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Everything posted by Suradit69

  1. Yes the police should have been waiting to assist that passenger disembark.
  2. See Odd that no one in the airport boarding area noticed a bag left behind after all passengers had been processed and onboard.
  3. You’re perpetuating the confusion. Visas Are not extended. Permission to stay in Thailand may be extended. The visa will expire even if permission to stay is repeatedly extended, but without a reentry permit, the extension will end if you leave the country.
  4. For the first time in 16 years I allowed my 800,000 in the bank to slide below that amount and wanted to be sure of rules at Chonburi immigrations regarding having the full amount in place TWO MONTHS before the next renewal. I assume the following remains true.?? At least 800,000 baht for 2 preceding months (initial & renewals) o At least 800,000 baht for the 3 months after date of last application (renewals) o At least 400,000 baht for the remaining 7 months (renewals)
  5. Bankers have always become rich by screwing customers “legally.” Nothing new about that. This time the customer’s family organized the theft and did it crudely.
  6. I’ve often thought that flights from UK should show instructional videos regarding the use of balconies and elevators/lifts. Both seem to defeat so many of the visitors from Britain in particular.
  7. Apparently, based on the comments in this thread, the business of the big hand and the small hand remain a mystery to several people. The discussion dealing with hotel room keys also implies another bridge too far for a few posters. Deposits for room keys?? Do they also check to make sure the beds and curtains haven’t gone missing in these establishments?
  8. I found this article specifically comparing and contrasting the two drugs … I don’t think it’s been referenced above. https://www.goodrx.com/conditions/hypertension/lisinopril-vs-losartan-how-are-they-different i read, or think I did somewhere, that AstraZeneca was aiming to stop production of Zestril and transition to permitting generics to replace it, which seemed to be what some Fascino pharmacists told me.
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