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Posts posted by I_like_friendly_women

  1. In my experiences traveling throughout Asia, including Thailand is I find western women do not ever bother to initiate conversation, establish eye contact, or smile. They seem to act the same way towards me as they do in their native countries. Not hostile, or rude but an aloof indiference. I feel invisible around western women.

    How long did you spend "traveling throughout Asia, including Thailand" ?

    A six-day package tour?

    My brother runs a yoga studio in Thailand. He has many western and Thai women in his classes. Virtually all of the western women never say anything, never smile, never establish eye contact with me. They talk to the other western women and mostly ignore the men.

    You must be one sorry-looking mother!

    The Thai women however ALL notice me and other men.  They all establish some eye contact and at least acknowledge that I am there even if they dont all say something. Many of them give really nice smiles and some begin conversations.  When I initiate conversations with the Thai women, they all respond with more enthusiasm, more electricity in their eyes than the western women.  Every western man I have asked about this agrees with me. I find Thai women so enthusiastic and ready to talk, date and have sex. I am talking about regular Thai women, NOT bar girls.

    What you are talking is "sh*t"!!!

    I think I can modestly say that I know more about Thai women (and Western women) than you will learn if you live to be a thousand years old. The average (ie: non-working) Thai girl is no easier to bed than her western sisters. (Sure, it's easier to bullshit a starry-eyed semi-educated Isaan farm girl into letting you stick your *&^% in her with the promise of taking her back to your home country with you ... but if you stoop so low than you deserve to be castrated!)

    It sounds to me like you're the typical economy class tourist scumbag who had his @£$% sucked under the table in a Silom no-hands restaurant without knowing the girl's services were included in the bill ... and you think this "experience" means that every Thai girl who smiles at you in the street recognizes you as an "old Asia hand" and wants to sit on your face.

    Wake up, you lame-arse stromper! Thai girls smile because they're Thai girls ... not because they want to piss themselves laughing at the sight of your truncated phallus!

    My question is, Why do many western women seem to lack the enthusiastic desire to engage in any kind of interaction?

    Maybe they lack enthusiasm because they have you tagged as just another farang sh*thead ?

    Face up to it, Dilbert ... western women living in Thailand see a dozen ambulatory men like you every day, and western women on holiday came to Thailand to get away from you and your ilk.

    You can't win in Thailand! Next year, go to Bognor or Blackpool or somewhere your pasty skin and pimply face might turn on the local girls!

    <<"How long did you spend "traveling throughout Asia, including Thailand" ? A six-day package tour?">>

    I have been to Thailand 7 times over 6 years and have lived there over 1 year in total.

    <<"You must be one sorry-looking mother!">>

    How do you come to that conclusion? You have never seen me before! If I was truly a "sorry-looking mother" Thai women wouldnt initiate a fraction of the interest that they currently do.

    <<"What you are talking is "sh*t"!!! I think I can modestly say that I know more about Thai women (and Western women) than you will learn if you live to be a thousand years old. The average (ie: non-working) Thai girl is no easier to bed than her western sisters. (Sure, it's easier to bullshit a starry-eyed semi-educated Isaan farm girl into letting you stick your *&^% in her with the promise of taking her back to your home country with you ... but if you stoop so low than you deserve to be castrated!)">>

    With all your experience in Thailand I would think by now you would have developed the skill to get non working in bed easier than western women! One has to really try hard not to get laid with normal Thai women. Most of the time it is effortless. How often do you try and get normal Thai women in bed? Do you speak some Thai? I have quite a few friends who have also come to Thailand and they universally agree that normal Thai women are so much easier to meet, much more enthusiastic and ready to go to bed faster than western women with less effort. Hey,...WHY ARE YOU SO HOSTILE?

    <<"It sounds to me like you're the typical economy class tourist scumbag who had his @£$% sucked under the table in a Silom no-hands restaurant without knowing the girl's services were included in the bill ... and you think this "experience" means that every Thai girl who smiles at you in the street recognizes you as an "old Asia hand" and wants to sit on your face.">>

    You are totally clueless! Why dont you ASK questions instead of just assuming of who I am, and what type of experiences I have had?

    <<"Wake up, you lame-arse stromper! Thai girls smile because they're Thai girls ... not because they want to piss themselves laughing at the sight of your truncated phallus!">>

    Did you have some traumatic experiences with Thai women? Are you hardened and cynical? Why the attitude? With your extensive experience in Thailand, surely by now you have been able to notice the difference in the smiles and know when they feel some attraction to you and when they are just smiling because they are Thai?

    In my experience, normal Thai women find many reasons why it will work with western men instead of finding all the reasons why it wont work like many Farang women do. I dont say anything rude to western women and if any gal initiates a conversation with me I usually respond with a smile and try to engage them. Normal Thai women seem to have a built in readiness, curiosity, and enthusiasm to engage western men that seem lacking in western women. What I find puzzling is why would western men in Thailand try to engage western women in a rude, or hostile way when western women dont have anywhere near the enthusiasm that Thai women do? Why bother? Why not deal with normal women who are enthusiastically ready?

  2. In my experiences traveling throughout Asia, including Thailand is I find western women do not ever bother to initiate conversation, establish eye contact, or smile. They seem to act the same way towards me as they do in their native countries. Not hostile, or rude but an aloof indiference. I feel invisible around western women. My brother runs a yoga studio in Thailand. He has many western and Thai women in his classes. Virtually all of the western women never say anything, never smile, never establish eye contact with me. They talk to the other western women and mostly ignore the men. The Thai women however ALL notice me and other men. They all establish some eye contact and at least acknowledge that I am there even if they dont all say something. Many of them give really nice smiles and some begin conversations. When I initiate conversations with the Thai women, they all respond with more enthusiasm, more electricity in their eyes than the western women. Every western man I have asked about this agrees with me. I find Thai women so enthusiastic and ready to talk, date and have sex. I am talking about regular Thai women, NOT bar girls.

    My question is, Why do many western women seem to lack the enthusiastic desire to engage in any kind of interaction?

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