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Posts posted by CarolineInKrabi

  1. I was hit by a truck doing an illegal u turn in a very stupid place, whilst riding my large motorbike. I am badly injured and it will be at least 3 months before I will be able to walk.
    He admitted 100% fault and all the police reports are completed. My doctor gave me a letter explaining that I will be unable to work for 3 months because I will be in a wheel chair and I have other limitations.
    I have both Health insurance and full motorbike insurance and luckily he also has insurance. We used a combination of my insurances to pay the hospital bills with 38,000.00 not covered. His insurance pays the overage and is supposed to cover my rehab and medical expenses for the next 3 months.
    Is it worth trying to get compensation from the driver? I will have expenses that won't be covered by his insurance. For example I live alone and I am finding it very hard to get around and do simple things. I need a helper who has some experience with disabled persons as I am very new to this.
    I run my own business and I am already suffering financial loss in the wake of this accident. I had to close whilst I was in the hospital. The property is not wheelchair friendly and can not be converted. I have hired new staff and hope to reopen soon.
    My Motorbike was totalled, I am unable to drive and will have to use taxis to get to rehab and food.
    I have so many follow up appointments in my future and I worry that I will not be able to pay for them when the insurance runs out. Plus I don't have a clear understanding of any long term injuries.
    With no salary, extra staff, no income coming in and no savings, I worry.
    I don't want to take advantage of the situation, It was an accident and I am so happy to be alive. But I don't want to get screwed over either especially as life is going to be very tough for the next little while!
    I apologize if I have not been clear enough, the painkillers have turned me into a space cadet. Any advice you can give me or perhaps a shove in the right direction would be very much appreciated.

  2. Hi,

    I also need a qualified Physiotherapist. Did you have any luck finding one? I received some Physio at the New Krabi Nakharin Hospital and it was good but I would like to shop around a bit before I commit. I found another one in Krabi town near the chaofah pier but I have not visited yet. Any help you can pass on would be very appreciated.


  3. Wow I cannot believe it. I just went to my new trailblazer and tested it thinking that you might have made a mistake and it is TRUE. If I try to lock my new car without the remote key the tailgate remains unlocked. I can't even lock it manually. This is terrible because my partner has the remote key and I carry the other. I am upset that this has been made public because now I have to worry about my car and it's contents whenever I am out. BUT thank you for drawing it to my attention! I WILL be contacting Chevy too. This is a ridiculous mistake which should have been realised long before the car went on sale.

  4. Ton is good but expensive. I recommend V designs, he built my resort in one year and it is perfect. He has a great eye for design. check out my place <removed> Or e-mail him at <removed>. Don't let the name fool you he is not in interior decorating...he is an architect and a very good one at that. His attention to detail is excellent and he is on site, making sure that corners are not cut. I can not sing his praises enough!

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