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Posts posted by localangmo

  1. I wonder what would happen in the OP's case, if the 6th contract significantly differed from the preceding contracts.

    for example, the basic terms and conditions of work, or salary were changed.

    If a teacher is used to working for (say) 40k a month, doing 20 hours a week, working from 7.45 to 4.30pm.

    What if they (say) offered in the new contract, 38k a month, 22 hours a week, working from 7.30 to 5pm.

    The teacher may then decide to not sign the new contract due to it not being the same as the previous ones.

    His job still exists, and they'd have to get a new teacher in to do it...........so would he be able to claim severence pay?

    I think in the UK the above might be construed as 'constructive dismissal' and you could claim against that........they basically made you an offer that forced you to refuse it. (Yes i know we are not in the UK now, i'm just giving it as an example)

    I have a friend in a similar situation to the OP. Worked full time in a school for 3 years, though via an outside agency. That agency has now lost the contract and the staffing of the English dept will be done directly by the school. The new contract differs from the agency contract in salary and hours of work.

    Has my friend severed his contract? No.

    The contract will expire on April 1st and that is that........isnt it?

    If he doesnt sign the new school (technically new employer) contract, would he have a claim agains the agency? Surely the agency made no agreement or promise other than to pay him up to and including April 1st.

    He / she would be an employee of the contract agency.. not the school. The School contract would be a new position and new contract. Your friends 1st year at this school as an employee.

  2. To the poster above who said True's programming lineup is all U.S. centric TV....

    That may be true in some respects (principally because the U.S. probably CREATES more TV programming than other countries), but it's certainly not true in many other respects... For example:

    SPORTS: True's programming lineup is FILLED (now and the past) with various versions of European football matches virtually 24/7 on multiple channels (as an American, of course, we call it soccer). In contrast, Americans are lucky to get one or two pro football games per week during the season, and shoddy coverage of professional baseball and basketball, and worse for everything else. I'm just guessing here, but for sports, in terms of hours of programming, True's mix has got to be 90% European - 10% American or more...

    NEWS: I personally don't care for it, but forget finding FOX News on True, and forget finding the U.S. version of CNN here. Instead, there is BBC News, which is great, and the European version of CNN. So for news, I'd hardly call that U.S. centric. Rather, some might consider it actually a bit tilted toward Europeans on balance.

    I'm glad other folks, including Brits here, are fighting to keep BBC Entertainment in True's lineup. Although not my cup of tea, I know it's a good channel with quality programs. But just know, the fight you're waging now is one Americans here have been waging for years to try to get some better balance to True's sporting lineup.

    At least, you've had BBC Entertainment all these years, until the recent plan to take it way. For Americans, we've NEVER had a decent balance of sporting coverage here relative to European coverage. And of course, Americans aren't the only ones who are interested in American pro sports.

    I was not referring to Sports.. I don't watch those channels.. More regarding the comedy, movies, adventure etc..

    Would be better is the channels were classified in a way that we could select what we really wanted.. rather than silver / gold / platinum and the way True want us to watch.. I for one would not have one sports channel.. Most likly news , documentary (discovery, natgeo etc), BBC Entertainment and I would be done.. Lets the sports lovers have all they want and they can pay for it.

  3. I know this may not be a popular position on this thread, but I actually like the change.

    Yes I am American...

    Yes I realize that the programming is already overwhelmingly American programming, but I have looked at what AXN Beyond offers and what BBC offers and I would prefer to watch AXN Beyond.

    So while I understand many Brits anger over this, I am happy with the change.

    I am not a 'Brit'. I am Australian.. I want an alternative to full on American TV.

    We see more and more of our TV back home being swamped by American sitcoms.. Why? Becuase it is cheap. If we didn't have laws that forced the TV stations to produce local content.. it would all be American TV.. Not because the shows are necessarily better.. But because they are cheap.. The US market is huge and these programmes can be sold off for a fraction of the cost that the ABC and BBC have to bare when making a series for a much smaller market.

    I suspect cost saving and pushing up the margins is what is going on at True.

    I don't speak mandarin, French or German.. So CCTV / TV5 and DV are out of the question. Looks like American TV is going to be the only thing left :-(

  4. If you want to email a complaint to True.. follow this link


    Not that it will do much good.. But hey, worth a try. We can be the BBC E Shirts and take our protest to the streets :)

    UBC is now 100% US centric junk. Only one alternative for the rest of us is to be taken away..

    I hope my building management agree to me putting a dish on the roof.. Then I will get ABC TV and BBC news plus the freebies in the building.. and totally ditch true lackofvision...

    I hated paying for Platnium in the first place.. Just so I may have BBC World News and BBC Entertainment.. Now Entertainment is gone. I will be downgrading to Gold as of June 1st and hopefully ditch UBC altogether in the near future.. Yesterday I started downloading Spooks Season 6 on Bittorrent.

    How about making the packages fit peoples needs. News / Movies / Sport / reality and so on then we can all get what we want and not pay for programmes we are not interested in. Crazy concept I know.. but at the moment everyone subsidises other channels with the current silver / gold platinum.

  5. Suggest you go back and take a look at Centric Scene.. Yes, may have been relatively emtpy in Oct.. We could only move in around July. I moved in with in only a couple of weeks of being allowed to..

    Now the place is nearly full.. Take a look how many windows have curtains.. Hard to find one that doesn't.. Also, there are tenants here that work overseas or keep the place for when they come back to visit Thailand.. Met a Dutch guy and his wife working in Jordan as well as a Thai couple that live in London doing exactly that.. There are a few university kids here too.. My neighbours are rarely here.. guess they live up country.

    Anyway.. Seems some people have nothing better than to sit around and think doom and gloom..

    Ah yes.. last one.. I can see Noble Lite from my floor very clearly.. Lots of lights on.. Also before buying this place last year I took a look.. Only a couple of places listed for sale in May 2007.. Not exactly a flood of emty units people can't sell.. By the way.. the units for sale had terrible views looking at Sat dishes etc.. so wouldn't expect them to sell easy..

    Despite all those negative news, quite a number of Good Location Condo sold out within weeks. i.e. Noble Reflex beside Aree BTS, AP LIFE in Sathorn, AP LIFE in Sukhumvit, Pulse beside Major Ratchayolthin and etc.

    Technically speaking, these condo were booked 100% as buyer paid only 10% downpayment or more for brand name developer like Noble.

    Unless you are in the market, it is difficult to imagine the feeling of "missing out" an opportunity to own a condo. Some projects were sold out even before it is launched. To buy from the speculators, you will easily need to pay an addition THB 100,000 more as there is a penalty of tranferring booking +profit for speculators.

    Everything is about Location, Location and Location.

    What does it mean ? Could you stop for a while repeating "mantras" like a headless chicken ?

    And let's try to think for a minute.

    First, yes you're right... all the project you name were sold out... in a few days. In Noble Reflex, it was in one 1 day, with a demand x2 the offer...

    Now, that's impressive. Newspapers are impressed. Gogos are impressed.

    Now, I will tell you the reality...

    Noble Lite, same developper, very nice, 300 meters from Noble Reflex (soi aree), finished in november 2006. Empty.

    Centric Scene, beautifull nice trendy condo, Phayotin soi 9... Finished in may 2007... Totally empty. And I mean totally empty...

    Theses projects were also "sold out" in a matter of days.

    So to repeat "location location" doesn't mean nothing. In order to assess the market, you have to go a bit deeper.

    All thoses beautifull units were "bought" by "investors"/speculators. It's obvious.

    Now, you have to explain to me the odds for the rent market to absorb all thoses new units. Average buying price, 3 millions THB, rent like 25 000 THB. Who can rent all those new units ?

    Foreigners ? Sure. Thais ? At thoses prices, they buy for themselves. To live inside.

    Or to rent at 10 000, and in this case the financial sense of such an operation remains to be explained...

    Second solution : flip and resale

    Again, wishfull thinking. Or to other "investors"/speculators , worsening the situation in a vicious cycle.

    Therefore : the market is a bubble. Nothing less, nothing more.

    The market is going to be litteraly over flooded in the coming 1 or 2 years with thoses new trendy projects (look on Phaonyotin, it's amazing, even difficult to count).

    With absolutly no "real" and "healthy" demand in front.

    You can CRB-Ellis whatever you want : an empty building, even in mysterious Asia, is nothing but the sign of healty market.

  6. I recently went to around 5 different banks asking for a bank account.. I was told on each occasion.. I require a work permit.. one even said I needed to deposit 50,000 Baht.. I nearly fell over..

    Will try the Siam Commerical Bank as suggested in one of the other posts.

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