Hey guys , i went the company route before but now i want to make things 100 pcent legal and hopefully cheaper. Im divorced and legally the father of a mix thai kid.
What i was wondering is this.... There is a land im interested in phuket , but i cant put it directly under my son name as , god forbid , something would happens to him , my ex wife would be getting part of what is under his name.
So my idea is to sign a purchase contract stating that the owner must first give me a usufruct under my name , then sell the land to my son name. I will then proceed to build a villa , and if something happens to me everything goes to my son . My son being 8 im guess he cant register a usufruct for me.....
Questions are : will the land office agrees to this ? ( i can pay under table money im used to it ) , i would go there with a lawyer to look more serious and the finality is my thai son will be the owner of the land.
As having an usufruct of the land , can i easily optain a building permit under my name ?
Do you guys see any problems in this idea ? am i missing something ?
Did anyone did it already in Phuket town land office , and if yes did he need a lawyer ?
Thanks in advance for all advices and answers.