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Posts posted by Fortunate

  1. He can start here:


    Then he can go on and see if he can protect the tourists from the airport-to-hotel transportation rip-off scams in Phuket too. Let’s see if he can setup a civilized public bus transportation system to the different destinations there without the bus driver getting mugged, killed or his bus destroyed by criminal syndicates.

    Next would be to permit hotels there that want to provide shuttle busses for their guests to do so without management, staff, driver and passengers being threatened, mugged or killed and the busses destroyed. Gooooood luck to you Mr. Minister. Have a nice day.

  2. Hi,

    I don’t think you’ll get anything out of suing Paypal. It’s too big for anyones good. Too big to dance withsmile.png You will most likely spend much, much more money than you lost doing this. I would go Paysbuy if I were you, as they accept many types of creditcards and accept many currencies. If you don’t like the Thai address, it should be easy to talk to them about this and ask for the option of not showing the Thai address as they are right there were you are – locally in Thailand.

  3. One of the main reasons criminals have found a rip-off niche are the hotel resorts themselves. When you book a hotel in Phuket, they do not even provide a free hotel shuttle bus which is owned and operated by the hotel itself. Not even expensive 5 star hotels do this. They prefer to leave their guests at the mercy of criminal syndicates and con-artists.

    At the Phuket airport, even if you stay away from the taxi booth and go (left) to the bus booth which looked like the standard public transport, you end up getting ripped-off. The bus from this booth instead took you on a detour, to a stop on the way which looked like a travel agency, were all passengers had to go in. They asked you all kinds of nosey questions and wanted everyone’s passport to copy at the back office. They were also trying to book people on all kinds of shows and hotels. All this shit despite passengers having paid the full amount from home for their stay at an expensive 5 star hotel. No wonder that there are so many false passports and identity thefts going on. All these tourists naively giving their passports and personal details (probably credit cards too) to syndicates who probably then feed it to international criminals and scam artists if they aren't doing it themselves.

    When you checkout out from the hotel, the concierge then gives you a price for getting to the airport. The 5 star hotels do not have their own shuttle bus that goes every hour to the airport, for example, and so here again another rip-off niche is born- sponsored and brought to you by your hotel.

    Confucious says: Never book any hotel that does not have its own free shuttle bus going straight to the hotel main entrance from airport.

  4. Thailand can improve the peace and safety of its society by just looking to their neighbors like Singapore for example. Crimes like these usually end with the death penalty. The bag-snatchers, in this case, who ended up killing the victim are hanged within a year or at most 2 years. That’s it. If they were into drugs in the first place which resulted in this crime, it would never have happened in Singapore. They would have been dangling at the end of a rope for drugs well before doing any drug related crimes. That’s it. Case closed.

  5. Thailand can improve the peace and safety of its society by just looking to their neighbors like Singapore for example. Crimes like these usually end with the death penalty. The bag-snatchers, in this case, who ended up killing the victim are hanged within a year or at most 2 years. That’s it. If they were into drugs in the first place which resulted in this crime, it would never have happened in Singapore. They would have been dingling at the end of a rope for drugs well before doing any drug related crimes. That’s it. Case closed.

    • Like 1
  6. You could use (2c2p com) for your website. It has easy integration with your website for creditcard processing. It also has dynamic currency conversion for your customers that want to fix the purchase price in their own currency to avoid waiting (for the unknown rate). DCC is a service provided by a company that specializes in currency conversion and is integrated into 2c2p. It basically allows all payment gateways out there to offer currency conversion. If you are working for a payment gateway or bank ask them to integrate the service for you. (dccservice com) Hope this helps you

    Correction: Paysbuy is the best option in my opinion and TBank for the merchant account. 2c2p is not yet live in Thailand. dccservice is live and is the core service for the payment gateways. You can ask them to integrate to your website. They have an e-commerce product for this.

  7. You could use (2c2p com) or (paysbuy com). They have a feature from (dccservice com) called DCC for dynamic currency conversion so your customers can buy and fix the price in their own currency to avoid waiting (for the unknown rate). You could open a merchant account at TBank.

    Correction: At the moment paysbuy is the best option as 2c2p is not live in Thailand.

  8. You could use (2c2p com) for your website. It has easy integration with your website for creditcard processing. It also has dynamic currency conversion for your customers that want to fix the purchase price in their own currency to avoid waiting (for the unknown rate). DCC is a service provided by a company that specializes in currency conversion and is integrated into 2c2p. It basically allows all payment gateways out there to offer currency conversion. If you are working for a payment gateway or bank ask them to integrate the service for you. (dccservice com) Hope this helps you

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