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Posts posted by SPG

  1. My missus reckons that there's a tom bar on 3rd road by Tony's fitness. It's on the right hand side if your going in the direction of Pratamnak.

    I looked as we drove past but still couldn't make out where but the missus was adamant. I asked how she was so sure & she told me that there is a thai sign.

    There is or was until recently a bar called Toms top of the stairs at the new Tonys Gym Soi Buakow. It could however be the new owners name so be warned! haha

  2. Another good one is "The Marquee" on Soi Buakhao is where we go to start the night then usually end up back there at the end of the night! Good music, and no bars next to it so your not defend by lots of other bars music! open air so can breath, nicely done out, clean toilets, friendly staff, no girlie drink hassles, really cheap drink prices, pool table, darts board, good for people watching if on your own, football on at the weekends, plenty of parking, all round a great bar.

  3. One of life's satisfying feelings is being told it wont work, don't do it, your mad if you do that, etc etc. Then you go and do it anyway and it works because deep down you know your a survivor and you will give it your best, unlike the others.

    You don't need millions of baht in the bank and you don't need a plan (like the idiots with their business plans that are laughable) you just need to be switched on and worldly as it appears you are.

    You could end up here for years or it could be a stepping stone for other things in life, just come over and go for it.

  4. If the U.K required a clean criminal record in order to be issued a passport, the number of Brits in Thailand was decrease by about 90%

    For every 1 decent Brit I've met here, I've met another 9 low life degenerates.

    And if you are offended by that statement, then you are most probably part of the latter. ermm.gif

    Not offended just amused how someone can be so simple.

  5. I give my postman 20 baht every time he delivers something to me, whether it's a card or a parcel he gets 20 baht. I shop online a lot and there is hardly a week go buy that something isn't been sent over. To date with my new address where I have been for nearly 2 years I have never had anything go missing.If I'm not in he even comes back to my house and the end of his round to see if I'm in before he heads back to the sorting office. He's had quite a few quid out of me now and Ive had everything delivered some of it expensive so both of us are happy with our arrangement.

  6. I asked him for a good quality omega copy for a uk mates wife,after reading reccomendations on forums about his shop he sold me one for 3000bht ,on return to uk it kept stopping,I returned it to him next trip and his reply was its a copy what do you expect,said he looked at it but it was still the same!

    He sold you a wong'un.

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