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  1. That remains to be seen, and will insure continued interest in this case until it is resolved one way or another.
  2. Go for it Gustavo! Let it spread throughout low-life Latin America in the same way that London's 18th century "Gin Craze" culled the proles. "Drunk for a penny - dead drunk for tuppence - clean straw for nothing."
  3. "Sleaze-by-the-Sea" has always been my favorite.
  4. In the eyes of Thai Immigration, we're all bad guys... and gals.
  5. Thanks for that. Funniest post on the thread... and so true.
  6. Who needs to shower? A horse-bath [say it fast] is much sweeter.
  7. Put that, very true, statement in past tense, Mr. JoBlo. There is a new sheriff in town now. Wait and see what he does before shooting off your mouth.
  8. These hapless migrants have been incarcerated for almost ten years because of Thai gov't inaction and cowardice... caught between a rock and a hard place, the US and China. Whatever the Thais do will offend one of their Big Brothers. Now Li'l Marco has spoken up and scared the pee out of them. No telling what the new administration in Washington will do about this issue. The Thais should have sent them all off to Turkey (where they are welcome) a long time ago and China be damned. But no, they have been pussy-whipped and find it very hard to act independently.
  9. Slimebag. He knows full well that gambling addiction is a major problem in Thailand. This is a bone thrown to his constituents to keep them on-side... just another vote buying scheme. Once up and running online and if casinos open, the corrupt Shinawatra clan will be stakeholders for sure and happy as pigs in poo.
  10. Exactly... they're all bought and paid for. Good for a 555. On a much bigger scale just look at how many of the recent polls in the US had Harris leading Trump by wide margins. Rotten to the core.
  11. An open Democratic primary to choose a more qualified candidate than Harris wouldn't have helped the Dems one bit. The whole party is dysfunctional. Their left-wing policies aren't widely supported anymore.
  12. Where... in Japan? It would be wonderful if one opened in CM.
  13. Pantip Plaza used to be the go-to place for mobile phone accessories and repair. It has undergone major changes in the past few years... maybe for the better, maybe for the worse. Check it out.
  14. Ung-Ing, dutiful daughter that she is, obviously is not up to the task she has been assigned. Expect the Shinawatra Clan to do some reshuffling. Maybe Poo will be brought back into the game at some level. The Dragonhead looks like death warmed over.

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