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Posts posted by ShanePashen

  1. What a game that was, as thrilling and nail biting as any game gets.

    Luckily the correct result was had.

    It honestly good have gone either way.

    I feel things could turn quickly however next season, as our ageing stalwarts head to pasture.

    We have seen last season The departure of the great Darren Lockyer, who will undoubtedly be crowned the next rugby league immortal.

    Petero going, and Slater, Thurston, Hodges, Tate, all well and truly in the twilight of their career.

    I believe we are seeing the end of an era, I also believe we will never see 10 series in a row as has been touted.

    I was at the Inaugural match at Lang park back in 1980, as then 14 year old.

    For me, State of Origin is the pinnacle of Australian sport.

    Because of the emotion, and the contest that always ensues.

  2. What a shame, and Jorge had every right to be furious, I still feel on form unless I see different, he is going to be hard to stop.

    Casey did everything right, even as sore as he was.

    I must say it has breathed new life into the championship however.

    IF Honda has cured that chatter problem, as it looked to be better, it could mean we have some very close races ahead.

    I am sad I don't get WSB here, it is my favourite road racing, and is always close, and better to watch than motogp.

    youtube will have to be my friend for this.

  3. I recall one guys post some time ago - she felt like such an assclown. Sitting in the lawyers office he had all his big ass assets listed out and her - nothing. She looked sad and forlorn. I am sure the trust thing took a MAJOR hit that day.

    Make sure whatever you do - it's not ALL ABOUT YOU.

    I respectfully disagree with everything you say!

    If it's handled well with dignity and professionalism.

  4. Thanks for that mate.

    Any specific terms you added on to the basic one.

    Where are you intending to live?

    Make SURE it is drafted to be applicable in your country of residence.

    They do these all the time,

    WIthout divulging too many personal details, I did major assets, future inheritances, and Superannuation.

    I was also fair as to be what we acquire jointly after we are married, be split 50/50 in the event of future separation.

    If she has land, make sure it is included, even scooter.

    My wife had no problems with it,

    I feel it helped the relationship between my children and her.

    A lot of bad stereotyping abut Asian gold diggers here in Oz.

    Mainly Filipinas, but it exists.

    Good luck and I wish you a long and prosperous marriage.

  5. I recall one guys post some time ago - she felt like such an assclown. Sitting in the lawyers office he had all his big ass assets listed out and her - nothing. She looked sad and forlorn. I am sure the trust thing took a MAJOR hit that day.

    Make sure whatever you do - it's not ALL ABOUT YOU.

    Never thought about it like that sad.png

    It's a fair point but after getting shafted by my falang ex wife i belong to the once bitten club.

    Fcked if I do and fcked if I don't.

    Excuse me while I go throw up 555

    Welcome to the shafted club.

    Unfortunately I don't think it's a very exclusive club.

    Especially here.

    I liken this club to getting your dick stuck in your zipper, if you do it once, you will make sure you never do it again.

    Yes do a prenup, give sunbelt lawyers a call. They did mine.

    Great service and really switched on, ask to speak to Emile de Marsac.

    Really nice guy, they won't treat your future wife like a 2nd class citizen.

    They will afford her all the dignity she deseves, and explain it all in Thai to her, from a Lawyer, not an armchair lawyer sitting in Britain posting on Thai visa.

    Mine was done to be applicable for Australian family law, and binding here.

    It all gets notarised and a contract drawn up. printed and hit with seal of Thailand.

    It is then lodged at the Amphur, make 2 copies when you go there, so 3 altogether.

    Original plus 2. Lawyers do this.

    And all for a fraction of the price of what it is done for in Australia.

    I don't know your circumstnaces, but think of it as protecting your kids inheritance perhaps.

    I love my wife and hope it never has to see the light of day.

    • Like 1
  6. Do not forget that the duty free concession for cigarettes will change on 1st of September. It will be reduced from 250 to only 50.

    Which is great and well overdue!

    Why do you say that, I don't smoke, have never smoked in my life, but i wouldn't begrudge a smoker saving a few bucks on smokes.

    Also why is it, I can't buy any duty free booze in Thailand, and take to Australia, have to pay the overinflated prices at arrival in BNE, and that does piss me off.

  7. I lived in the UK for 4 years nearly 20 years ago.

    My question is this, how the hell do people survive on 71 quid a week.

    That's about Aud $109, my god even 20 years ago that would be below the poverty line surely.

    I can only imagine how hard it must be. Does the Govt supply accommodation to these people out of work, or subsidise their rent in any way?

    I can't think of a worse place to be poor than blighty, particularly in winter.

    • Like 1
  8. My name is Deborah and I am Daniel's mum. I have read many of the posts regarding this incident and thought it would be fair to clear up some things.

    Firstly Daniel was with a friend and they went to Laguna Bar in Rawai. Daniel wanted to go out because he was starting a heavy regime of training as he was preparing for a title fight in Malaysia early July.

    Daniel is a high profile fighter and ranks 3rd in the Australian International Kickboxer ratings. Also known as the best foreigner fighter in his weight division in Phuket.

    His training is very stringent and his commitment to this title fight was all he talked about.

    On June 7, Daniel went with his friend to Laguna Bar and then left his friend at 12:30am (June 8) to collect another friend from Shanti Lodge. When he got there the friend wasn't there

    so as far as Daniel recollects he headed back to Laguna Bar to reconnect with Alex. However, for whatever reason, Daniel detoured

    and said he remembers an unmanned gas tank and thinks he may have stopped to fill the rented bike with petrol. His bike was broken down at our house and he rented a bike

    to get around that afternoon.

    Daniel never made it back to his friend Alex, but instead was found in Soi Saiyuan. The ambulance was called at 2:05 am.

    We spoke to the hospital via an interpreter and we were told that Daniel may have hit a road hump or pot hole and had an accident.

    The following day I had 2 people go into the area to look for any hazards that may have caused him to have this accident. I know the road as well as Daniel

    to know there were no speed humps there, but maybe an unforeseen pot hole. The 2 men investigated the road up and down and reported there were

    no pot holes or hazards at the site of the "accident".

    When I saw Daniel laying in hospital I was just glad he was alive and with no evidence of brain damage. But I later thought about the absence of grazing

    and skin tears to his arms and face. He was wearing thick jeans, and I thought he may have been wearing his leather jacket as he usually does at night on the bike.

    However his friend informed me that Daniel was only wearing a black polo shirt that night.

    People that came to visit him brought to our attention that in their opinion Daniel did not have a motorcycle accident and that we needed to investigate this further.

    Later that week our doctor who was caring for him at home approached me and asked me if I had considered that Daniel's injuries were not due to a motorcycle accident. That in his

    experience with forensics, he was clearly beaten with a bat or an object of the sort and that the injuries were caused to cause permanent damage or even death.

    The very next day my husband went to file a police report. The police drew a sketch of where he was found and told Steve that there were road works in that location and that

    Daniel had the accident there and hit a pole. My husband informed them there were no "road works' there on the day. They repeated the same story.

    We have never mentioned the attackers were Thai and they may very well have been foreigners. What we do know for sure is that Daniel is a respected member of the

    community. He isn't arrogant or rude, nor does he boast about his achievements and talents. He has been living in Thailand almost 5 years, 2 of them in Ubon where he learnt

    to speak Thai. He has high respect for Thais and knows how to conduct himself. He is not on Ya Ba or any such drugs and has nothing to hide. When asked if he owes money

    or has been involved with the wrong people, he says "I don't know of anyone who would do this to me, or want to do this to me." Anyone that has had any contact with Daniel

    will verify that he is a decent, respectful and talented young man whose only dream is to make it big in the Muay Thai world. He left to go to Ubon at 18 and Muay Thai is his life.

    The damage to the rented bike is not consistent with the damage to his face and neck and arm. He had severe bruising on the inside of his wrist of the right hand and the back of both hands. His right

    hand was so badly bruised and swollen like a blown up rubber glove, but no grazes. If he hit a pole, how were his hands so badly bruised at the top? How big was this post that he received so much damage in

    so many different places of his face and shoulder and hands and wrists?

    This appeared as though he put his hands up to protect his face and received blows in these areas. He had multiple breaks, severe breaks to the top and under the nose and face. His eye socket

    was smashed to pieces that the surgeon was unable to mend any of the bones. Lost teeth and many loose ones. A clean laceration to the forehead starting from the inside of his right eye to the hair line.

    Stitches also above his left eyebrow and bruising to the left side of the face and temple, bruising around the neck and to the back of the neck, internal bleeding in the abdomen area, which may have been received from kicks.

    Daniel's body is conditioned to receive blows. He also had bruises to both his hips.

    The bike however only received broken review mirrors and the top panel between the handle bars was damaged. Did the bike land on its top without any further scratches or dents?

    Maybe he received a phone call to meet someone in that area. We will never know because his phone and wallet are gone.

    As for those asking whether he had insurance. Yes of course he has insurance. Health and Accident Insurance. We are all insured. But the insurance was used up to reconstruct his face and mouth.

    He was in Vitchera hospital and was kept in the emergency section for 5 days.

    Was he wearing a helmet? No he wasn't. His full head helmet was stolen from his bike 2 days prior to the incident.

    I hope this lays to rest some of your suspicions. Daniel now needs extensive and on going treatment. I have given up my job to take care of him as he needs assistance with almost everything.

    My husband and I take turns looking after him as do my parents and his 17 year old sister. The fund raiser is to help him regain full use of his right arm that is at the moment is paralysed as he

    has not a millimeter of movement from the shoulder down, and no sensation whatsoever.

    I can understand why and how people can jump to conclusions. However, we have not made these claims lightly. I wish it had been a motorcycle accident, he most certainly may have

    received far less injuries. Daniel is of good spirit and remains positive. He is looking forward to a full recovery and says " I will fight with one arm if I have to....but I'd rather use both."

    To Deborah,

    Thank you for taking the time to come and post here, of what the truth of Daniel's character is.

    You have certainly made that very clear in my mind.

    If my musings caused you offence in any way, I deeply apologise as well.

    I Like many, can only wish Daniel a full and speedy recovery.

    As a parent of 3, I can only imagine how you must feel about this.

    I also hope whoever committed this cowardly and heinous crime is found, and appropriate justice is served upon him, or them.

    I am also hopeful Daniel continues on the sport which he loves, and has been so successful.

  9. Maybe it was a deal gone wrong, either drug or some other type. steroid, yaba, that of course is pure speculation, and baseless.

    Or perhaps he was seeing a girl he shouldn't have been.

    Regardless I wish him well, he is lucky to be alive.

    I hope he recovers well, that may be the end of his career as a muay thai fighter though.

    and so the half arsed speculation starts again....unless you hard facts that the person concerned was involved in any sort of illegal drug use....please keep those sort of hair brained theories to yourself...the family may be reading TV and a I am sure they dont need any more stress than they are facing right now...and certainly dont need from some key board detective wannabe who is making it up as they go along

    The guy himself doent know what happened...We all know riding bikes in Thailand is a dangerous business, did he get beat up....maybe/maybe not.....did he crash his bike maybe/maybe not.....at this point in time nobody knows...

    Who made you the forum police mate, this is a internet forum, I'll post what I like, I'm sure if I contravene a rule, and a moderator has a problem with it, it will be er... moderated.

    Re read the post, this is what happens on the internet, discussion, speculation.

    Don't like what I post stiff Sh*t!

    Big difference between reasonable discussion and baseless speculation.

    So what?

    I said that in my original unedited post!

  10. Maybe it was a deal gone wrong, either drug or some other type. steroid, yaba, that of course is pure speculation, and baseless.

    Or perhaps he was seeing a girl he shouldn't have been.

    Regardless I wish him well, he is lucky to be alive.

    I hope he recovers well, that may be the end of his career as a muay thai fighter though.

    and so the half arsed speculation starts again....unless you hard facts that the person concerned was involved in any sort of illegal drug use....please keep those sort of hair brained theories to yourself...the family may be reading TV and a I am sure they dont need any more stress than they are facing right now...and certainly dont need from some key board detective wannabe who is making it up as they go along

    The guy himself doent know what happened...We all know riding bikes in Thailand is a dangerous business, did he get beat up....maybe/maybe not.....did he crash his bike maybe/maybe not.....at this point in time nobody knows...

    Who made you the forum police mate, this is a internet forum, I'll post what I like, I'm sure if I contravene a rule, and a moderator has a problem with it, it will be er... moderated.

    Re read the post, this is what happens on the internet, discussion, speculation.

    Don't like what I post stiff Sh*t!

    • Like 1
  11. Well I'm 46, have ridden motobikes since i was 12, I can't ever remember in the many times I've dropped a motorbike, not taking any skin off my palms or hands, or elbows.

    At the type of speed that would cause those injuries.

    Also as mentioned, his injuries aren't consistent with a motorcycle crash.

    Maybe it was a deal gone wrong, either drug or some other type. steroid, yaba, that of course is pure speculation, and baseless.

    Or perhaps he was seeing a girl he shouldn't have been.

    Regardless I wish him well, he is lucky to be alive.

    I hope he recovers well, that may be the end of his career as a muay thai fighter though.

    • Like 1
  12. KIDS?

    She just might be saying like ...

    I'm hoping once she sees mine, she will never want any of her own!

    Kids is something we have discussed and I would prefer to not have any more.

    She says she would like one, but says its not a deal breaker with her.

    However I still have an open mind to it, it's something we really really need to look at very hard, and make a decision about.

    • Like 1
  13. I wish you the very best of luck Mate. I married a beautiful Thai woman after a fairly short period and never regretted it once... until today that is when I had to break the news that due to the declining income from my investments I was going to have to return to the UK and get a job again. (Been here four and a half wonderful years). Obviously I'll continue to support her and my stepdaughter until I've saved enough to return.

    There are times when you have to follow your heart... I always remember the verse from CS Lewis;

    Make your choice adventurous stranger, Strike the bell and bide the danger, or wonder 'til it drives you mad what would have happened if you had.

    Thanks for those kind words, and I wish you a prosperous return to the UK, and also a speedy return to your family.

    I feel a bit about my current situation from the Kipling poem "If"

    "If you can make one heap of all your winnings

    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

    And lose, and start again at your beginnings,

    And never breathe a word about your loss:

    Or perhaps this verse might be more pertinent for some TV posters.

    "If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken


    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,"

  14. "I just got back after 2 weeks together,"

    good luck.

    I think that you are a fool for moving so fast, but both my brother and father seem to fall in love that fast and get married as fast as that. I just take things much slower.

    You did say that you were divorced already. I don't know why you would rush back into marriage again. I love being married but I wouldn't do it again.

    I wonder if you will be back on here whining and complaining about Thais this and that... if the relationship doesn't work.

    Of course you are both happy right now. You are newly weds. The problems won't arise for at least 6 months to a year.

    Well perhaps you may be right. I am too wise to say that couldn't possibly happen to me.

    I can't predict the future, and I know all too well about the fragility and temporal nature of relationships.

    This was not a step I took lightly, I put a great deal of thought into it all.

    If it does fail ultimately, you will not hear me whining, I will blame myself.

    However, I chose to embark upon the course and time frame I did.

    No one else knows the relationship we have together or the happiness I feel we share when we are together.

    I am not looking for a long distance relationship, I am also not looking for a time share in a Thai girl (or girls), where I am one of many sponsors who gets his 2-4 weeks a year of being "taken care of".

    I am looking for something of more substance, our marriage will face many challenges, as all do, cultural differences may enhance these, but in some ways may alleviate some as well.

    When I first came on this site, my now wife was accused of being everything from a whore, to a mercenary, simply because she had moved from Bangkok to Phuket to take a decent job.

    So many people on here told me, that I even began to second guess it myself.

    I reiterate the introduction that was made by my friends wife, who is now a permanent resident in Australia.

    In other words I didn't meet her by sticking 100 baht notes down her g string on Soi crocodile, or Bangla!

    She had no problem with a very binding pre nup, I have not given her a brass razoo in the time we have been together, except obviously I pay for everything when we are together.

    She is ALWAYS available to talk to, and we communicate constantly via viber or messenger.

    Also for us to be together in Australia, so I can keep working here, I would have to marry her after 9 mths anyway, that is pretty well black and white.

    I mean what the hell would I do in Thailand for work, I can't even speak the language, and I'd prefer to earn $$ than Baht.

    Since my divorce, I dated many women here in Oz, and had micro relationships with them.

    Frankly I can't go back to that,and it's not just the physical side, but the expectations of middle aged Australian women.

    I could easily, but I choose not too.

    I understand the risk of marrying someone from a different culture, much younger, beautiful, but I am happy with the odds, if I treat her well.

    We have spoken at great length about marriage, love, expectation, and have a vision for our future together.

    How it all unfolds, time will tell.

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