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Posts posted by 58130

  1. Can we get these photos/videos above sent to some Thai media too? One way or another we need to communicate to the higher authorities that a) the photos and CCTV footage strike a real resemblance, cool.png the CCTV looks like it's been tampered with and c) ask why no DNA test has been done on the sons.

    Intouch Toovichien appears to be at Stamford Uni but I can't see Warot in his friends list..


    i think this is warot's fb page

  2. The poverty here is quite unbelievable. The place is totally dependent on overseas work remittances.....but I reckon if they would give me power for 10 years I could sort the whole place out. I would make a simple start by lining all the police up against a wall and shooting them. That would get rid of most of the criminals. Next I would line up the taxi touts at the airport (who help stop a lucrative tourist industry right when they come off the plane). Eventually you can see my plan would help check the population problem. But you would be left with lots of good people. I would get the movie "religulous" translated into all the languages here, make it compulsory viewing for all and then there would surely be complete understanding when I converted all the churches and mosques to badminton courts or day care centres for kids, whilst their parents started working in the new economy which would have been kick started by shooting all of the old Spanish elite here who control all the commerce. Also as you can see there would be a bright future of employment in a burgeoning arms industry. If you own a chicken factory here, you get more money if you sell abroad, but if a chicken farmer in Thailand wants to export his cheaper produce to the hungry Filipinos, the old elite will find some way to throw a spanner into their container cooler system. I would let Tesco in with open arms. Incredibly no Tesco or the likes here as again the old elite don't want that. You get old dusty Chinese department stores which have check out lines saying "Senior Citizens, Disabled and Pregnant Women Only". Maybe I could introduce a law where every new Tesco supermarket has to have a line for "Religious People", but strictly no more than one line. A pregnant disabled dwarf with a seriously bad attitude (that probably would go without saying) could staff it. All the other lines could say "Infadels Only".

    In telecommunications, there's only pseudo competition. Any start up gets swallowed up by the giants to keep prices high. Nowadays the way to get absurdly rich is to control the mobile companies. Every extra one piso a minute makes billions. Look at that Mexican, Carlos Slim. What is he? The richest man in the world? There must be the equivalent here. This is a country of the absurdly rich and the absurdly poor. It is what happens when you deny a country a free market. Nothing much will change though. A free press and a democratic system have made no difference. Once that old cancer, corruption, gets a hold there's not a lot of hope to change anything.

    Great ideas you have here. :) Most of the old Spanish elite are already inactive except maybe for one or 2 families. The Chinese Filipinos now control most of the big industries. I wouldn't be surprised if in 20 or so years time, a few Koreans would also join the mix.

    Re your thoughts about a small hotel - they have been my thoughts exactly for the past few years. Say in Manila, there isn't a single hotel or bnb or guesthouse that anybody ever raves about unlike say Bali or Chiang Mai or even Bangkok where there are at least 20 such establishments getting rather iconic reviews. Same for Cebu and possibly Angeles. No one knows how to run such an establishment and they only get business bec all other options are crap too.

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