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Posts posted by stronzza

  1. The bigger picture isn't about justice but about the control of the temple, confiscating its gold, and the crushing of its buddhist followers....


    The PM is muslim...over the last decade the amount of mosques springing up throughout tland is alarming.  They are being supported financially by the government whom is being supported by muslim money from outside the country.


    That Wat is about 10 times the size of the Vatican, but the surrounding land is all owned and controlled by muslims...the trumped up charges are the distraction.   The government has done this before to other temples. 


    All this mis-direction...4000 military soldiers to get one monk?  Really?   Money laundering?  Please...the news is all controlled by the government...


    The muslims have the south...and they want all of thailand...the country is being converted so slowly, but no one notices.


    The monks know that if the Phra is taken, he will be defrocked, and held indefinitely to get his day in court...and of course that will never happen and he will eventually die...his health is shit and the PM knows this.

  2. Most AV software can be told to ignore folders and file types - many ignore text documents anyway and hit executables and binary files only (unless told to examine all files). If you are worried, simply use an encrypted folder (Truecrypt is free), AV's cannot open encrypted folders and will ignore them - or log a warning. As said above the files are not read, but are compared against signatures of known viruses (heuristics in modern AVs will allow for fuzzy compares for near matches too). There are often millions of files checked, it would take ages to read each one and scan for salient details to steal - would be very unlikely to be very successful even if it did - and would not be able to read every file type anyway (although many are text based these days - XML - which makes reading easier). Word etc has the option to encrypt files when saving.

    AV companies rely on reputation - unless you are using some unknown AV, then there is no chance they would risk doing something with so little value - they would need to be the NSA to cope with the load!


    Wasn't Truecrypt compromised?


  3. Never had Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Spotify or any other social media waste of time program. Not surprised that FB has done this and not to mention other behind the scenes things that they have done with your personal information. Never saw the need to let folks that I might have had a conversation with 12 years ago, know that I was eating Doritos and watching football on the tube....

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