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Posts posted by UbonOz

  1. To add a little more information on my experience today.

    I had the same problem attempting to register. I tried that many times with no success.

    I wanted to start a new application for my wife who will be on her ninth visit to the UK in April, her last visa has just expired. The last two visas were for two years.

    I clicked after a while and thought does the website remember my email address from past applications, it must do, I was attempting to register with my original email address from two years ago with a new password.

    Anyway, I used another email address and password to register, it worked. I registered OK, logged in and completed the application.

    So, anyone that has applied previously and using the same email address, remember the password and you will not need to register next time, just log in. Hopefully you will not have the same frustrating experience.

    I would love the British Embassy to have a procedure where a person who has visited the UK many times and their circumstances have not changed, the application could be treated with less paperwork. Presently, every application is treated as if it were their first. Less work for everybody.

  2. Attached are some photos of the property available for rent.

    The property is a couple of hundred metres from the Big C, Warinchamrap on the same side of the road.

    Property is upstairs and downstairs..

    Downstairs is large open area with two roller doors at the front, quite large kitchen and two bathrooms. There is a roller door at the rear opening to a small open concreted area. Space for two vehicles at the front.

    Upstairs are two bedrooms and large lounge area with a balcony at the front and rear. No toilet/shower upstairs.

    The property would be suitable for a business and/or private accommodation.

    Good exposure as a business location.

    Rent is THB9,000 per month. A refundable security deposit of THB18,000 would be required.

    English Contact - Derek - 08 9419 3374

    Thai Contact - Pim - 08 5312 7198


  3. I cannot be bothered arguing the toss with people that choose to wear blinkers.

    We are being robbed blind by the financial institutions.

    What makes me sad is if the world continues on its course, I believe it will not, there will be change, what future is there going to be for our kids and grand-kids. Hopefully, the change will not involve spilling blood. Bitcoin will be a peaceful process which will creep up on the banksters before they know it.

    I would support anything, even sea shells, as a currency, if it can take the power away from the 1%.

  4. I first got into bitcoin early last year when the price was around $30. I've been buying steadily since then and also accept bitcoin for payment at my business, The Pattaya Beer Garden.

    How do I pay in BTC at the Pattaya Beer Garden. I use Electrum as my wallet and don't (at present) have a mobile app for it.

    Open a Blockchain account.

    Add their app to your smartphone, pair the app to the account.

    Send funds to your smartphone app.

    Off to the pub you go.

    Only load funds on your smartphone with small amounts, just the same as you would add cash to your wallet in your back pocket for a night out.

    Others say Micelium is a good app.

    Apologies, should read "Mycelium".

  5. I first got into bitcoin early last year when the price was around $30. I've been buying steadily since then and also accept bitcoin for payment at my business, The Pattaya Beer Garden.

    How do I pay in BTC at the Pattaya Beer Garden. I use Electrum as my wallet and don't (at present) have a mobile app for it.

    Open a Blockchain account.

    Add their app to your smartphone, pair the app to the account.

    Send funds to your smartphone app.

    Off to the pub you go.

    Only load funds on your smartphone with small amounts, just the same as you would add cash to your wallet in your back pocket for a night out.

    Others say Micelium is a good app.

  6. I first got into bitcoin early last year when the price was around $30. I've been buying steadily since then and also accept bitcoin for payment at my business, The Pattaya Beer Garden.

    There are many reasons why I believe bitcoin will succeed and become a viable world currency. In the past year millions of dollars has been raised for bitcoin startup companies and a lot of very smart people have become serious investors. The number of places you can spend bitcoin is rapidly growing with such notable new additions in the past year being Dell Computers, Expedia.com, Overstock.com and of course The Pattaya Beer Garden along with tens of thousands of other businesses. Bitcoin has become much easier to buy and sell and even Thailand now has two bitcoin exchanges where you can buy or sell bitcoin for baht.

    There are very good philosophical reasons for wanting bitcoin to succeed. Anyone who understands how the banking system now works, fractional reserves, bailouts and a thousand other ways in which banks leach money out of our capitalist system will be attracted to bitcoin. The way governments create fiat currency and the way fiat currency always devalues (constant inflation) is another reason to favour bitcoin.

    However the best reason to get into bitcoin right now is to simply look at the upside and downside.

    The downside is that bitcoin may fail. It is a new and experimental currency and it has a lot of powerful enemies like bankers and some politicians. Bitcoin can not be "closed down" by anyone but it can be made illegal or at least very difficult to transact at the point where bitcoin meets fiat currency. We have seen this happen in several countries, including Thailand. However in every case so far bitcoin has survived and even thrived. Currently Ecuador is the only country that has outright declared bitcoin illegal and that just recently. Other bastions of democracy such as China and Russia have attempted to close down bitcoin but have failed and reneged on their negative positions. If bitcoin does fail then obviously its value will go to zero.

    The upside is that millions of people have come on board. Venture capital has flowed in to bitcoin in vast amounts and the infrastructure is being built as I write this to make bitcoin a viable and superior world currency. Once it has sufficient momentum it will become unstoppable. We are not there yet but we are closer everyday. Bitcoin makes payments so simple, cheap and quick that its superiority is self evident to anyone who cares to investigate. If bitcoin achieves critical mass then it is a given that its value will increase dramatically. It's supply is strictly limited by the protocol that means if more people want it the only way the can be accommodated is for the price to go up. If the user base expanded to that of say Visa or Mastercard the value of a bitcoin would have to increase many multiples of what it is now.

    So if you buy a bitcoin today at around $600 the downside is you may lose that $600 but the upside is you could make many thousands of dollars. You don't even need to buy 1 bitcoin. You can buy a bit which is 1,000th of a bitcoin for 60 cents. Owning a few bits really is a no brainer.

    People say bitcoin is hard to understand and hard to keep secure. There is some truth to this. If you really want to understand how bitcoin works there are many resources on the internet that will explain it. However for most people it's a bit like the internet. Do you know how the internet works? How the TCP/IP protocol transfers packets of data with multiple redundancies built in. Probably not, and why should you unless you are interested in techy stuff. You just use it and it works. Well bitcoin will be the same. If you want to know how it works it is a fascinating story and you will be awed by just how clever it is. For most people though its utility is what will count.

    The bitcoin protocol is 100% secure and has never been broken by hackers. This means all transactions are 100% safe. Safer say than internet banking and much much safer than a credit card transaction.. However once a transaction has occurred and you own bitcoin then it is more difficult to keep them safe. Not because bitcoin is insecure but because the place most people keep them like a smart phone of home computer is likely very insecure. It is easy for people who understand computer security to keep their bitcoins absolutely secure but not so easy for the average person.

    A lot of work has been done and is continuing to make security easy and transparent for the average person. Wallets like Electrum really do make it fairly easy now. For people who do not trust themselves to secure their own bitcoin then websites like coinbase.com will hold your bitcoins very securely. The only problem with coinbase is that you have to trust them not to steal your bitcoin much as you have to trust your bank. For people with a small holding, coinbase is a good solution. If you want to own more than a few thousand dollars worth it is probably worth putting in the effort to understand a good secure wallet like Electrum and keep your bitcoin yourself, offline.

    So, don't miss out on what promises to be the most exciting technology since the invention of the internet. Invest a little today even if just 100 or 1,000 baht. You will have a fascinating time working out how to do it and although you may end up losing those few baht you more likely will end up multiplying them many times. Oh, and feel free to drop into the Pattaya Beer Garden and buy a beer with your bitcoin.

    Only found out this week that you accept BTC. Possibly, you are the first in Thailand to accept.

    I will most definitely make a visit to your establishment next time I am down in Pattaya.

    Good luck and let us know how the BTC sales progress.

    • Like 1
  7. Tell me please, how someone can steal your bitcoins if it is not stored online (in the cloud), but in your personal e-wallet (external drive)? Sounds odd.

    between investing in bitcoin or properties, I get properties sure even if bitcoin being safe to invest.

    Bitcoin is NEW just like banks were new when they first started out they would get robbed all the time by the likes of Jesse james, Bonny and clyde, James Deringer etc etc and they would target banks that had weak security which is exactly what happened with Bitcoin thieves target people who do not store their coins correctly and they got robbed just like the banks did way back when.

    Now since the banks were being robbed so much they would focus on increasing the secuirty of their banks which is exactly what Bitcoin is doing as it evolves and security is getting better and better as Bitcoin matures.

    If someone buys bitcoin then there are ways to make it impossible for anyone to steal their Bitcoins by storing the bulk of your coins offline.

    Even today banks get robbed but its quite rare and its rare that anyone gets their coins stolen if they follow protocal.

    So you're saying that Mt Gox, the major bitcoin exchange in the world, before it got robbed and went bankrupt, had flawed security ?

    Mt Gox had more holes in it than a colander. Extremely badly managed.

    But, the main reason there was such a loss is that people trusted them. The last thing you do is trust an exchange.

    OK to buy/sell your BTC, once done get them out and into your own wallet where you hold the private keys.

    The writing was on the wall, people were warned, but they still trusted Mt Gox.

    I went through the motions of KYC with Gox and was rejected because I supplied proof of ID which was not in English. Fortunate for me. I then went to BitStamp and was approved. All has gone well with BitStamp but I do not leave any quantity of cash or BTC on their exchange.

    There is no way your BTC will be stolen if you use the correct security measures, ie. cold wallets.

    The blockchain is possibly one of the most important inventions to mankind.

    There is going to be so much change over the next few years, and all good.

    Anyway, I will come back in another twelve months and see what is happening.

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  8. Another year older and deeper in debt. Are we?

    Last year I posted in the link http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/657170-bitcoins-banned-in-thailand/page-6#entry6688450.

    I made the comment about coming back in one year to see what has happened.

    Things have changed quite significantly.

    I am more than happy that I took the plunge into Bitcoin last year.

    I have bought progressively during the year and learnt more about the world and finance than I have in all my years previously.

    Would be interesting to hear from others to see if they have a different view since last year.

    This time last year the BTC price was in the vicinity of US$100 to US$150, today it is just below US$600.00.

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