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Everything posted by SlyouThai

  1. the original plan was to have a contract with all thoses details in it , and having the usufruct registered the same day as the sell at the land office.
  2. Ok. But actually its legal for the owner to register an usufruct to my name. Then if on the day or one week later , she then sell it to my son name , you think they would not allow it ? Im pretty sure by law they dont have the right to do so. I know full ownership is not something they like , however in this case , im 40 years old , and the land would be under my son name . If anything happens to me he get it all. They accept company that have no " duration " but they wouldnt accept an usufruct to me at 40 and then the land would be owned by a thai national . Im sure they stupid enough to refuse it , it just doesnt make any sense. I believe their major problems is registering usufruct without getting 100K on the side , and this would not be a problem to do , but i might be wrong. I cant just put the land under my son name directly and build a house on it , for the reasons i already talked about
  3. Hey guys , i went the company route before but now i want to make things 100 pcent legal and hopefully cheaper. Im divorced and legally the father of a mix thai kid. What i was wondering is this.... There is a land im interested in phuket , but i cant put it directly under my son name as , god forbid , something would happens to him , my ex wife would be getting part of what is under his name. So my idea is to sign a purchase contract stating that the owner must first give me a usufruct under my name , then sell the land to my son name. I will then proceed to build a villa , and if something happens to me everything goes to my son . My son being 8 im guess he cant register a usufruct for me..... Questions are : will the land office agrees to this ? ( i can pay under table money im used to it ) , i would go there with a lawyer to look more serious and the finality is my thai son will be the owner of the land. As having an usufruct of the land , can i easily optain a building permit under my name ? Do you guys see any problems in this idea ? am i missing something ? Did anyone did it already in Phuket town land office , and if yes did he need a lawyer ? Thanks in advance for all advices and answers. Cheers
  4. i have the thai original translated in french . they added a translation stamp on the original thai paper. But anyway i just realised you need to book and cant walk in and queue for a legalisation of document , one month wait for the first appointment..... and i have my app at french ambasssy next week so im screwed for now. Had no idea you need to wait one month to have a spot to legalize a document..... its nuts
  5. sorry i dont understand what you mean , what i have now is the thai original divorce registration with a french translation attached to it . And i dont know if they will accept to legalise it since it does have a stamp from french translator on it.
  6. Hi everyone , im divorced and in order to apply for a french passport for my 50/50 kid i need to have the thai divorce settlement legalised by the Department of Consular Affairs and translated to french. Now , i made i think the mistake of having the original paper translated to french first , so both original and translation are now stuck together and there is a translation stamp on the thai document . Will the Department of Consular Affairs accept to legalise it ? If they dont would they accept to legalise a copy i have of it before any translation stamp have been stuck on or do they need the " original ". Thanks in advance
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