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Posts posted by willyumiii

  1. It is good that you are not a lawyer and I hope nobody is taking your advice!

    There is no legal age of consent in Thailand for prostitution.

    Prostitution is not legal in Thailand at any age.

    18 is the legal age of consent of have sex.

    15 is the legal age to get married, but only with parental consent.

    It is a common misconception of foreigners that 15 is the legal age of consent to have sex in Thailand., it is not true.

    Ignorance of the law is not an excuse and this misconception can get you into a lot of trouble with the law, or blackmailers, or both.

    Why not just grow up and have sex with adults?

  2. 4 hours ago, manarak said:

    No, but the article makes clear "A" is a prostitute, and the lower age limit for prostitutes is 18.


    And the lower legal  age limit outside of prostitution is 15.


    Not true, but a common misconception

    The legal age for marriage with the consent of parents is 15.

    15 is not the legal age of consent for having sex with an adult.

    18 is the legal age of consent.

    If you are after youngsters, you need to know this.

    In Thailand many women in their late 20s look like they are in their teens...so <deleted> was he thinking?


  3. Your Jesus was not a Christian, he was a Jew who was born and lived his entire life in Isreal.

    I think that would make him an Israeli and

    not so smart as well.

    Just like you.

    Why did you even post such a stupid racist statement ?


    P.S. He was also the very first tall, light skinned , brown haired European ever born in the middle east.

    Think about that as long as you like, but don't hurt yourself trying.

  4. 8 hours ago, zd1 said:

    Interestingly Portugal where all drugs are decriminalised doesn't feature on that list, also Holland with it's lax drug laws doesn't feature.

    Iran comes number 1 in this list I haven't been to Iran so I don't know for sure but I would imagine that the anti drug laws there are quite severe but they don't seem to work as a deterrent.

    So your list sort of proves that prohibition of drugs doesn't work and there are more drug addicts in countries where drugs are prohibited than the countries where drugs aren't prohibited.


    It is interesting that some here equate illicit. recreational drug use with drug addiction.

    I smoked marijuana daily for over 30 years.

    When I moved to Thailand where the drug laws are pretty severe compared to my home country, I stopped, "cold turkey" and have not even seen any marijuana for over five years.

    No problem, I do not miss it at all.

    I was never addicted to marijuana, I just enjoyed it.

    There is a huge difference between use and addiction.

    Now, let's think about tobacco.

    Tabacco is not illegal but it is proven to be more addicting than heroin.

    A tobacco smoker is an addict, a pot smoker is not.

    Do you get it now?

  5. 3 hours ago, Asiang said:



    Who cares what is legal or not in this country !!!


    Legal is what I decide it is !






    3 hours ago, Asiang said:



    Who cares what is legal or not in this country !!!


    Legal is what I decide it is !





    With your arrogant and stupid attitude, you will start to care the day you get locked up.

    Have you ever seen "The Bangkok Hilton" ?

    3 hours ago, Asiang said:



    Who cares what is legal or not in this country !!!


    Legal is what I decide it is !






    3 hours ago, Asiang said:



    Who cares what is legal or not in this country !!!


    Legal is what I decide it is !






  6. 12 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    It could go very badly for them,if the authorities decide that in this time of mourning,these ferangs blatantly ignored the feelings of the people. It could be considered les Mageste,complete disregard for the mourning period.It could be seen that they were partying,and taking drugs is a serious insult.

    As they are ferangs,they will get the shit end of the stick over this.

    "Felangs must learn lesson in our country"


    I agree.

    it is also bad that they were so blatant about breaking the law.

    So much so that it was obvious to others and others  complained about it.

    Thailand can be very lax about enforcing many laws,

    but if you are stupid enough to be obvious about it, it shows disrespect for the country and it is an insult to law enforcement, so they are compelled  to act and not ignore the crime.

  7. The Thai laws on marijuana were strongly influenced by the U.S. DEA in the Vietnam era when Thailand was a good source of pot for GIs and a lot was being smuggled to the states by GIs.

    Remember Thai Sticks?

    Unfortunately, now that the U.S. has relaxed about marijuana and is changing their laws, Thailand has not followed suite.


    The U.S. no longer has the influence on Thailand that it once did.


    Maybe Thailand will adopt Chinese or North Korean drug policies in the future ?

  8. 18 minutes ago, arend said:

    Well then, I guess rounding up everyone between 18-25 esp if they are backpackers should solve the problem...


    18 minutes ago, arend said:

    Well then, I guess rounding up everyone between 18-25 esp if they are backpackers should solve the problem...

    If they are dumb enough to travel to foreign countries and blatantly break the laws and expect to get away with it, yes, It may solve the problem.


    Thailand is known worldwide for having very strict drug laws. " I didn't know" is no excuse.


    Keep in mind, all 18-24-year-olds are not this stupid, and some much older than that are.


    It has little to do with age, but a lot to do with maturity and attitude.

  9. The fact that they were smoking pot is not the big issue.

    Most people these days agree that smoking pot is pretty harmless.


    The issue is that they are stupid and disrespectful enough to smoke pot in a country that still considers it a serious crime and can be pretty harsh about enforcing the laws.


    You can not fix stupid, but you can lock it up and keep it off of the streets.

  10. 1 hour ago, Emster23 said:

    " They are simply deliberately creating laws that cannot be abided by." Brought to mind sections of Chris Hitchens book, along with "not knowing what the law is" as definition for totalitarian government.

     What if someone goes camping? Do national parks do tm30's? or if just out in the boonies?

    You all need to stop and ask yourselves..

    How many laws in Thailand are actually enforced?

    Very few and not often.

    The odds of having a problem as a result of this regulation are slim to none.

    If you do have a problem, it will cost you 4000 baht..that is only about $120 USD...not very much at all.

    If $120 usd is going to break you, you are already broke!


    This topic is nothing more than bait for complainers on ThaiVisa, where the complainers thrive.

  11. 41 minutes ago, buckwhelk said:

    @willyumiii: Can you tell me the "correct order" of the forms please?


    41 minutes ago, buckwhelk said:

    @willyumiii: Can you tell me the "correct order" of the forms please?


    41 minutes ago, buckwhelk said:

    @willyumiii: Can you tell me the "correct order" of the forms please?


    41 minutes ago, buckwhelk said:

    @willyumiii: Can you tell me the "correct order" of the forms please?

    I do not have a copy on my computer that I can share with you, but Immigration has a list of what you need and the order it should be in.

    Maybe you can find it on their web site, or stop by the office for a copy.

    Unfortunately, if I recall, the list is written in Thai and I always have my wife translate it for me..

    But...when you arrive at the office, there are  assistants ( college students, I believe ) who will go through your forms with you and put them in order for you before you sit down with the Imm officer.

    • Like 1
  12. Should I be amazed about how many people are upset and complaining about a regulation they obviously have not made any effort to understand?

    or should I just write it off to the fact that this it ThaiVisa, where the uninformed come to complain, just for the sake of complaining?

    Maybe 10% of the posters here even know that if you stay in a hotel, you do nothing. It is the hotel's responsibility to report it.

    Hint: That is why they ask for your passport!

  13. 1 hour ago, wigan said:


    does such a word exist in Thailand??


    1 hour ago, wigan said:


    does such a word exist in Thailand??

    Yes theer is.

    The name Thailand means free land or free country.


    I feel I have more freedom here in Thailand than I did or would in my home country of America.


    For all of those who whine and complain about how difficult immigration is here in Thailand..

    Try to get a visa for a foreginer to enter the U.S..

    It cost me over $4000 usd to get a visa for my wife to enter America, and it took almost three years for approval.

    Yes, that is three years after we were married!

    Thailand is very easy and very inexpensive compared to that


    If you haven't figure it out yet, yo do not have the right to live anywhere in the world you wish..no matter who you are, or where you are from, you must qualify and follow the regulations if you want to live here.


    It is not really your personal playground...grow up!

  14. 2 minutes ago, wigan said:

    Anyhow reckon this is to make sure only Thai bargirls get taken back to hotels, any"foreign " lady would have to charge extra 4000 just in case! Bit too much!

    ( like the direction Los attraction for tourists is heading!)


     " Foreign lady" ???

    Do you mean those big, white, rude, monsters I see in tourist areas?


      I would never touch one.

    Not even if it was for free!

  15. 59 minutes ago, Two Roads said:

    I'm glad to hear willyumii's positive review of the Korat office. I'm going for my first extension of my Non-O visa in 2 weeks.

    Besides bringing my passport are there any forms I can complete beforehand or is the paperwork only done once at the Immigration office??

    Thanks for any advice for the first extension visit.

    For your extetion you wil basicly require everything you submitted the first time you applied with updated dates and new photos.

    I just make fresh copies of previously submitted forms with current dates and take three new photos, if none of my information has changed.

    Don't forget your a current proof of income letter dated less than 6 months in advance.

    Depending on your country of origin, a noterized letter from your embassy may sufice,. People of many countries are required to provide current bank records as well.


    If not too inconvienent, stop by a week or two early and ask for a list of what is required and if anything has changed since last year.


    You should have everything filled out and in the proper order when you come in to reply, the immigration office is no place to sit down and start filling out blank forms.


    Again, arrive prepared and you should have no problems.

    • Like 1
  16. 23 minutes ago, happylarry said:

    I did my extension renewal at Dan Kwian in August and I had to fill the new form in, but only with relevant name and address, not all the extra stuff.

    The name and address form has  always been required for a 90 day report.

    When I did my one year extention and 90 day in Korat in August, there was still not information on internet use, banks used or anything else required.

    After all of the hype I had read on TV, I came prepared to give that information and my officer said no we don't want it.

    I got the impression that they really did not want it and would never  use that form unless they are required to by the powers above.

    To my knowledge, this is still optional on and each office determines if they want to do it or not.

    So far at the Korat office it is " NOT".


    • Like 1
  17. When I was teaching in Thailand I had plans for a special outing, on a Saturday, my wife and I wanted to take a few of the exceptional English speaking students on.

    I asked the school about getting written permission from the parents of the students so they could attend.

    I was shocked when I was informed that it was not required..

    " You can take students anywhere you want outside of school hours, but if during school hours you need a note"

    It was only five students, so my wife and I informed the parents of the students on our own anyway.

    All of the parents agreed and one even came by to watch the activity on Saturday.

  18. 2 hours ago, terminatorchiangmai said:

    Chaindrite powder, last for years.



    I just picked some up yesterday.

    Any tips on the best way to use it?

    The package is in Thai and I can not read the instructions.

    Thanks again.

  19. 36 minutes ago, BKKdreaming said:

    Just got my box of 20 mule team Borax today at Walmart


    4 pounds / 1.80kg for US $4


    if I just spread some around where the ants are will they take it back to the hive (if thats what its called)

    or does it need sweet sugar / honey / donuts :) so they take the sweet part back to the hive ?


    and how does that kill all the ants in the house ?  do  they all use the same hive ?


    Thanks for the info 

    Walmart is in Thailand?

    That is bad news if true.

    I would rather live with ants than support Walmart!

    Walmart sucks, in many ways!

  20. 21 minutes ago, rijb said:

    Try this, on their path to the AC.  They bring it back to the queen.  It will get rid of the hive, by the next day.  


    5 parts sugar

    1 part borax (no boric acid)  (can find in swimming pool store)

    2 parts warm water

    Sounds like a great way to go. Thank you!

  21. Thanks, I will look for it.

    I live in Isaan and don't know of any Foodland here.

    When I lived in California, there was a product called  "Tanglefoot" that was like a very sticky, non toxic tooth paste that any insect trying to cross it would get stuck in it.

    I was hoping to maybe find something like that here in Thailand.

  22. For the second time in a few months, I have had to have a repair man come out and fix my AC unit.


    The problem is ants going into the unit and them shorting it out.

    They seem to be entering the unit from inside the wall.


    Has anyone else had this problem and know of a safe way to prevent it?

    Even the repair man mentioned that it is not a great idea to spray the unit with an insecticide and then breath the air from it!


    I have only lived in this home for one year now and do not know if ants are always a problem here or if this  is just a bad year for ants,

    but it seems we are always battling ants and trying to keep them out of the house.


    Any good advice on prevention would be very welcome.

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