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Posts posted by stu99

  1. Who would want to hits us over here in Bangkok?


    You're joking, right?

    Soft Targets. Bali. Mumbai. Google is your friend ...

    If the target was that soft (and valuable) surely we would've been hit multiple times here already -- is my thinking. Why now?

    These muslim radicals don't make sense at any time. Friday the 13th wouldn't be in their thinking. Targeting western children on Children's Day could be. London, Bali, Spain, even New York were all soft targets, innocent law abiding citizens are the terrorists bread & butter. Best everyone be extra careful & vigilant.

  2. I practice as a taxation and trust adviser, largely in the Far East, but also in Europe, a big part of that is pension management, remember a pension is a trust that is designed to provide a retirement income, they, the contributors, enjoy generous tax privileges when contributions are being made, the down side is that income is taxable, that said, this can be managed fairy easily in most cases, whilst that said, the scheme remains in a fully regulated and protected territory.

    Personally, I am alarmed to say the least at the continual abuse of QROPS schemes especially where the advice is provided in Thailand and some other non regulated countries in SE Asia, in particular the ongoing illegitimate use of such schemes to effectively “cash in” your pension, less of course a fat commission for the typically desperate salesman and companies concerned who clearly care very little for the victim enticed into such nonsense.

    There is indeed a small market for QROPS, and the basic principle is correct but very limited and should be done with the most extreme care by only a professional qualified and trusted adviser.

    I very much doubt Thai Visa will publish the names of the main protagonists, just in case though, abbreviated though they are MP, CDV, both companies are welcome to respond if they feel they have done nothing illegitimate, I have evidence to prove otherwise using at least one scheme I know of, a scheme based in New Zealand called Supalife, no doubt there will be others, I know for a fact this scheme is currently being investigated by HMRC and expect it to be struck off the QROPS list in the very near future, you have been warned.

    People coerced into such fraudulent actions by typically unqualified, and desperate salesman need to realize that the responsibility of the criminal proceedings sure to come when HMRC catch up with them rest solely on their shoulders as well as any future benefit including their state pension.

    This is inevitable, HMRC whilst not the fastest agency on the planet are still not stupid and will find those individuals who have been stupid enough to embark on such an irresponsible course of action.

    No doubt the salesman having made the hefty commission will have long gone probably to embark on you another scam. The companies concerned will also undoubtedly have renamed themselves once again.

    I do an honest job in a professional way, I do though find it a constant source of frustration, especially in Thailand that these criminals seem to be able operate at will, providing of course they don’t prey on Thai nationals.

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