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Posts posted by 123thaibourbon

  1. Welcome to Thailand! gambling is allowed on private yachts/islands offshore some kliks away, the ubiquitous hotel size massage parlors(brothels) are OK too, the White Lotus society & Khun Sa Inc are alive & well... all r

    oads lead back to Rome. follow the money trails, tails & tales respectively.. when some pretty boy Floydd tries to get a piece of the 'action' , better watch out! this is where Dr. TS fumbled on the goal line as he declared war on drugs & 'corruption'. in turn, unsavory characters like E. Anchanabutr (now dead) became a deployed henchman of the Bkk systemo machino. as the song goes, been around the world and seen alot of men; some rob you with a six-gun and some w/ a fountain pen.. or perhaps jolly green giant trac-hoes! ho ho ho

  2. At the end of the day, it seems that all of Thailands problems are centered around corruption, and that the whole question of corruption can clearly be placed in the lap of the Royal Thai Police Force. So get to the root of the problem.....Sort the RTP. Sack them precinct by precinct and put in place newly trained police who are paid good money and willing to end any corruption and uphold the laws of the country.

    All the sacked police can volunteer for reinstatement but if selected after investigation, must be retrained and start their careers from scratch.

    impossible, the culture of konrapchi(person for use) is pervasive in Thailand. the laws suck and the holy history is full of this crooked mentality...

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    the utter hubris of this PRC Mao style 8 pts of attention is as pathetic as it gets. the elites (amarti) are directly responsible for the rice debacle recent & past, persistent abject poverty in city slums, provincial villages/monthons & Thais abroad in low wage labor, a military dictatorship that the US govt has mistakenly backed far too long like so many others... et al agree, John Kerry may have mispoken a bit too soon. no people of any nation in this modern era desire such a tyrannical rule. like it or not, historians & political scientists in the free world will find such synthetic jibberish a footnote in their assessment of recent events. whomever crafted this vdo is full of more krap than a Xmas goose !

    just to clarify; I am referring to the vdo about John Kerry as it resembles unrealistic Maoist propaganda as depicted by Mr. Seeger. Human dignity and freedoms trump collectivism. the govt serves the people not vice versa. most of the privy council needs a good boot in the pants.. the wealth of Thailand is tremendous, beyond the disclosed CPB. yet many remain poor and looked down upon. these types of caste societies are on the brink of extinction in the 21st century. there is always an invisible (black) hand behind structural violence be it religion, despotism or nationalism out of control. focus must be on individual human rights first an foremost.

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  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    the utter hubris of this PRC Mao style 8 pts of attention is as pathetic as it gets. the elites (amarti) are directly responsible for the rice debacle recent & past, persistent abject poverty in city slums, provincial villages/monthons & Thais abroad in low wage labor, a military dictatorship that the US govt has mistakenly backed far too long like so many others... et al agree, John Kerry may have mispoken a bit too soon. no people of any nation in this modern era desire such a tyrannical rule. like it or not, historians & political scientists in the free world will find such synthetic jibberish a footnote in their assessment of recent events. whomever crafted this vdo is full of more krap than a Xmas goose !

    just to clarify; I am referring to the vdo about John Kerry as it resembles unrealistic Maoist propaganda as depicted by Mr. Seeger. Human dignity and freedoms trump collectivism. the govt serves the people not vice versa. most of the privy council needs a good boot in the pants.. the wealth of Thailand is tremendous, beyond the disclosed CPB. yet many remain poor and looked down upon. these types of caste societies are on the brink of extinction in the 21st century. there is always an invisible (black) hand behind structural violence be it religion, despotism or nationalism out of control. focus must be on individual human rights first & foremost.

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  5. "no people of any nation in this modern era desire such a tyrannical rule."

    You would be correct, if you were talking about the tyrannical rule of the Shinawatra dictatorship under the commie PTP.

    One side wants elections and the other wants military rule. Hmmmmm. Which side are communists? Wait, that's wrong. Stalin was a communist and he never got elected. Mao was a communist and he never got elected. Hmmmm. Why don't communists like elections? Which form of government likes elections?

    the reformed RTG will have many more appointed MP's & Senators et al.. the system will resemble the CCCCP for sure.

  6. the utter hubris of this PRC Mao style 8 pts of attention is as pathetic as it gets. the elites (amarti) are directly responsible for the rice debacle recent & past, persistent abject poverty in city slums, provincial villages/monthons & Thais abroad in low wage labor, a military dictatorship that the US govt has mistakenly backed far too long like so many others... et al agree, John Kerry may have mispoken a bit too soon. no people of any nation in this modern era desire such a tyrannical rule. like it or not, historians & political scientists in the free world will find such synthetic jibberish a footnote in their assessment of recent events. whomever crafted this vdo is full of more krap than a Xmas goose !

    How so? When the policy and it's disastrous implementation came from Thaksin's PTP. And as for the seeger thing all I have to say is

    "never trust a hippy" or in P. Seeger's case

    "never trust a proto hippy"

    lo & behold in May 2013, India rice cartel lifted the export ban. thus, plan to help Thai farmers failed eventually. regardless, the rice should have been milled, polished & stored properly as it has been stockpiled many times before. The alueron layer (bran) is valuable and supplements the nutrition of livestock/fish feedstuffs. Rural Thai farmers who mill their own rice leave some bran on polished grains. this is the best rice, but it does not store well..

  7. the utter hubris of this PRC Mao style 8 pts of attention is as pathetic as it gets. the elites (amarti) are directly responsible for the rice debacle recent & past, persistent abject poverty in city slums, provincial villages/monthons & Thais abroad in low wage labor, a military dictatorship that the US govt has mistakenly backed far too long like so many others... et al agree, John Kerry may have mispoken a bit too soon. no people of any nation in this modern era desire such a tyrannical rule. like it or not, historians & political scientists in the free world will find such synthetic jibberish a footnote in their assessment of recent events. whomever crafted this vdo is full of more krap than a Xmas goose !

  8. only in Thailand is there such knuckleheads and blowhards that envy the successes of an ordinary man. look at the lives of American Robber Barons, the late Steve Jobs, Nesta 'Bob Marley, Bill Gates, good'ol Warren Buffet.. people that CAPITALIZED and god forbid profited from supplying a demand plain and simple. given the poverty in Thailand and overwhelming poverty of global humanity (5b w/out internet).. thank goodness for people and salt-of-the earth families like the 'Shins'. get off your computer desk thrones and AC chambers where it is so simple to talk smack. look around, go upcountry to the Real Thailand and see what remains the log in your own eyes. until the elite oligarchies in old Siam begin to realize their sh*t stinks too, democracy shall remain an illusion/ dog & pony show.. ps with no pesky red-shirts around, the so-called loyal yellow shirts can return to tearing each other apart just like those good'ol days when American 'intelligence' lacked the juevos to tell them otherwise during the Vietnam era. sine cera

  9. no words suffice to bear the grief and burden the memory of those left to suffer these tragic losses.

    who is responsible for the grenades?

    next ?, is authoritarianism = representative/populist democracy or a form of religion, belief.. ?

    Is the Monarchy being used as a shield or trojan horse for the real agenda of an oligarchy of elitists in Bkk, the South & some provincial cities?

    are 'red-shirts' not loyal and reverent to The Royal Family?

    or less human?

    is Yingluck to blame for rice that was not properly milled and stored?

    are Thai peoples competing for global press with the bad politics in Ukraine?

    it is a crying shame, as Thailand has advanced regionally as an economic powerhouse and yet social and political flaws remain the weakest links.

  10. She cannot be responsible for the many years of corruption in Thailand. Her brother made efforts to resolve some and then given the bum's rush..fact is, Thailand took on the vast production of rice in SEA, esp Vietnam, w/out adequate facilities to test, dry, package & store properly.. simply greed by the rice mills. the aluerone layer on rice grain aka bran (most nutritious part-fed to livestock et al..) if not removed/polished will cause rot.. Thailand cannot be the rice hub until corrections are made.. YLS has been made a scapegoat for inept &/or scheming Rice moguls, they know who they are.. http://www.fao.org/docrep/t0567e/T0567E07.htm

  11. going back to the days-lapse- days of Phibun a true anti-Chinese megalomaniac, to the more recent Cambodian Despot Lon Nol who persecuted the Vietnamese et al during the Khmer Rouge reign of terror. TS nor YLS is of this ilk. Thetsuban is a horse of a different color. The US media is not covering the Red shirt rallies, although the truth of yellow-shirt high-brow superiority is being exposed.

  12. Woe to me,another loaded question Thai style. The Question Trap per se. As Warren Buffett often speaks of the ovarian lottery. Still today, most humans are born into 'poverty'. 5 of 7 billion do not use the www, internet call it what you will. From a young age, when able, they do hard dangerous labor on farms or factories. Some resort to picking garbage, prostitution, crime, renegade soldiers or doing nothing. Do pray tell me how is that something to value or create national identity? The shame becomes unbearable. Thus, the emergence of fundamental religious or radical groups of every stripe. Their law is 'god's Law' or whatever may be ascribed to. End result, as Charles Dickens so well understood; more children of poverty & ignorance, more workhouses, prisons, war & violence. It is a global elite of youth that attend high school or =, even less a university. Small enclaves in countries surrounded by a drowning sea of humanity. Thailand no exception.

    In my 25+ yrs learning about Thailand, a book written by Dr. Henry Holmes entitled 'Working with Thais' is most helpful. I only wish it was available to me during my years living there. It discusses the 11 types of smiles and other anecdotes...

    Thai society in general is similar to other places. Caste mindsets are still common. In my experience, well meaning Thais who are quite knowledgeable seem to test others( incl farangs) about things. Upon a given response, that becomes the end of the conversation. The trick is to pursue a 'correct' answer or politely request their reply. Otherwise, get hung 3 sheets to the wind and confirm their superiority over lesser beings. replace ignorance & want with tolerance & compassion, all else is Clap Trap!

    add those lost to pre-birth destruction aka abortion: If you represented the world in just 100 people, 48 would live on less than $2 a day. What do population dynamics mean for our future? http://j.mp/1aJ8gXA

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