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Posts posted by JSixpack

  1. 2 hours ago, thaiflyer1 said:

    Not sure if that qualifies under JT,s strict posting criteria?............????

    I checked carefully before posting. ???? My motivation: not long ago the responses to an appeal from some Jomtien noob about how to transport himself to Tesco made me think (perhaps wrongly) that a lot of Jomtien dwellers aren't taking advantage of online ordering when it would seem logical do so.  Give it a try if you haven't.


    • Like 1
  2. 18 hours ago, DaRoadrunner said:

    Be baffled no longer.... In Thailand it usually comes down to, did they fall or were they pushed?

    Be baffled still. She definitely fell. The question is, how did she fall? 1. By accident 2. By purposefully jumping 3. By being forced. In the reverse case CSI: TVF would have solved the case already: he was forced by the gf, bg, wife, or lb.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Almer said:

    Leaving 400k in the bank for ever will do wonders for the balance sheet of banks but do little to help the local economy, who need it more.

    Can the bank not use it for lending in the local economy just like other deposits? Any special restriction? It may be that the bank, assessing creditworthiness, can ensure that the deposit is used more productively than for just paying bar fines and buying bottles of Chang at the 7/11.

  4. 54 minutes ago, katana said:


    Is it easy to update the graphics card on those, or do they have 'small' form factors reducing the space and therefore choice of card available eg to cut-down cards?

    Comes in SFF also but mini-tower preferable. Upgrading these is a well-studied process, check out all the info:




    You can get one these shipped to LOS for about B4000 or less from some vendors.


    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Investors should know investing it is all about timing and location.

    Something was not adding up in that investment.

    Timing's been extended for decades, waiting, waiting . . . . But the location's Jomtien seaside as you recommended and it's there right now ready to meet all that "need."


    Yep, something didn't add up (what might that be?) and (cough) still isn't adding up. Suddenly The Avenue looks wildly successful. ????

  6. On 6/9/2019 at 9:36 PM, Destiny1990 said:

    Imho its Jomtien that needs a seaside mall and not Pattaya that has already  an oversupply of malls.


    Your advice was taken decades ago when Pattaya didn't have an oversupply. Here's what happens to seaside malls in Jomtien trying to meet all your imagined "need." ????






    So that looks like a sure investment opportunity for you.

    • Haha 1
  7. 2 hours ago, robblok said:

    Yes what is it with americans and people in service.. they act like they are holey or something like that. Always bring up service.. its just a job someone chooses does not make them an angel if any it could damage them mentally. PSTD

    Any family of any nationality is going to grasp at any possible straw to garner support from all possible quarters. We often see exactly that. The article also mentions that he's "a son, a husband, a father to two kids." Is that holey? 


    But in the article the family isn't making a major point of his service.


    No, the emphasis is made in the headline: US Navy veteran locked up in Thai prison, family pleas for help. That appears simply to be a spin by a website content writer for marketing purposes. As the writers around here are almost always Brits writing mainly for Brits (The Thaitiger uses British spelling)--who are the largest local audience--then the headline might be read partly designed to appeal to Brit biases (often negative), incidentally picking up some American interest & sympathy.


    This is what you may be often seeing and mistakenly attributing to an American holier-than-thou attitude.


    BTW, I agree w/ your point about his likely guilt. He may not have known every detail of the scheme, but he knew he was helping defraud people.

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  8. One the recurring "issues" here on our beloved forum. Here it is in 2009:

    Why Was Thailand Never Colonised ?


    The reason for the "issue" is merely that we have so many members who don't like the Thai claim that it was never colonized. So what we do is redefine the common, standard, legal sense of the word to prove colonization. Sometimes the spuriousness of the argument is even admitted while insisting it's not spurious:


    On 6/16/2019 at 6:02 AM, Somtamnication said:

    Yes, Thailand was colonized, albeit, not the way we understand colonization to be.


    And we'll update our list of colonizers, adding, say, modern-day mainland Chinese. Or, if Thailand wasn't colonized, then it should have been (by Brits of course); or we'll use a Thai-bashing reason or swipe at Immigration--90-day report, work permit, blah blah.


    7 pages now, same old thing. Are we close to being done for this round?


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. On 6/5/2019 at 10:20 AM, cmarshall said:

    There's some stupid advice there. 




    Yes, currency exposure is a huge risk, more than inflation, but there isn't anything you can do about it unless you retire Ecuador or Panama.

    Wrong. As the article suggests, come up with a strategy to manage currency risk, same as you do for many types of situations. And there are several ways of doing that. So, you yourself can't think of any. ????



     No one in his right mind would consider transferring his assets into baht, which would be into a country in which he has neither a right to remain nor to transfer assets back to the home country.

    Yes, he would. Nor does the article suggest transferring ALL assets. And yes, you can transfer assets back. That statement is merely the usual attempt to spread FUD partly via the Just In Case fallacy.



    General advice like this is seldom valuable.  Conditions change.  We have to be prepared to change with them.

    For those unaware of the points raised in the article, it could be in fact valuable as a starting point for strategic planning. If you already know everything, of course, even when you don't, then you'll find nothing valuable.

    • Like 1
  10. On 4/1/2019 at 6:36 AM, JordanJones said:

    Ok so bought the rope. It's thick and heavy. Did 10 minutes and it was a good workout. I did some squats mimicing a long distance skier as well as side to side on each leg and jogging on the spot. Will try the leg exercises next.

    For bodyweight exercise you can't beat a suspension trainer:




    Lazada has a variety:



  11. I like proper bookshelf speakers over any computer speakers I know of. So I got a pair of PolkAudio speakers from Piyanas:




    and they sound great. Good price; well-reviewed product, BTW. 


    Get yourself a little amp here:




    Which will be within your budget. You're all set to enjoy some good sounds. ????

  12. 19 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Thanks for breaking up the post. If the authors you suggested will help people read long posts that aren’t written properly, I’ll give them a miss.

    No, they’ll help you read long posts like mine that are written properly by improving your attention span and reading comprehension. However, you may need to start with something more basic.



    The root of my thinking was always it’s a con.

    Yep. You're rooted right there alright. Always.



    You said there are many items which are cheaper or can’t be found elsewhere. I asked what are these ‘many’ items that are cheaper.

    And I gave some examples. Go find your own examples here:


    Filter by duty free & compare w/ what you find in local dept. stores.



    I didn’t ask about the items that can’t be found elsewhere because that is of no interest to me. Are you now saying there aren’t ‘many’ items that are cheaper?

    So complicated. How's your arithmetic? Some cheaper + some unavailable elsewhere = many. But then "some" is of course necessarily relative to the stock to which you're comparing. I give you a couple of categories below.


    I never said anyone needed nannying. I said that many people will assume it’s duty free when you tell them it is.

    Nannying is thinking you need to tell them, consumer protectionist, they may or not get a bargain in a duty-free shop. As I noted earlier, (1) they know, (2) they can easily find out, or (3) they don't care. Even Brits:

    British holidaymakers have lost faith in the value of duty-free shopping, with just one in 20 travellers believing that airport stores offer the best deals, new research has shown.


    1 in 20, pal. That ain't "many" assuming anything.



    Here most items are not.

    Depends on the category and what's in stock, but in prominent categories they in fact are. Perfume, 25 non-duty free; 714 duty-free. Watches, 58 non-duty free; 168 duty-free.

    You aren't really competent to have this time-wasting discussion, so I'm bowing out after this.



    This is deliberately misleading in order to make profit.

    No. A duty free shop sells does duty free items. They're not engaged in price-matching nor do they pretend to be.



    When businesses lie to or mislead their customers they typically get fined. This keeps business more honest.

    Seems pretty much the entire world, including countries w/ the toughest consumer protection laws, don't agree with you that duty free shops are lying, misleading, or engaging in dishonest business practices. You're quite free to apply your own personal little standard, of course, if that blows your skirt up and ensures you won't save any money by being conned. ????



    If you think people are happy paying over the odds because they want a souvenir or they’re lazy, you don’t understand people. People who know they’re paying over the odds only usually do so cos they have to. They have little choice. They certainly don’t gladly do it.

    Cough. No, they don't have to in a duty free even if they know they're paying "over the odds." And yes, they may gladly pay over the odds if it's for something they really want for whatever reason. But often, you see, they don't pay over the odds, if the odds are defined apples-to-apples reasonably. Ignoring that MAJOR point is "misleading our forum members" and reflects your inability to engage in an objective discussion on this subject, being "rooted."


    Truth is, most don't think about it that much one way or the other, knowing it's a travel splurge anyway, perhaps 'cause they have a lot more money than you do or they just don't have that baked-beans-on-toast, puckered sphincter mentality. They hope for a bargain, may look for one (I do), but the "happiness" is really all about enjoying the goods themselves or vicariously through a loved one. Not to mention even the act of purchasing something in the duty free while traveling. Next month it's just a line of many on the credit card bill. All this shows is that you don't have a clue about how the average duty free shop patron thinks. Suddenly I'm seeing a horde of Filipinos descending on the duty-free.


    To anticipate nitpicks, oh, maybe somebody forgot his shaver and thinks he must buy one at the airport. Duty free has one, but it's overpriced. He buys it reluctantly. But then there's the guy who badly needs a G&T. Only place to get it is at the airport bar. He winces at the price, orders, and ah-h-h. YAWN. 

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