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Posts posted by uty6543

  1. Never had with girlfriends or wife. Met my first Thai girlfriend in England. Let her know early on in relationship that I like threesomes. First night in Bangkok tried eating fried insects (never again) and then had threesome with girlfriend and girl from Nana car park. That relationship didn't last as she wanted a visa to stay in England and I wanted to live in Thailand.

    Next girlfriend was really bi and we had quite a few threesomes some work out great others were a waste of time. Unless all 3 are into it it just doesn't work.

    My current wife is straight but is quite happy to let me have an oil massage with happy ending while she has a Thai massage and watches the goings on. After the Masseuses go I (well I'll leave that to your imagination)

    I find Thai ladies are willing to do almost anything to keep their man happy. I do pick submissive ladies usually 40 + so maybe that it.

    Edit: This only applies to Thai ladies. English ladies would dump you or divorce you in a heartbeat.

  2. "Regarding the 500 billion baht in damages caused by the scheme, Mr Kittirat defended that the amount was well within the five percent ceiling of the annual budget"

    Absolutely amazing. His defence against the massive corruption is that it was taken from an approved budget. I think that corruption is so normal for him and the other dirty cronies, it doesn't even occur to him it should have been given to the farmers.

    I have nothing but contempt for these thieves and liars. They should be in jail for abuse of power after the amnesty disgrace. The problem is, I expect the next lot will only be marginally better.

    What massive corruption?
    With 25,000+ posts to your name you obvisly spend too much time writing and not enough reading. Whilst massive corruption has not yet been proven in court for the fake G2G deals a few small fry have been convicted of buying the rice from the warehouses at about 8,000 Baht a ton and then selling it back at 15,000 a ton. It is only a matter of time before the big players do get convicted.

    You should also notice that the red supporters are not stupid enough to try and support this known liar.

  3. Tear-Jerker ? Really !!

    Yes. It was for me and anyone with an ounce of compassion for those less fortunate than ourselves.

    I suppose you'd have no problem with me showing up on your door-step, bumming food from you?

    I promise not to stay more than 20 years or so.

    While you are at it, maybe you could feed my pet elephant......to keep him away from tourist exploitation.

    Looking at it from your overly cynical POV that shop keeper got an overnight security guard for the small amount of food that the shopkeepers daughter gave him. What a bargain. The problem you have is all you can see is the tramp and not the man that was once there.

    Edit: I just realized the man is still there, he is just harder to see.

  4. Hannah was clutching a hair, it came out by the roots, in other words she pulled it out of the attackers head! The hair does not belong to David, it does not belong to the B2. There's a killer on the loose and the whole case against the B2 is a sham. The scenario the RTP have said happened is false. For Gods sake get out there again and re investigate this case the victims deserve more than this charade as do the parents of the victims.

    agreed, but I'd like to add this, the most common place to find DNA evidence on both victims and perps of this sort of violent close encounter crime is under finger nails, for the perp it is hard to remove and often overlooked and can remain there for a very long time, have you ever done some motor servicing and got that dirty black oil in behind your nails, not easy to remove

    Theres the UK autopsy results coming so lets see what it discloses.

    Would this be admissible in court?

    Maybe or maybe not but it is admissible in the press and would make it harder for the court to convict knowing that DNA from a unbiased source contradicts the RTP version.

  5. It would appear Sa Kaeo immigration is a major gateway for illegal movements - the suspect arrested the other day alleged that he came in that way, resulting in six Immigration officers from Sa Kaeo have been transferred to inactive posts, now the alleged bomber was trying to get out that way...

    I must say though, he looks taller and thinner than the yellow shirt guy... post-148255-0-53329500-1441100910_thumb.

    Thailands most wanted man why is he not in handcuffs?
  6. National police chief Somyot Poompanmoung said Monday that he was taking the unusual step of giving the reward to the police force both to motivate his officers and to show that Thailand's police are good at their job

    In this one sentence i disagree that this is an unusual step to reward themselves. They do it every day at police traffic stops (plenty of evidence on youtube) Thailand's police force are not good at there job unless it suits their financial and political motivations.

  7. Perhaps there's another theory to consider? In that the guy is a simpleton, who doesn't know jack shit and was left thee on purpose by the bombers to make good their own escape?

    It's also interesting to keep reading that certain posters are advocating torture to get information out of this guy, not knowing that such practices those being tortured will say anything to end the pain and has been proven to be counterproductive also.

    You need skilled interrogators to get results, not some highly strung Sergeant who is pounding on the guys feet with a stick getting more animated than a cat on a hot tin roof.

    Once again there's several inconsistencies with the RTP investigation, no wonder people are skeptical, and have a low belief in their overall competence, and that's just the Thais.

    I think it would be safe to disregard your theory that the accused is a simpleton or do you really believe he doesn't know his name or nationality.

    Whilst I don't support the use of physical torture it can get false confessions but also excellent Intelligence.

  8. After an operation for a slipped disk about 12 years ago I get the odd problem from time to time. I have seen a chiropractor in Si sa kit one visit and pain free again and for my last problem I went and had Thai massage at my local government hospital for a massage once a week for 5 weeks and now pain free again. 1500 baht. I chose a government hospital as I hoped they have had better training than staff at a massage shop. Good luck I hope you find long term pain relief soon.

    For me I do not like private hospitals in Thailand as all they want is you th keep on coming back and spending more of your money with them. IMO Government hospitals want to cure you so you don't come back giving them more work.

    Big money does not always mean best treatment.

  9. It has been shared numerous times on these threads only for people to come back and act as though this was some quick transfer despite it being announced well in advance and despite the fact October is when they typically do transfers. What is the real joke though is people are acting like he was something special when he was the one who cleared Mon and stated he wasn't on the island.

    Mon WAS on the island. No only on it, all over it. I think you mean Nomsod was not on the island? We shall see.

    Thanks, had the names confused. Bottom line under him they cleared both and the family as well as Sean.

    They didn't clear Sean, they got him off the island A.S.A.P. Not really the same as being cleared is it ? well if it fits your conspiracy then it probably is.

    And getting names mixed up in a double murder investigation, tut tut.

    Then again as with a few other you are not really bothered about those who got killed, just trying to cover the killers.

    Well fun for some to make things up, Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen stated publicly he was not a suspect after they looked into and questioned him.

    Only very gullible people would believe what a policeman (from any country) says unless all the available evidence also backs up his statements.
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