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Posts posted by ronemshoff

  1. Allowing foreigners to buy houses and land will for sure raise property values to the point that Thais will no longer be able to buy a home.  Just look what happened to New Zealand when they did the same thing about 10 years ago.  Rich Chinese came in by the bus load - on property real estate sponsored buying tours - some bought blocks of houses off the plans with little regard of price.  This alone drove the price out of reach of most New Zealanders. Now the average price of a house in Auckland is over a million NZD.  Before this change price was about $250K to 350K.

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  2. What is the latest on internet connections?? Recently i am experiencing intermittent ADSL connection using 3bb 10 down/1 up. I subscribe to a couple of live feeds from U.S. and UK, but for the last couple of months the feed in intermittent and basically awful. Can you guys comment on your current connections. I read here there is problems (damage) with the international cable.

    Further i switched from TOT to 3bb a year ago and find that connection much better. thnx much.

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