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Posts posted by SLESQ

  1. Ram Hospital staff called to inform me today that this excellent physician has left Ram Hospital. No one at Ram would tell me over the telephone where Dr. Kaset Chimplee moved his practice. As Dr. Kasset has been my “primary care” physician for many years, I gently pressed on with my inquiry. I was eventually told Dr. Kaset left Ram this month (it must have been this week) to take up a teaching post in Chiang Rai at "Mae Fah" University Hospital. in Chiang Rai. I now find It is pronounced locally as "Mae Sah" University Hospital in Chiang Rai,

    Sadly, I can’t find any internet reference for Mae Fah University Hospital In Chiang Rai, (but I do find one in Bangkok. However, telephone calls there 02-266-4360 in English are useless. I’ve asked a Thai speaker to call on my behalf, but as it seems clear Dr. Kaset is no longer at Chiang Mai Ram Hospital, please tell me another endocrinologists at Ram or perhaps Bangkok Hospital in whom you have confidence from long term personal treatment, and not just by referral.

  2. It seems the issue for many is how to avoid paying for a new visa. Please help me with this: My son and his friend are students between University and Grad School taking a year + off to be here in Thailand as tourists. They are willing to pay for the 90 day visa a few times to allow them to stay in LOS for a full year plus (about 340 to to 420 days).

    They are just tourists and want to explore and photograph the National Parks and beaches.

    • Can they do this following plan and legally stay in LOS for up 420 days?

    They entered LOS on visa exempt status and got a 30 day extension for 1,900 THB to cover them for the first 60 days.

    Now they plan to go to Laos and apply and pay for a " 90-day" visa.

    I understand they must after returning to LOS from Laos apply after the 1st 60 days for the last 30 day extension. Does that also cost us 1,900 THB? (I hope I understand this correctly) - giving them a total of 150 days in LOS).

    After 150 days (that last extension), they will want to go to another neighbor land (Vietnam or Malaysia) to apply for a new "90-day" visa with the same need as above to apply for the last 30 days extension (giving them 240 days total in LOS). Will these consulates also give them a new "90-day" visa for one two more times thus allowing them to arrive, stay, leave and return to LOS for their planned 330 to 420 days holiday?

    I see most people go to Vientiane or KL because getting a visa on arrival is easy there.

    • Can they get a visa on arrival in Ho Chi Minh City?
    • Will the consulate in Ho Chi Minh City also grant them a "90-day" visa?

    Thanks very much.

  3. Folks, let there be no miss-quotes or errors: statements I make are for my self alone and not for Andy Hall or any member of the Defense Team; I am not the spokesperson for the team nor anyone on the team but myself.

    My proclamation of innocence of the two lads is neither emotional nor made in a vacuum, nor from undisclosed or hidden knowledge.

    I base my opinion of innocence of the two lads on more than 25 years trial work in the USA, more than 200 criminal trials and more than 2,000 torts and mass-tort litigation cases I tired and/or supervised where crime and accident scenes have been investigated and witnesses (forensic, medical, and fact) have been examined and cross examined.

    Most certainly I am not a fortune teller or an astrologer or a professor of black science, but a thoroughly knowledgeable trail lawyer who has made my own fair share of errors but on this case I am to a professional degree of certainty sure that given the crime scene as described and shown in the media (many from the investigating police who posted their trophy pictures on their own Face Book pages), Hanna's rape and the murders of both Hanna and David were not committed by these two hard working and gentle lads.

    While the defense team feels they must be more circumspect and fair in their assessment, I am not under any such belief or restraint. I do NOT speak for the Defense Team but for my self alone.

    While I appreciate the detective work going on over the internet and on this forum in particular, and while some of your theories can help, the silliness of a few others on this forum is excused and understood as coming from bored and boring arm-chair mock-lawyers and mock-warriors.

    If any with actual criminal and murder trial courtroom experience who are lawyers or experts in the fields in discussion, or experts in the filed of accident/crime scene reconstruction, wish to discuss this case with me by e-mail, phone, Skype, or in person, please send me an IM so that we might start. To send me an IM click on my Scales of Justice logo to the upper right of this box.


  4. Accept that Thais know how to speak and use English better than anyone. Period. What do they care how words in English are defined and used by English speakers and English writers. How many more examples does anyone need: democracy, justice, or even here, "crack down." Check out a few definitions below just to be sure,OK, and then accept that any Thai, especially the elite, is then free to use what ever definition he or she chooses to use.

    crack·down (krăk′doun′) n.

    An act or example of forceful regulation, repression, or restraint: a crackdown on crime.

    American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

    crack•down (ˈkrækˌdaʊn) n.

    the severe or stern enforcement of laws or regulations.

    [1930–35, Amer.] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Thesaurus - AntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

    crackdown - severely repressive actions

    Noun: crushing, quelling, stifling, suppression - forceful prevention; putting down by power or authority; "the suppression of heresy";

    "the quelling of the rebellion"; "the stifling of all dissent"

    Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


    noun clampdown, crushing, repression, suppression The government have announced a

    crack down on welfare fraud.

    Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

    Crackdown noun

    Sudden punitive action:

    clampdown, repression, suppression.

    The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

  5. We have a lovely small orchard with more than 20 varieties of fruit bearing trees; two are what my staff call "gratoan," or it sounds like that. It could be "kratoan." When in good bloom the bright green leaves often sprout red ones; it's a real beauty.

    Then we also get some really ugly "bubbles" on the green leaves. Not much to cause concern about before as the tree fruits once a year with soft-ball size luscious sweet & sour fruit with a great strong flavor.

    But this year, while some fruit is seen growing, the infestation is overpowering one of the two trees (planted about 15 meters apart) as can be seen below.

    Please help me identify the pest and ways to control or rid the trees of them. Thank you.






  6. It's such a pity this nation that once appeared to be really great can't keep up that appearance and sees no reason to do more than just pretend. We who see the "controllers" are naked, as the fabled emperor who wore no clothes, are told to shut up because we don't understand the culture of the nation. Well, every nation gets the government it deserves. It's such a pity, really.

    • Like 1
  7. A good question raised by the guys with inherited ivory bits and pieces, or long ago legally bought items that have been legally acquired in or brought to this corrupt land where law enforcers are expected to be crooked.

    Owning 19 (just counted) small items collected over many decades that include several 200+ year old Japanese Netsuke, and similarly aged Chinese pen holders, to Empire era (about 100 year old) paperweights, all neatly placed in curio cabinets and easily visible to any of the crooked authorities who might venture into my drawing room, I stopped collecting these more then 25 years ago when I realized the harm they represented and knew I would have no stomach to collect more. But what to do with the existing bits and pieces was never answered. Years later I brought them all here with my other personal possessions.

    Now it seems clear: I must photograph them, pack them up, dig up and copy old purchase receipts, auction catalog images, reports of sales, and bring them to where......? Referred to as the Department of Antiquities but actually a department of the Chiang Mai National Museum, Chiang Mai - Tel. 0 5322 1308 (see by way of example only: http://a.northernthailand.com/chiangmai-cultural/buddhism/565-how-to-export-buddhas-out-of-thailand30.html) they can issue an export license that can perhaps serve as a certificate of authentication and registration I presume. Nice people they are as I've had to work with them when sending presents overseas to family and close friends, and very professional too, contrasted with the so many other authorities at the border crossing areas (including airports) who have a hand out to take money or steal our lawful possession only because inherited or bought long ago there is no proper documentation.

    The problem may be the Department will want to affix a large tag that will make any future display a bit awkward, particularly as I expect it will be my children who inherit and will want to remove them when I am beyond caring and reach.

    The "Department of Antiquities" should be able to quickly identify a small private collection form a hoard of illegal contraband. Well....., that is the hope at least. Perhaps as well they can provide another form of registration and identification other than an as yet not-needed export license.

  8. This morning, MWRN's international affairs advisor Andy Hall, accompanied by HRDF's Mahachai project coordinator Aye Mar Cho and also Heidi Anna, visited Koh Tao case defendants Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo at Koh Samui prison.

    This visit was MWRN's first since 12th January during which past time MWRN however continued to organise, supported by MWRN's Justice: Koh Tao case fundraiser, for 3 visits a week to the guys by our Koh Samui network.

    Today we met Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo primarily as a humanitarian visit to check their health and welfare, so as to give them a chance to engage outsiders and provide them emotional support. But we could also update them on the ongoing and extensive work of the Koh Tao defence team lawyers in Bangkok and the situations of their families, especially Wei Phyo's father, in Myanmar. We informed Wei Phyo that his father and mother were being provided a lot of support and all operation costs for his sick father, who is now conscious, eating and speaking, were covered. We could also inform both guys of how the Rakhine migrant community in Thailand is currently supporting both of their families with money every month to make up for the temporary loss of a child breadwinner.

    After the visit, MWRN was able to deposit some donated books, Facebook support messages and letters for the guys. In addition, we could show the guys all the Facebook letters and donated books during the visit. MWRN also deposited funds into the guys prison bank accounts, one of which was running quite low in cash, and we purchased for them water, mama and canned fish.

    During today's visit, both guys looks visibly healthy and strong. Both smiled and laughed throughout. In contrast to the other prisoners around, both wore new matching Lanna style clean and smart looking shirts they said they purchased inside the prison recently for 120 baht each. Wei Phyo had sown on the left side of his new t-shirt a beautiful dove, and when asked about it, said it was a symbol of hope and also joked with smiles that it was too a symbol that he wanted to fly away from his existing situation. Zaw Lin had sown on the left hand side of his shirt only his name.

    Today we had a good chance to chat and exchange with both of the accused on their feelings and reflections.

    Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo have now been incarcerated for almost 150 days in Koh Samui prison and, although they said they remained strong and healthy in body and mind and they said prison is not a big deal for men like them, they both said they still find the incarceration challenging at times and they want to be out of the prison as soon as possible, particularly as both insist that even though they were not perfect sons, they were not involved in any way in the heinous Koh Tao murders. Both said being in prison was the worst experience in their lives.

    However, both guys said that because of all the support and regular visits they have received since their initial incarceration from so many different people, and all the letters, drawings, pictures and Facebook print outs they received, as well as Myanmar reading books and learning English language books, stationary and note pads, they had managed to avoid too much depression or stress inside the prison and keep up hope and strength for a future with their families back in Myanmar.

    Both Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo said today they would never give up hope of freedom, truth and justice and would indeed fight both for the dignity especially of their parents but also their country. Both said that if not for the support they had received, they would surely have already lost hope in ever returning to see their families and country again. Both insisted they are sure they will soon be free of this existing nightmare when justice is achieved in their case.

    Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo today talked about poor translators during their arrest and interrogation by police as well as physical abuse as being the main cause of their wrongful detention and prosecution. However, both insisted it was their karma to be in this poor position and they importantly did not want to blame any particular individual for the wrong that has already befallen them.

    Both Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo said they longed for the day to be able to tell the truth and speak up by themselves, as for now they have been wrongfully silenced. They said they are dedicated to find justice from this case and their recent challenging experiences.

    Both guys said that whilst some people strongly believed in their innocence and some may think they were actually guilty, they were both certain that a greater being knows for certain they were not involved in the killings.

    Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo said that in jail, they had also met and spoke to people, including many from Myanmar, who were not bad people and heard stories from prisoners who alleged it was actually bad people outside of prison that resulted in them being incarcerated and unable to speak out for truth and justice too. Both guys said they received as much important support from people inside the prison as they did from people outside.

    Zaw Lin and Wei Phyo both stressed how grateful they both were for all the support and understanding they have in the past and still now received from others.=


  9. The happy news is that even in Thailand it is the heavy burden of the prosecution to prove the guilt of defendants by a preponderance of all evidence presented, to beyond a reasonable doubt.

    While some here appear to like to play banter games or want to compel others to in this forum prove the defendants’ innocence that is not going to happen, here or in court.

    Sadly as most often happens in these forums, very good discussions devolve into sloppy patterns of anger, frustration, and poster-bashing.

    We hope you guys can keep up the good hard speculation into what could have happened, who could have been involved, who has knowledge that we may yet locate, and encourage witnesses to come forward to talk to the Defense Team.

    I hope you guys can avoid engaging with those few who seek to derail the topic for their own very strange-to-me purpose. They don’t deserve your time to respond. Ignore them please and keep the good talks going.

    This is a death-penalty case; there is little that is funny or to joke about. We believe the preponderance of the presently available evidence does NOT point to these two lads as being guilty but we can always be surprised. This is why I encourage you all to keep up the good talk, and the private conversations too that will lead to helping these two innocent young men in material ways.

    I’ve just read about a Brit who seems to have escaped Thai Justice and wonder if there are lessons here we should learn more about?

    Brit is acquitted of murder according to Samui news. See Post # 6 at http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/793650-brit-on-bangkok-murder-charge-acquitted/?utm_source=newsletter-20150121-1545&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=news

    I see no reason to talk about that case here, but… that defendant seems to have lawyered up right away and avoided both a tortured confession and the spectacle of a crime scene re-creation that suspects don't have to perform in, but are tricked into if they don't know or have counsel.

    Perhaps some of you know that just acquitted man’s lawyer. We would like to try to contact him. Send me a private message (click on my Avatar and ID to the upper left here) and please tell me.


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  10. post-147580-0-74076100-1420982073_thumb.

    The government of Myanmar is standing behind its citizens, conducted its own investigation and found compelling evidence that the two lads are innocent. This is most unlike some other nations who abandon their own citizens to “Thai-style” justice.

    The government of Myanmar is paying ONLY the costs to maintain their two citizens: cost in prison and to bring their parents and other moral/religious supporters to the jail to tend to the emotional needs of the young, innocent men. It will also pay to have its citizens return to testify in Thailand, or provide safe places in Myanmar for testimony to be taken there.

    All defense legal fees are waived. There are no lawyers on the Defense Team being paid by anyone. We do this work for free, for the public good, called Pro Bono Publico, as part of our obligation to justice, real justice not Thai-style justice.

    The prosecution is being fully paid and fully supported in all its costs by the Thai government.

    The Defense Team has a formidable opponent, not the few silly voices on this Forum but the full power and force of the Nation against two innocent young men.

    There are members on this Forum who know nothing and pretend to know all. Shame on those people who either cruelly think they are being funny or they are just lonely, sad, terrible people.

    We on the Defense Team need help to help the two innocent lads. We trust that the bulk of the people on this Forum are good and intelligent,who want to know the truth, and who will listen to their own hearts, as well as to real facts as we are are able to dig them out and present them in court.

    We will not discuss our tactics, strategy, or the facts outside of court, no matter how many taunts are offered by a few silly, know-nothing folks on this Forum.

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  11. post-147580-0-68550500-1420961278_thumb.

    Andy Hall posts on his Face Book pages: “MWRN accused fair trial defence team's [defense] fund is now empty....”

    I am NOT here asking for funding or support.... this is for information only.

    We are grateful for the support of the Myanmar government and people.

    While the Governments of some nations offer little or no litigation help when their citizens run into trouble, the government of Myanmar officially has proclaimed the innocence of these two lads following it's own independent investigation (fully shared with the Defense Team) and is paying all costs in Myanmar to search for and encourage their citizens to return to Thailand for the trial. That government is also paying the costs to bring the lad's parents and important religious support to the trial. No Aussie, Brit, or citizens from other nations has seen or expects their own government to do as much.

    Very few if any incarcerated inmates when acquitted and released ever succeed in suing the arresting nation, even people held improperly on death row for decades. No one has the right to expect the two lads here to recover a baht when this ordeal is over... We hope they leave this land with the lives and for that, we will be very happy.

    We anticipate out-of-pocket costs alone (coach air fare, modest hotel with meals and local transport) for the 3 month long period of testimony (July, August, & September) will exceed 1 million THB and that does not leave any money for the first / next 6 1/2 months to prepare properly for the trial.

    Some are thinking of raising funds by making and selling T-shirts. Others have more ideas. Please do all you can as these kids are truly innocent.

    To see the evidence the prosecution does not have (in the haha..."perfect case") and to then not to be able to put on a proper defense can make us all ill. And yet if we can’t pay for a proper defense, we will be calling for a Royal Pardon or these lads will surely die!

    Please send me a private message by clicking on my logo or nick name to see my profile page, and then click on the “send me a message” button. I will reply to all relevant and polite inquiries.

  12. post-147580-0-19006200-1420892850_thumb.

    A Face Book supporter of the two lads just posted this on her page:

    Last December the families of Hanna and David, using the British FCO, issued very damning letters that appeared to support the RTP and go after out two innocent lads. The headlines of the day read, “Family of Brits murdered in Thailand say evidence convincing"

    How can they say this.......Have they seen the Police Statement??? Surely Not. If they did then why would have made this announcement.

    They have been misinformed... What can we do as a group is the question?

    Well we could make their friends aware of what the truth is. For one. We have the letter. I have spoken to Maya Foa at Reprieve and asked her to call me.

    She has confirmed its Genuine. If you’re unsure it has her email on it send her a mail ( KT4 )

    So what does everyone think?

    You can sit pulling stills of the snippets of video the Newspaper channels show and do that for years but it will not change a thing. The Thai police have hours of it not just a few seconds here and there, and they are not going to give it all to any of you on here.

    The only chance we have got to make a difference is in the UK. Raise awareness of the fact that the Met done no tests nothing you have all read the letter I guess.

    Some Potential people who we should contact

    1. Friends of the deceased.
    2. Local MP's................... Don't forget its an election soon so not only Conservative MP's like Brandon in Yarmouth but his opponents who should hold the UK government to task.
    3. News organisations in the local area.
    4. Any groups that the victims belonged to.
    5. Number 10 email
    6. Hugo Swire FCO

    You can sit with aching arms splitting movies all day long but it will be fruitless. The B2 need an Independent DNA test. A thorough independent verification of evidence by 3rd Party detectives, which is what David Cameron led us to Believe, was going to happen. We can’t make them do this. BUT The families can. Friends of David & Hannah can. Last weekend they had a day for Hannah near Yarmouth. These are people who care about Hannah. All these people should be made aware of our governments failings in this case.

    Talk is CHEAP Mr Cameron....


    Send me an IM if you want to organize fund raisers or make a contribution of your own.

    The amount of money we need is simply daunting….


  13. “Mr SLESQ, my father taught me never to ask for handouts. This way of collecting money will net you a small amount that will certainly be gone in a few weeks. The kind of international defense that the defence needs is going to cost hundreds of thousands. May I suggest a more lucrative way of earning funds? This would elicit funds from all of the Thai supporters and foreign supporters.

    May I suggest planning a proper “organized meeting?” If done correctly and well planned it could probably net almost all u need for the duration.

    May I suggest start planning now? School holidays are March and April. We could probably hold 2 in Thailand. First you need to plan a large venue. U can ask for donations for that. Then organise booths for sale and proceeds to boys. (You add… less our expenses).

    The lawyers can come. Andy can come, the CSI lot will come . And of course I will be there.

    The defense team has 2 months to plan this.

    Let's make a list shall we:






    GC can open a second hand sales booth. I have many old books and stuff. I can ask other people to donate stuff. All proceeds to boys.

    I have free time during Sunday. I can be responsible for collecting names.no real name thank you. As we might have an accident. Who would like to contribute to a fundraiser?
    Show of hands please



    Thank you for your excellent suggestion. It is worthy of being followed up on.

    To not further violate, or even risk violating the TVF rules, I have changed your words and refer to your suggestion as planning for an “organized meeting” to help the lawyers for Win and Zaw conduct all the work needed to do, much more than just provide a show defense for the lads, and to save their lives.

    We are now forming Action Groups that your good suggestion seems ripe to become another one. A purpose of these groups is to support the work of the Defense Team and not draw more of their time for tasks that go beyond their experiences and distract from their prime job.

    I am a retired America trial/business lawyer consulting with the Defense Team; others on the Defense Team are active senior counsel admitted to practice law in the Kingdom who are skilled at trial and defense work. Others who work with the lawyers would be called Paralegals in the States. We also seek to use university and graduate students who will volunteer to do the needed paper work in Bangkok to prepare for the lawyer’s work.

    Raising awareness and funds is not my forte or even in my skill set, and yet we have a many pronged approach, only one of which is to monitor websites and public forums to gain support and learn of good ideas, such as yours to hold an “organized meeting.”

    We each are doing what we can to help, working without fee or payment of any kind, each underwriting his/her own costs. Some of the work being done by the Team and Groups should not be publicized for clear and obvious reasons. About using gathered funds to pay for direct costs: we are asking EVERYONE, vendors alike, to donate what they can even venue space, to make these all zero-loaded events.

    As you seem well versed in the “organized meeting” approach, would you please start this new Action Group, put the group together, organize tasks based the strength of individual skills, and help us to do what we can do so well, when we put our minds and actions to this good purpose.

    I will post most of this letter on the TVF pages and as well on Face Book to try to garner more support and needed skill and bodies to complete the tasks you have already started to organize.

    Please share with me your e-mail address (preferably a Gmail and not Thai-based server to try to maintain security – you are getting mine by this Instant Message – IM). We have no need to share our real names or email addresses on these forums. But for building trust and ease of working relationship’s we must start with these basics.

    All who are interested to work with “greenchair,” and who resided in Thailand, please send me an Instant Message.

    “Greenchair,” I suggest that you as organizer should contact the TVF leaders to gain their support of open discussions of your “organized meetings.”

    For those who are not in Thailand, you too can organize your own “meetings” that will help the Defense Team. Contact me and I will work with you all.

    Thank you again for your good suggestion. We need you and more like you to help with these good ideas, and action.

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  14. post-147580-0-46601200-1420416093_thumb.

    Gentlemen, I hope and trust you all are. A wee bit of fun....? The lives of not just these two innocents are at stake, but this is also a contest between the rule of law in the Kingdom of Thailand vs.the rule of thugs on a few tiny islands that besmirch the reputation of all the good people of Thailand, and we visitors who choose to live here and invest our fortunes for a better way of life.

    We are nearly out of funds and our work has not even started. The Defense team will meet this week to map our strategy and tactics, plan our budget, and set our path for the next 7 months leading to the start of taking testimony.


    /Mod edit: 22) Members are forbidden to ask for or accept donations, gifts or commissions from other members, any charities must contact support for approval before joining. before joining to be approved. http://www.thaivisa.com/contact


    Here are some videos that I hope you all will republish to all your contacts the world over. I have not rechecked the links but think I've removed blogs that the TVF police don't like, and hope the links work.





    Thank you sincerely on behalf of Win and Zaw

  15. post-147580-0-86223300-1420206156_thumb.

    This is an important point: Criminal Justice Cross Border Mutual Legal Assistance can be available. The matter is not settled in Thailand but it appears likely
    Thai courts will allow testimony to be taken out of Thailand and in a court house of a foreign nation where the testimony will be taken.

    1. The Criminal Justice (International Co-operation) Act 1990 Order 1996 No. 2878


    The Criminal Justice (International Co-operation) Act 1990 (Amendment) Order 1996


    19th November 1996

    Laid before Parliament

    29th November 1996

    Coming into force

    1st January 1997

    At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 19th day of November 1996

    Schedule 1 to the principal Order (which defines the institution of proceedings for the purposes of article 2(5) of that Order) shall be amended as follows—

    (e)after the entry relating to Switzerland, there shall be inserted the following— "Thailand.... when a court... issues a restraint order."

    2. Mutual Legal Assistance („MLA‟) is the formal way in which countries request and provide assistance in obtaining evidence located in one country to assist in criminal investigations or proceedings in another country. Due to the increasingly global nature of crime MLA is critical to criminal proceedings and ensuring justice for victims of crime. The UK is committed to assisting investigative, prosecuting and judicial authorities in combating international crime and is able to provide a wide range of MLA. https://www.gov.uk/.../MLA_Guidelines_2014.pdf

    3. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/626919-uproar-over-thailands-constitution-court-ruling-on-evidence-from-overseas/

    Posted 2013-03-19 07:44:30

    Uproar over ruling on evidence from overseas
    Opas Boonlom,
    The Nation

    BANGKOK: -- The Constitution Court's decision to reject witness examinations in foreign countries has caused an uproar in the justice system and courts across the country that have adopted the practice for many decades.

    The senior court recently ruled 5-4 that the provision in Foreign Cooperation in Criminology 1992, which stipulates that evidence derived from investigations in foreign countries was acceptable, clashed with the Constitution.

    The court said the provision violated legal principles as it limited the rights of defendants in criminal cases since they had no chance to examine or contest the evidence.

    They also lacked legal assistance from lawyers on evidence and testimonies derived from abroad. As a result, defendants were deprived of chances to fight the case in a fair manner. Besides, one of legal principles was that criminal investigation should be carried out in the presence of the defendants.

    The provision therefore transgresses Articles 3 and 29, the court said. Criminal Court chief justice Thawee Prachuablap said Thai courts had allowed witness examination conducted abroad, even before the act went into effect by taking recourse in Article 34 of the Civil Procedures. "A number of cases and many courts across the country will be adversely affected by the Constitution Court ruling because these courts must follow the top court's decision. Most witness examinations abroad are investigations of prime witnesses. Since the court has arrived with this decision, all witness examinations done in foreign countries are no longer valid, affecting all trials involving foreign witness examination," he said.

    Thawee said he would call a meeting of criminal court judges and court management officials to decide on guidelines and practices as a result of the top court's decision. However he did not rule out the possibility that the Constitution Court would review its decision if a complaint was filed seeking a revision. He said that because the ruling was a 5-4 decision, it was likely the judges may change to the decision, especially if there was a change in the court panel.

    The court issued the ruling after Pol Lt-General Somkid Bunthanom, a defendant in the murder of Mohammad al-Ruwaili filed a complaint with the court that the witness examination out by prosecutors on Pol Lt General Suwichai Kaewpaluk in the UAE was unconstitutional and the prosecutors could not use his testimony as evidence in court. Al-Ruwaili was a Saudi businessman close to the Saudi royal family abducted and killed after travelling to Bangkok to investigate the Blue Diamond theft.

    -- The Nation 2013-03-19

    4. http://www.hcch.net/index_en.php?act=authorities.details&aid=485 Bilateral Conventions on judicial co-operation:Republic of Korea [2000] ATS 5 and Thailand[1998] ATS 18.

  16. post-147580-0-36655200-1420000646_thumb.

    The Koh Tao Case has been officially recorded on Wikipedia . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ko_Tao

    The article is a bit outdated as the opening Court round on 28 December 2014 set forth a schedule: Prosecution witness hearings set as 8th July to

    28th August 2015. Defense witness hearings set as 1st September to 25th September 2015.

    But as references are needed, and updates by me would be biased... perhaps others less publicly involved and with references to major media sources will do this for us all.

  17. post-147580-0-23162900-1419949691_thumb.

    Your discussion is as refreshing as it is honest and open. Thank you.

    All the evidence in the world will not help the two lads if we do not have the money to pay the out-of-pocket costs to attend to Defense tasks now and for the next 7 months. Those duties include but are not limited to: Meetings with fact and science witnesses; conducting our own independent investigations/tests, etc.; and be fully prepared to attend testimony in Koh Samui as well as perhaps Myanmar and a EU nation were witnesses are safe and can/will give testimony in those local courts. Thailand will pay for the prosecution team to meet all these costs; we have only you, the donor base to help the Defense Team pay theirs.

    Here is a partial listing of the costs that must be met:

    Domestic Coach return flight BKK to Kho Samui - many trips

    International coach return flight BKK to Yangon - several trips

    International Coach flight BKK to EU city to be decided

    Expat food & Bev - on trips

    Local food & Bev - on trips

    Local F & B (Court days)

    Expat Accommodation

    Local Accommodation

    Communications (phone)

    Venue Rental (if needed)



    Taxi Service Bangkok

    Taxi Service Kho Samui

    Witness Relocation

    Local Travel (motorcycle)

    Please continue your discussions; know as well that we are planning a multi-prong appeal to the world to help Thailand return to the rule of law and not the rule of a few powerful thugs on the Islands. This is best accomplished if we can have a fair, equally hard, open, and honest trial; not one pre-arranged by bribes or fear.

    <<<< 22) Members are forbidden to ask for or accept donations, gifts or commissions from other members, any charities must contact support for approval before joining. before joining to be approved.http://www.thaivisa.com/contact >>>>

    Also please ask all your friends to send the kids mail, letters, photos of who you are, and even easy to read English books. They can read and speak basic English. Someone was to have sent them a Burmese/English dictionary that will help them to understand more. Books in Burmese too will help if you can find them. Do NOT send money through the mail. Not sure if foods will be delivered or not. Expect the guards to take most if it's any good. They must wear prison cloth and don't have/are not allowed shoes....

  18. post-147580-0-36235900-1419824486_thumb.

    There is ever expanding news coverage over the atrocity being carried out by the RTP and the prosecution office on the islands.

    Great stories are on line and on the air that tell the true story of this very sick den of mafia toughs, on all three islands.

    Look here to see photos proudly posted on facebook by some Koh Tao 'locals'. The idiotic thugs on Kho Tao are mocking the deaths and all the while the two innocent lads are on trial for their lives. And the “milk” <monk> was just given his robes. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152490756817274&set=a.44716087273.67425.540127273&type=1&theater

    There is only a wee glimmer of hope. While the prosecution has a heavy burden to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, there is still some reasonable doubt justice here will prevail in the fact of the bribes already paid to many by the mafia bosses.

    We need substantial sums to defend this case, to carry us forward during the next 7 months of investigation allowed us, and then to carry on in Court for the three months testimony is expected to take.

    The sums needed can be frightening unless we can find a few large donors. Please reach out to all who you know. Please.

    Sadly the TVA rules will not allow me to post the way to make contribution. PLEASE IM me. Click my ID SLESQ, then look on the upper right to find the button “Send me amessage.” Ask or tell me what you will and I will send the information to you directly.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch… Metropolitan police now admit confusion in Thai police investigation

    http://mikeestravels.com/…/the-dark-side-of-thailands-isla…/ THE DARK SIDE OF THAILAND’S ISLAND PARADISE

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