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  1. Tourists who like to vape may want to consider alternative holiday destinations.
  2. Not this again! They were doing this in Chiang Mai a few years back - 20,000 baht fine each. Everything back to normal now.
  3. I remember seeing lots of 'no Israeli' signs outside guest houses along the Nepali hiking trails. It had nothing to do with religion or policy. The Nepalese felt they were rude, argumentive, and more trouble than their demands for discounts were worth.
  4. Perfectly normal things to take on a 3 am stroll along the beach. I guess next time he will sit nearer to his stuff.
  5. If you live here over 180 days then you are considered a tax resident. There has been lots posted about these rules. Despite this, my answer is still I don't know. Thinking of moving some money over too so watching this space.
  6. What 'tourist' has bullets in his jacket? What you been up to Isa?
  7. I can't comment on this lady and her alleged actions. nor am I a Kindergarten teacher - but I find your comments ignorant. You might be surprised to know that kindergarten teachers are caring, dedicated and professional people who positively shape the development of our children. Granted, not all are good teachers and granted not all come through world standard professional development systems - but don't underestimate the impact on education a good Kindergarten teacher can have shaping these little gremlins!
  8. Was the altercation related to damage to the taxi bike? Or attempted exortion for 'damage'? Whatever, cleavers are not cool.
  9. Give them the family room at the Bangkok Hilton.
  10. I love how avoiding legal proceeding against him is now considered a 'self imposed exile'.
  11. Oh well. Back to the call centre then.
  12. Give him a break - maybe he just got separated from his buddies at the underwear party!
  13. Tip of the iceberg. Hang Dong district seems to be crawling with Chinese call centres. I think that's 3 busts in as many weeks.
  14. 'Pick up trucks with excessive speed losing control' seems to be a standard line in these reports. RIP to the innocents just going about their daily lives.
  15. Kids on big bikes, pick-up trucks - what could go wrong?? RIP young lad.
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