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Posts posted by ThaidDown

  1. 9 minutes ago, Felt 35 said:

    How are the public to know if they use Sinovac  / AstraZeneca / Pziefer or Moderna vaccine? Someone from Nakhon Nowhere sit beside them when the seal is removed from the package? 

    That's easy.

    When you attend for the injection they ask which one you want, after your reply they stick the  appropriate label on the vial before showing it to you.


  2. 47 minutes ago, snowgard said:

    Interpol not have a red note for him anymore: https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/View-Red-Notices

    I find it amazing that no reporter asks the police chief and prosecutor why the Thaksins were convicted in absentia, but the Red Bull heir did not.


    That would solve the problem to the extent that he could then be wanted as a convicted criminal and the offenses could not be statute-barred.

    Note that the quoted site only shows the public red notices not all of them.


    Many red notices are hidden from public view and only available to law enforcement.



  3. 1 hour ago, Harveyboy said:

    i want to transfer the chanot into his name  first close the company then put the condo in his name 

    Believe you will have to 'sell' the company assets, ie the condo, to the son first before you can close the company.

    Transfer taxes, based on the Land dept appraised value will need to be paid.


    Also note that, without court permission, the son will not be able to sell the condo until he is 20 years old.


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