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Posts posted by Clayton777

  1. Free trade benefiting the USA ? Someone here is definitely clueless when it comes to the fact that these agreements do nothing but, ship in continuous containers of cheap crap from third world countries that Americans should and could be producing themselves to secure jobs and the future of the American people, this is nothing more than a sellout of American workers to make them lose at and on a slowly but shurely gradual pace of middle class to lower class and beyond, ending up a total loss of self empowerment to wash in the NWO movement of the Elite !

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  2. Hello,

    I am currently in Pattaya and have been going on two years now, i have been interested in Cambodia but as you know employment opportunities there are limited.

    I was wondering if there where any employment needs for Thai-visa in their new venture there, if so how would i get this information ?

    Thank you for any help !

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