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Posts posted by glenmohr

  1. On 7/19/2021 at 7:06 PM, La Quenta said:

    No i'm not joking. You get educated ( https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/freedom-index-by-country) - there is a difference but it's negligible. Considering Thailand never had colonialisation or extended war time to deal with, it's interesting that Thailand still ranks so poorly.
    On Corruptions index, they are totally identical (https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2020/index/tha


    Nothing I have said about Thailand is untrue. If you think so, prove it.

    And I like Thailand as well - im not sure why you think i'm attacking Thailand just because I happen to prefer Vietnam.

    You've arced up massively for some reason, and it is really not warranted. 


    Really not sure what this means.


    Because i've lived in Vietnam for years and I like it. I'm still here.



    I see you've clearly never visited or lived in Vietnam. So you clearly aren't qualified to comment at all. 

    Not sure Mr La Quenta why you are responding Doesn't the name " Madmen " give the show away? Otherwise your points are good ones made to some one who refuses to listen 

    • Like 2
  2. On 6/20/2021 at 1:27 PM, LongTimeLurker said:


    Source please.


    You're basically saying that they are requesting people who have illegally stayed to leave?


    And as for needing an exit visa? Sounds BS to me,you just leave when your current entry visa expires.


    Similar BS has been posted in this thread.

    Often the final extension in Vietnam is issued and described as an "exit visa" . that is a form of notice that it is not an extension but a notice to leave by a certain date. As a matter of total irony and contradiction I had an "exit visa" that was renewed as an inflagged extension the day before my exit. No more  requirement to leave, This is why it is harder to be dogmatic about Vietnam immigration as it is not consistent. I understand I am not the only one  




  3. On 8/29/2019 at 8:53 AM, shaurene said:

    No no he is not, it was already running into the ground. He is doing what the people voted for. The EU will screw UK into the ground as punishment. We do not need a deal. Many countries have already confirmed they will and want a free trade deal with UK. 


    Within a year of leaving UK will be booming. 

    We will. Have our old fishing areas back.

    you all thinking negatively. 

    Overlooking one very important item, what happens when Scottish troops refuse to shoot on the Irish in Belfast. I can assure you as a Kiwi no Commonwealth soldiers will volunteer to help you out, the bigger misunderstanding is that it is critical for a small country to get on with the neighbours, who can ever forget the stream of insults thrown at Europe by Faridge and his supporters, she'll be a rough road ahead particularly if Trump was to lose in 2020 robbing England of her main ally.

  4. 1 hour ago, dave moir said:

    It certainly looks like Thailand don't want regular visitors to Thailand! Within a few years there's going to be no westerners visiting Thailand at all. ????

    The former justifications for visiting and staying in Thailand are quickly evaporating.


    However the one remaining advantage is that some medical care and almost all dental treatment is worth coming for.


    Are there any visa categories that allow regular visits for medical/ dental reasons?

  5. On 4/26/2019 at 9:44 AM, bluesofa said:

    So he thinks he's taken precautions.

    I wonder if he's taken the precaution of wearing a bullet-proof vest that will withstand Thai army issued ammunition?

    Very good point Blue sofa, I was living in Philippines when a German business owner had a dispute with the locals, a meeting was held but it did not resolve matters. He died the same day. They could not tell how many bullets had struck him because his lifeless body had been  dragged from his pick truck up and  the aggrieved Filipinos proceeded to run over his body many times with their vehicle . There was a message in all of that but different folk read different newspapers. The golden rule for foreigners in Thailand is to remember it is their country and no Thai has ever heard of the Marquess of Queensberry.  If I were in his position I would take the precaution of moving to Ecuador, quickly.

  6. We would have to agree that in a community those holding doctor's degrees are among the group that spends the most time on education.

    It could not be more obvious that I am suffering from a pollution related sickness.

    Both the learned doc on Loy Kroh and the unrelated well qualified doc at Ram Hospital refused to treat my very serious and life threatening condition as smoke related. I could not help thinking that there is political pressure from above not to make too big a deal about the pollution issue 

    I've always observed that a westerner values his/her health as a top priority, not even Thai doctors seem to understand that



    • Like 1
  7. Speaking of Thailand generally, rape victims are supposed to be interviewed by a female officer and yet females are now banned from joining the RTP.


    90% of all rape complaints in Thailand go uninvestigated. Under the laws of Thainess only the man's version is admissible as evidence. Under the laws of Thainess therefore, all rape complainants are adjudged liars.  

    • Like 1
  8. 48 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    Thailand is not blocking the mother's comments.


    Evidence that the mother has shut up about it, let's see, well, there's no reports about it, how about that for evidence?  Has The Sun that pays for these stories and carried the first report from the Samui Time followed up with anything?  Don't think so.  Can you back up your "many interviews to the international media" claim?


    Even more importantly the alleged victim has not given an interview to the most obvious agency, the Thai police.

    She did give an interview to the Thai police on the neighbouring Island, they were not interested. The case is very widely reported internationally and when I offered to author something for publication outside Thailand I was informed the subject is getting wide coverage already. If she had any further contact with the Thai authorities they would simply "disappear" her and it would seem she is too wise for that.   

    • Like 1
  9. On 9/5/2018 at 6:10 PM, Just Weird said:

    That's the whole point, allegedly applies to everything that this girl apparently said.  Strange how she has not made one single comment anywhere about this story promulgated by her mother and  even her mother has now shut up about it.

    Where is the evidence that her mother has shut up about it? Outside Thailand no country is blocking her Mother's comments but more importantly the victim has given many interviews to the International media 

    • Haha 1
  10. On 6/16/2018 at 8:57 AM, jesimps said:

    Whether she's guilty or not (I think not), nothing compares to the overthrow of a legitimate government by the military who are sworn to serve the electorate ie the government, in a democratic society.

    That's the reason no country will extradite her. Nobody likes backstabbers.

    There is also almost no country that has a law against paying subsidies to farmers, she can only be extradited if her host country has the same law on farm subsidies as Thailand 

    • Confused 1
  11. A woman has absolutely nothing to gain except ridicule and harassment in alleging a rape which did not happen. Except money. The evidence in this case is that she alleged rape while still in Thailand with nothing to gain financially from her assailant. Because she fled to another island miles away she divorced herself from any potential gain stemming from the accusation 

    • Like 2
  12. 1 minute ago, Nip said:

    Why be a journalist and swear to uphold the principles of reporting to the best of your ability and honestly then cower in a BBC bunker. As for myself I can say without fear of contradiction that I have displayed to all the courage of my convictions and applaud the various scribes who sacrificed their jobs to honour their convictions. I'm sure Mr Head has a very privileged insight to the goings on in Thailand but he chooses to remain mute.

    Is Nip your real name? if not there lies your answer 

  13. After many years of watching Thailand this has to be one of the worst cases of Lese Majeste that I have ever seen.


    If a rape victim is being raped on Koh Tao the victim must be able to produce photographs ( many from different angles) remain fully conscious during the attack and be able to give the authorities samples of semen and fingerpirnts of the alleged offender , Furthermore the email addresses and phone numbers of all witnesses must be provided within 12 hours of the event. During the attack reported the victim must use her best endeavours to stay alive so as to better report the incident to Big Joke.To forget or refuse to do all these things represents  a complete affront to Thainess, to the Generals and to all of Thailand's institutions. If the victim refuses to remain Thailand till after their visa has expired, that will also be considered an insult and a breach of Lese Majeste  

  14. On 1/21/2018 at 5:45 AM, Aj Mick said:

    The wheels are not moving at all, and are unlikely to ever move. Yingluck's conviction in Thailand (under the junta that overthrew the government she was elected to lead) was for something that would not be recognised as a crime in the UK..... Get over it.

    A couple of years ago Thailand sent out notices to 8 countries for the extradition concerning lese majeste offences committed outside and inside Thailand. Not one country responded or even acknowledged the approach. The problem with Thailand in this matter is their failure to understand that for extradition to be considered the supposed crime must exist in both countries. Given that Thailand's current political environment is  considered a joke worldwide Ms Yingluk and 100s of others are quite safe in their host countries 

  15. 9 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

    Going backwards?  Everything seems to be powering ahead around these parts.... New hospital.... Highway widening... A lot of private building happening.  Haven't seen this much action in a long time. Everyone seems to be doing OK. 

    Tanks and students heads.... You gotta be joking. 

    I think some posters are itching for violence for some inexplicable reason

    If you wish to see infrastructure powering ahead, go to the Peoples Republic of China, but it would be a very brave man who would state that the millions  folk doing the hard yards at the coal face enjoy any form of freedom 

  16. To posters such as Steven 100 and others who are afraid of the junta you have my sympathy and understanding. I used to toe the party line also for some of my life in the doubtful cause of stabilty.  However Thailand has so much stability now it would even choke a large horse But be informed that no country progresses in an atmosphere of fear and at the end of the day blood will need to be spilled again for a sustainable regime change to occur. Elections will not solve it for elections will not be held until the junta can guarantee the outcome. Now is the time for bravery not cowardice.  

  17. 5 hours ago, Thechook said:

    I think it has more to do with with hiso's like Suthep,  his mates and the military turning against the people and constantly staging coups if their people don't win.


     “I just want you to be thoughtful about the country a bit and have conscience enough to be able to think of some religious principles that we can apply to our present political problems,” he said. 


    Why doesn't prayuth listen to his own words?

    An international survey quoted Thailand as the most religious country in the world. Prayut wants more religion or spirituality when those 2 things are often the root cause of conflict in other regions 

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