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Posts posted by Starbooks

  1. isn't that when pasta and anti-pasta come together you get a huge explosion?

    ...this thread reminds me more and more of a thread we had years ago when someone confused watt and volt (I think it was) and we ended up discussing Goedel's theorem...

    I thought it was called anti-pesto! Surprising how long this thread lasted.

    You keep coming back......

  2. Just this weekend My friend and I visited Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles. They have updated the place quite a bit.

    Galileo. Inertia ideas, Orbits, sun-centric versus earth centric original thinker despite church directions.

    Copernicus working out that the planets revolving the sun

    Tycho Brahe for making observations accurate enough for Kepler

    Kepler who actually determined the elliptical nature of the orbits( Laws of planetary motion)

    Newton and law of gravity and actually now being able to calculate orbits.

    Spectral lines (Balmer, Frauhoff, Bunsen)

    EInstein and General Relativity

    Hubble. Size and scale of the universe.

    Carl Jansky (Radio Astronomy)

    Chandra for calculating singularities in Black holes

    Hawkin for Black hole radiation etc.

    Thanks, That's more like it. Unless I want the poster to be the size of Pattaya Gallileo is a good start, I will try and mention the Greeks, Mayans and Chinese.....

    Newton found the first planet using just calculation... Neptune...

    Hubble suggested an expanding universe....

  3. Seems like James Maxwell, Michael Faraday, and A. Einstein should be included in there somewhere as well smile.png

    You op has peaked my interest...to see there really are some "thinking" people in Pattaya...I may just have to stop in and check-out your store...though unfortunately, I don't do dead-tree books anymore. Perchance do you have a coffee c afe attached as well?

    yep, good coffee and PG tips tea...... ebooks too

  4. Just finished a poster on the solar system and I am interested in starting another called

    "Astronomical Stars"

    I want to show a timeline sweeping through space showing early scientists through to modern sceintists...


    Copernicus working out that the planets revolving the sun

    Newton's law of gravity discovering Neptune by maths


    Chandra for calculating singularities in Black holes

    Hawkin for Black hole radiation etc.

    There are many more But I am not aware of all so... any suggestions of who should be in or not are welcome....

  5. My daughters go to the kindergarten at the top of soi Khao Noi (Past the plaster works). They seem to have a good mix of English/Thai teaching, it's very professionally run... I'm quite happy with it...

    It's called Anuban don rap kindergarten


    In readable resolution

    Please let me know if you see any mistakes...... They will be available from starbooks in A1 size, not sure on price yet but probably a couple of hundred baht or so.....

    bigger res available

    Just spotted the mistakes in Venus detail box......


  7. I have been asked to do an hour as a geust 'DJ' so get your requests in......

    I will double check but I think the promoters said it will start 25th May, It's all for charity

    400Baht to get in and free drink all night....

  8. Here is some educational easy reading for you

    no thanks! i stopped all educational easy reading after i got my D.Sc. in physics 40 years ago whistling.gif

    p.s. at that time we had to dig through four decades of contradictions and during the four decades later nothing has changed. whatever the clowns who are en vogue are publishing, it always boiled down that "they agree to disagree" or the latest pseudo-scientific rubbish (which didn't last long) originating from CERN, Geneva "neutrinos travel faster than light" bah.gif

    The neutrinos misscalculation was down to a faulty wire at CERN apparently.... they don't have proof that they travel faster than light BUT I read recently about the 1986 Supernova explosion that was seen in daylight by a Canadian Astronomer and neutrino capture tanks in Japan and America picked up neutrinos from the explosion arriving on Earth 3 hours before the light got here. It did happen 120,000 years ago but still 3 hours over that time is something. I think that scientist believed the neutrinos were released earlier in the explosion than the light. Maybe, but 3 hours???

    Anyway, seeing as my sponsor status will end soon... We have a great book on Neutrinos by Frank close in the bookshop at the moment! :)

  9. The best thing to do is to be sure you are not mixing apples and oranges. Don't want to confuse what somebody weighs on the earth with what they weigh on Neptune (A 100 pound person on Earth would weigh about 119 pounds on Neptune, depending on what data for Neptune you use).

    You want to know how relatively strong the sun's graviational pull is on the SAME body at the Earth's distance from the Sun as it is at Neptune's distance from the sun.

    Earth Sun Person Earth Distance Neptune Distance Mass 6E+24 1.99E+30 45 150000000 4.50E+09

    1 Kilogram = 9.8 Newtons

    1 Kilgram = 2.2 Pounds

    So let's take the same mass and calculate the graviational pull at the Earth's distance. 100 pounds (45 Kilos)


    =6.7x10^-11 (100)(1.99x10^30)/(1.5x10^8)^2

    = 592577 Newtons or 60467 Kilograms

    Then take the same mass and calculate the gravitational pull at Neptune's distance.


    =6.7x10^-11 (100)(1.99x10^30)/(4.5x109)^2

    = 657 Newtons or 67 Kilograms

    I attach a fine link that I think will give you the best and most easily understood numerical values and answers.

    Greg K

    Now that does show quite a difference......

  10. You can now buy the new Kindle Touch directly from Amazon with international shipment. As you haven't specified that you're selling the Kindle Touch I assume you're selling an inferior model.

    I have specified what model earlier in this thread, kindles have been available on Amazon for ages, some guys don't have credit cards...

    If you don't want this model don't come and buy it ... It's very simplemad.gif

  11. Just a suggestion here not a criticism.... you state you want to put it into layman terms... mention the word Newtons and you've lost the layman... suggest you relate this proportionally to something the layman understands.... for example

    If the pulling power or force a big tourist bus can use to pull from rest is equated to the gravitational pull of sun on earth then Neptune being 30 AU units away would probably experience the same gravitational pull as a small bicycle can compartivey exert in terms of pulling power... , Mercury a motorcycle.

    Although i have qualifications in chemistry and maths and don't have issue with scientific jargon I just feel that if it is the layman you want to educate then do it in a " currency" or unit of measure that they can relate to .

    As an aside and to demonstrate the average layman's ignorance re science I will never forget a survey result they did in UK where people were asked what various famous scientists had done or were famous for without revealing they were scientists

    Schrodinger.... famous classical composer/ Charlie Brown character

    Neils Bohr.. arctic explorer

    Marie Curie.... mix of answers between entertainer/ famous Madam and wax works proprietor

    Einstein.... more well known but allot of answers were oriented at him just being genius

    Darwin.. explorer and discoverer of the islands with the big turtles ( sic)

    Newton.. guy with the apple and a few answers had him beating the french at Trafalgar and / or Waterloo

    Watson and Crick.... detectives, Sherlock Holmes sidekicks

    And the ones I love

    Galileo.. builder of the leaning tower of Pisa

    Edwin Hubble.. internet web site creator

    Heisenburg... guy whose balloon blew up

    Hope it helps, just a thought

    I agree with using 'real world' examples of the force but I don't want it too childish (If you understand what I mean). As for the survey... nothing surprises me on peoples ignorance anymore!!

    I will mention PLUTO as gone but not forgotten!

  12. Anyway, thanks for the input everyone, glad there is still some grey matter functioning in Pattaya..

    I (wrongly) presumed that the gravitational pull from the sun would greatly reduce over a distnce of 4.5 billion km

    and could only imagine that the sun's grip on neptune must be quite weak, but it obviously isn't... so I won't mention it on the poster...

    any other solar system facts for adults will be welcome........

    Oh, by the way, anyone got a grasp on this holographic theory? the thoery that suggests our reallity is just holographic projections of information from deep space?!?


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