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Posts posted by drden

  1. Before we get the "Hounds and Flaming Torches" to go after the carriers, look carefully at the handset you are using.

    Old Handsets and handsets with OEM equipment (O2, Blueberry etc) seem to be the most prone to trouble. The next handset problem is the new ones there the retailer has re-loaded their version of the firmware, also causing trouble.

    1st point Congestion is caused by setting overload limits low around 50% usage.

    2nd point AIS have been blocking DTAC connections for some time now.

    3rd point No phone carrier owns their network. All networks are owned by TOT under the telecommunications concession agreements. Build, transfer ownership agreement.

    4th point AIS have replaced their ss7 network switching gear with chinese switching so there is compatibility problems.

    Orange have the best network, unfortunately they left Thailand so did the experts with them.

    Its not the handsets its the activities of telco competitors.

  2. Thaitanic,

    You can only keep your number going from one2call to subscription but not the other way around!

    You certainly can't keep your number moving to a different company...

    ahhh number portability!!!!! very complex issue in Thailand due to number allocations and mentality. Im still fasinated why non-thais cannot have post paid accounts - wait silly me "we might skip the country and not pay the bill"

  3. I thought the problem particularly for multi-nationals was the work-permits.

    At the end of the day, if you have a larce m/n with 5,000 + Thai employee's you will hit  the limit for Foreign employees very quickly.

    So easy to get the visa same-old same-old for the w/p, unless this visa allows you to work without a w/p - - - Doubt it !

    Alway treat what K.Manoo has to say with a grain of salt. He has very specific agendas.

  4. my number plate broke off , the police havent stopped me as yet .

    wonder if they will ??

    these bikes driving around without a plate has always puzzled me .

    No plate is usually a new bike, The police were doing a blanket pull over of every bike. When I complained about the 500B he told me that the 3 star general set the price. I got off with a 200B which is better then having the lic taken plus the 500B. Still not clear, then again TITS

  5. Does anyone know about a change to motorbike number plates. I was stopped by the police telling me that my number plate was invalid. It is the bangkok plate white with the red stripe. It is 17cm at the top but 15cm at the bottom. A very common plate design. He wanted to write me a B500 ticket.

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