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Posts posted by wisheewashee

  1. Had mine for over 20 years , at first drove me mad ,but know ive got used to it, because I realised

    my problem is nothing but a noise compared with other persons major problems .

    To help there are plenty of google play apps just search " tinnitus " . just find the one that suites you .

    But i am afraid you wont get rid of it ,only control your mind to except it .

    Hi just want to update you on what I posted above .

    I recently went back to Uk for a short visit and whilst have a meal of Chicken / Bell Red Green and Yellow Chilli's I noticed the sound in my tinnitus dropped by 60/40 % down , I thought nothing of it at the time , but when I got back to Thailand ,I tried it again and its gone down again , I searched Google and it also says that Bell Peppers are full of vitamins etc and also many say try these peppers to reduce tinnitus .

    So the moral of this story is .......... Peppers to you all.

    • Like 1
  2. I stopped 30 years ago , but if I had one last wish it would be to be with Kyle Monogue for one hour and have a fag afterwards ....

    In my opinion its your life you know the risks , what ever gets you through your daily life whether it is a drink or cigarettes

    enjoy what time you have on this earth and do it it a way that suites you only .

  3. Install Ghostery from chrome or firefox then click all the blue checks to red and it will remember every website that visits all your unwanted rubbish , do this to most of your websites you visit , then it will be

    trouble free and allow you get to your original site quicker without several others that listen to your web visits.

  4. No doubt , many will answer you ,but me I go for the simplest way that doesnt

    cost any money and that is :-

    1 .Download Google Chrome

    2 .go to your extensions in the right hand corner and in the search find Browsec VPN .

    you will see a green Browtec sign and click and change to one of the 4 countries listed.

    Then check your Google search and Find your IP address just to check and make sure it works.

    Its a free VPN and you can change the IP address UK / USA / Singapore / Netherlands

    I use 3BB costing 590bht a month and for the past year with it I use the Iplayer BBC / ITV / Channel 4 without problems .

    This is basic but works for me ,so because of that why pay an oversees provider .

  5. Hi I have used www.ic-myhost.com for 10 years

    English speaking

    Linux or windows with small , medium or large hosting .

    840.00 bht every year and that includes Domain and hosting

    Have Fun


  6. Hello

    I live in Autthaya and have done for 3 years , I have a shop at the Floating Market ,which was flooded badly 2010 and 2011 .

    Me i go by the Wat at the back of the Market were there is the old Temple ruins , to me when this area gets flooding ,then the next is

    the Market .

    At present 21st Sept , the inner canals are high but not overflowing onto the land , I hear reports of Ayutthaya flooding , but it is the surrounding rice fields .

    So at present no inner city flooding ,

    Regards Wishee

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