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Posts posted by LUSHGOAT

  1. On 3/11/2018 at 8:45 AM, NobbyClarkey said:

    I am amazed by some posts. If someone brings kids to Thailand and they have a 100th of a tiny brain cell they know about Pattaya in advance. Don't take the kids to the girly bars and soi's! Don't go to Pattaya, Thailand is an amazing country with beautiful, educational and cultural intrests for all. Pattaya is Pattaya; has been, is and hopefully always will be Pattaya.

    I hope common sense (look it up, if you don't understand) prevails to the uneducated!




    Well said Nobby 20 out of 10 for your statement couldn't have put it better

  2. 3 hours ago, digibum said:

    I don't mind so much that TAT misrepresent the truth.  It's just that they're so bad at it.  


    Every good lie has an element of truth to it.  I find nothing said here evenly remotely possible. They might as well have said space alien tourism is picking up.  

    Every one seems to be commenting on what tat in Thailand says but sadly every government in every country are the same  they all lie through their teeth not to many of them could lie straight in their beds sadly we are living  in a very very corrupt world

  3. 11 minutes ago, farcanell said:


    Re read the article dude.


    the monk admitted (so guilty as charged) taking a stick to fighting dogs... and that one subsequently died... said dead dog was buried nearby.... no picture supplied


    the pictured dog, is supposedly alive, and going through a delouseing ritual.


    that there is a whistle blowing monk at this monastery is, contrary to your belief, a good thing, as killing (or beating) dogs is not a good thing, and people should be bought to account for the evils they do, wether monk or not


    or... especially because they are monks, given the teachings they espouse.... more worrying is that you seek to defend the actions


    its a pity that there wasn't an active whistle blower at the tiger temple of ill repute, or would you have condemned him, as well?


    further, that this story is about a dog, does not, in any way, mean that people are more concerned about abused dogs than abused people.... that's an absurd assumption... 

    READ my post DUDE I'm not defending him I said innocent till proven guilty yes he admitted to the dog being dead but it wasn't clear if the the dog died as a result of the fight with the other dog where is the video of the monk killing the dog why didn't the squealer supply proof ie video or more photos and if he strongly felt for the dog why didn't he stop the abbot from  supposedly killing the dog its a load of crap as far as I can see the dog the abbot is throwing in the water is NOT DEAD and people often throw their dogs in the sea or river to get rid of fleas seen my uncle do it loads of times and he loved his dogs. Also I'm not big into religion I think its a curse  it has caused more wars in the world than anything else so I'm not defending him because he's a monk. I'm sure you have been accused in the wrong sometime in your life did you like it. How often do you see posts with concerns about people been abused. I don't  agree with abuse of any kind let it be Human, dog, bird, insect or even machine.  

  4. This dog is not dead its moving the leg positions have changed and you are all criticizing the Monk and insinuating

    he did this dastardly deed what happened to innocent till proven guilty and the monk who put this up is no good anyway as he has no concern for his monastery bringing it into disrepute,  if indeed it is true there is more than one way to skin a cat oh sorry I mean dog. With people and children been abused everyday how can people be more concerned about dogs doesnt make sense to me. Also dogs are good swimmers I have often thrown my dog into the water shed come back out have shake she loved it sadly she was killed by a bloody bus speeding through the village where I live.

  5. 9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Are you seriously saying the police are checking up on tourists addresses? There are millions of them moving around every day.

    It's not happening, except for one farang got done for some reason we haven't been told about.

    No its computerized, when the hotel registers a foreign guest it goes into the computer then as he is registered at a different address it triggers a warning, its another way of keeping track of us its a bit stupid as we are tourists I guess they dont want tourists in Thailand  

  6. 6 hours ago, cncltd1973 said:

    Still unclear how immigration finds them, if they aren't at their registered address and the homeowner hasn't registered them. Anyone know how?

    Its easy when they register at another guest house or hotel they report to immigration, immigration then see they are not at the address they have  alleged  on the flight slip they  filled in  go to the present address and arrest them

  7. Most of you are talking bull students dont have respect for their parents or themselves let alone their teacher. We had a good teacher here non violent type didnt believe in corporal punishment then one day a little pup took advantage of him and broke his jaw because he had been reprimanded  for unruly behavior in class and I have seen it first hand myself. What about innocent till proven guilty of course the students are going to back each other against the teacher so thus you need an independent witness    

  8. On 9/24/2016 at 9:59 AM, Father Fintan Stack said:


    Your post made me think immediately of the Thai criminals that stole the Blue Diamond and other jewels from the Saudi Royal Family and then perpetrated a massive cover up that encompasses the Thai Police all the way up to the very top.


    This resulted in Thais being banned from travelling to Saudi (unless for pilgrimage) and Saudi diplomats allegedly being gunned down by Thai Police death squads in central Bangkok while they were here on a mission. Full diplomatic ties have not been resumed to this day.


    Sure, we foreigners have some really rotten apples in the barrel, but at least we are not rotten at the core. :smile:

    You know as well as I do all governments and their forces etc/ are rotten to the core people vote them in to care of them but  all they do is rip the people off and screw them every which way they can, only interested in lining their own pocket. I like your answer to my post I admit I never hear about that do you have link to where I can read about this.

  9. Death Penalty for all of them send a message do not come to Thailand to carry out your illicit businesses. I dont understand people coming to Thailand and imposing their culture on the Thai people if you want it like home stay at home do not come here leave Thailand as you find it. I spend a lot of time in Rural part of Thailand I love the food and the people are lovely what you get in the cities is what you foreigners have created.

  10. What a waste this could have been used to make cannabis oil to help people with cancer and other diseases more successful and better than the conventional crap. Dont get me wrong I have never smoked dope in my life and I reckon if they legalized cannabis there wouldnt be half as many young people getting hooked on hard core drugs. I have two friend one with Lupas and one with  Lymes disease and the say their quality of life has improved tremendously since taking cannabis oil. 

  11. On 9/15/2016 at 1:21 AM, Raymonddiaz said:

    so sad. Some thais just act like animal as far as love is concern. The government need to educate its people about love . So easy to kill because of love.....

    Ah come on it doesnt only happen in Thailand it happens all over the world. There are always plenty more fish in the sea but somehow some people are so very prone to tunnel vision when it come to love. Anyway so very sad condolences to both families.  

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