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Posts posted by mcdiddly

  1. What is wrong with this US president? Being all cozy with the communist Cuban government. Before you know it relations between the two will be normalized, human rights will have massively improved in Cuba, and then all Cubans in Florida will want to move back to Cuba. Who is going to mow our lawns and build that Trump wall against illegal immigrants?! Aaah. / GOP mode off.

    The Mexicans!

  2. Oh .. and just to clairify...

    "The word zombie--in Haitian it is "zombi"--means "spirit of the dead." Voodoo folklore contends that Bokors, Voodoo priests that were concerned with the study and application of black magic, posessed the ability to ressurrect the deceased through the administration of coup padre--coup padre is a powder that is issued orally, the primary ingredient of which is tetrodoxin, the deadly substance of the notoriously poisonous fou-fou, or "porcupine fish." According to lengend, "a zombi(e) is someone who has annoyed his or her family and community to the degree that they can no longer stand to live with this person. They respond by hiring a Bokor..to turn them into a zombi(e)." (Keegan, www.flmnh.ufl.edu)"

    Us americans only sesatonalized it in books and movies.

  3. IS would have come to be even if we did not rid the world of a murdering,raping, corrupt regime that Saddam was ruling over. IS was statred by a Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who set up Tawhid wa al-Jihad in 2002. After the US-led invasion of Iraq, Zarqawi pledged allegiance to Osama Bin Laden and formed al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), which became a major force in the insurgency. After he died, AQI created an umbrella organisation, Islamic State in Iraq.

    We did train a lot of the Generals in IS but at the time they were Iraq Officers. Military in that region are mostly made up of untrained cowards. They will drop their arm and change sides at the drop of a hat. Whoerever pays the most or seems to be winning.

  4. This problem was created long before Bush. Reagan should have never let Saudi Arabia sell US weapon to Saddam .. Then we would not be in this position!

    Thank you George W Bush. Still cleaning up your mess

    Thank you George W Bush Tony Blair. Still cleaning up your mess

  5. We supported Iraq when they were fighting Iran over the southern boarders but we were never buddies, Saddam never like the agreement he signed in 75. As far as Afganastan goes it was the Mujahideen that the US backed, after the war a radical group of the Mujahideen became the Talaban ..

    if they start to kill people here, will the US intervene ?

    i guess not

    internal affairs of the country

    iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, that was more than probable an inside job to START WARS ! nothing more, nothing less, same as PEARL HARBOUR

    how many americans know that Saddam was a good friend of the US, while fighting IRAN ???

    how many americans know that the taliban was a good friend of the US, while fighting the ex-USSR ???

    war means big business for a small conglomerate of war mongers

  6. The army would go to the internet providers in Thailand (cellular, cable ..ect) and have them close access to any national or international IP address.. They can still allow bank to use for transaction purposes by supplying them with an IP reservation.. time consuming but very feasible

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