difference at 17 years is a bit larger than normal for Oz standards but certainly not unworkable. Also sounded like the Thai wife really enjoyed her "girls nights out" with her Thai married girlfriends in Oz....

    Hi Expat, still here. PM you.

    I would add to this thread that its possible to bring a thaigirl/wife to your own country if she ticks a few boxs. Like the my first thai gf I had or met here in australia, she wanted it! wanted to addapt, love mixing with locals, eating our food, going to raves, loved movies, did not play on facebook, or watch Thai soaps and could care less about a thai contact here in oz. Some one on this thread who had a wife who was like this and she still lives in the uk. If your gf/wife is crazy about fb loves thai soaps loves herself (over the top) and spends hours taking pictures of herself, cant live with out thai food then leave her in Thailand. I know now maturity plays a big part. Thai girls at 30 are about as mature as a 22 year old westurner. So all the old thai ladies I know in my area are living happliy with there hubbies but all the 20 somthing thai girls and there hubbies are all in a mess, out root'n, gambling, sponging of there hubbies. Same old storry.

    Ludditman-- everything you say is gold. I always have a good chuckle.

  14. unless you went to the amphur & signed a wedding registry then you are not legally married.

    Not true completely. The Family COurt of Australia has recognised a Thai Temple wedding without ampur registration as a marriage. Cost some poor soul his super instead of just 50% of assets gained in marrieage.

    Harrry. The only way that could happen is if they had a child or living together for a very long time.

  15. ]In my experience ladies that 'sell themselves' rarely mix well with respectable ladies.

    Yes that is true' date=' but the other way around, respectable ladies refuse to be around prostitutes


    These points are spot on. OP you say your makeing plans to marry. If a large sin sod comes up then you should start to worry. She has a child already so there realy should not be any..

    But good luck...

  16. [quote name='expatdreamer' timestamp='

    However, a young early 20s Thai girl (and I assume pretty and skinny as most of them are, particularly those getting married to a foreigner) would have many temptations and opportunities being thrown at her here in Oz from guys in their 20s, even just going into town for shopping during the day (let alone nightclubs on a Saturday night) so it would require a very faithful and loyal girl not to succumb to those temptations here in Oz.

    I hope so, she is heading out with her Thai gf saturday night ( she is cheating on her husban I found out as well) I hope some bloke sweeps her of her feet and she falls in total lust. When these two go out its like fly's to sh__ . Fingers crossed.

  17. All the best mate - sorry it didnt work out better for you. Maybe others lurking on this forum can learn from this. If you have any info you wish to share for others to avoid (eg was she a bar girl, what was the age difference, etc), then that might be useful.

    Thanks for the very good info... this is the 3rd time I have tried to respond to you.. so if it doubles up sorry..

    I am happy to give a back ground before all this happend.

    No she was not a bar girl.. Just working class with a uni degree in marketing. She had a good job, car ect..

    She actually lied about her age I thought I was 13 years older then her but after I got a copy of her pass port I found I was 17 years older.. I think this is way to much, not to bad if she was say 35.. but at 22 its to great..

    The sin sod was way to high 200000 baht for a pregnat women.. with no return, but I knew I did not pay she would not have our baby in Australia.

    So same old story, marrie close to your own age, and don't marry a very vain facebook junkie who is also addicted to thai soap's.

    One thing I did not know about is Hi So girls.. and the wantb to be Hi So girls and she is one of them.

  18. <snip>

    She will need lots of cash to pursue all this as well as a place to stay during legal proceedings.


    Your biggest fear should be getting hit with huge child support.

    Long post so I cut parts, please look above for full post

    First sentence: No, she will not need lot's of cash. The mother will get both sole custody and criminal kidnapping charges through the courts in Thailand for a hundred Australian dollars max. Paveena foundation will help her with lawyer for free even. She doesn't need lawyer for more than starting up the cases either actually, she will get the rest easily also if she comes alone to the court hearings

    Then translate kidnapping charges and sole custody decision to English and email to the abused mothers and child organisation of Australia or whatever it is called and she will get all the help she needs to plan and implement this, including free accommodation (provided by mothers) and free lawyer (provided by tax money). She'll need the airplane ticket only almost

    Second sentence: I dislike that sentence a lot! The OP's greatest fear should be not getting access to his child

    Yes Mike, I could loose my assets and pay what ever is needed but if I lost my child in anyway back to thailand or somthing that would crush me.

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