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  1. Can't you see it's Guy, Jules, Jean-Pierre and Francois?
  2. Depends on the city... Look what happened to the cops in NYC last month by some recent arrivals...
  3. and you'll see a tsunami of <removed> from a good many folks here...
  4. When it comes to "sin-sot" (dowry) for Thai ladies... They get NONE if: 1. married before 2. have child/children 3. worked bar
  5. Check the stats for Brazil. Then check the stats for gun deaths per 100k residents/per country and you'll see the USA isn't even in the top 10.
  6. There are more than just "3" countries... and I wouldn't be using "businessinsider" for correct information. There are actually 8: Czech Republic Guatemala Mexico Switzerland The Philippines Ukraine United States Yemen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_keep_and_bear_arms Additionally, the following countries permit some different levels of gun ownership (even here in Oz): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overview_of_gun_laws_by_nation It's tragic to hear of others killing one another - via guns or other weapons. Responsible gun owners aren't the problem - it's the law breaking criminals (including Hunter Biden) who obtain gun's illegally and use them without regard for others lives. I do not believe in punishing law abiding gun owners - just as I don't believe in punishing all drivers just because some of them drive drunk and cause mayhem and death - the worst of which in the USA was in May 1988 in Carrollton, Kentucky when a drunk driver hit a bus head-on and killed 27.
  7. It doesn't matter who gets elected... Only a repeal of the 2nd Amendment will make any desired impact, but the chances of that happening are non-existent.
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