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Posts posted by BespokeMan

  1. "my thai wife drives all the time and over many years have traveled all los

    and when see a bkk number plate be aware

    they will do anything to show you they own the road

    never indicate

    stop on road to hold up traffic

    travel fast and cut in on you

    and worst park behind you while they do there shopping so you have to waitto get out

    grrrrr+ "

    opalred, what province in thailand do you live in?

  2. No not playtime, finally some positive posts, beautiful.

    Now let's await the isaan bashers.

    I have seen good and bad in all the so called class systems, some of the very best have been from rural isaan, some of the worst to but some really great woman.

    Humm, you are now showing your true colours.

    Not really asking the question in the opening post, more setting the scene to make your post above.

    Isaan woman are misunderstood. My (your) woman is Issan and you want to justify your relationship.


    'Many Thai obtaining visas do not return'

    Where do you get this idea from? Government figures show 31 Thai removals and voluntary departures in 2014 and 21 removals and voluntary departures in 2015. This does not suggest 'many' to me. Total for all countries about 12000 in 2015.

    I accept these may be the tip of the iceberg and not all over stayers will be recorded but it suggests that only a small number of Thais fail to return.

    A very sweeping suggestion based on little evidence. Of those entering the UK on visas, I suspect very few overstay. Those 'trafficked' into the UK probably swamp the few that misuse their visas.

    Bob, the reason that they don't show up in the 'statistics' is that they go 'Black' ... go 'underground'.

    We have a friend of in the US doing that right now.

    Ditto the UK.

    Speaking, informally to a few countries Embassies, is that they are happy to issue the 'Visit Visa' (equivalent there of), they just want to have some confidence that the applicant will return home before the Visa expires.

    And adhere to the terms of same.

    But many do not. Men disappear into labouring/construction.

    Woman often into Thai restaurants or massage shops.

    Not all, some ... enough to be a concern.

    They don't 'appear' in the statistics maybe because they often return voluntarily, overstaying their visa, knowing they have little chance of returning, but having made enough money to support the Family in Thailand.

    Such is life.


    Do you need to get the DNA test? Sounds like some people are saying yes and no. I'm guessing would entail a trip to Bangkok?

    I did not have to provide a DNA test, I assume your name is on your child's birth certificate. If so then no DNA test should be required, if it is not then you may have a problem.

    The application is handled in Bangkok and a case worker is normally assigned, it would be an advantage to you being in Thailand during the application process.

    On both pf my applications I had to provide a history of my relationship with my wife, where, how we met, living arrangements, length of relationship etc.


    Absolute rubbish ^^

    they can put 'superman' on the Birth Certificate and it's legal.

    Do you realise that, if your Thai GF/Partner was recently divorced and a child is born, your child, legally, in Thailand, the child is decided to be the ex-husbands.

    Read this :- http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/381917-how-to-gain-parental-rights-as-a-father/

  5. Many Thai men contribute to their partners finance/wage/stipend.

    A Thai Motorcycle Courier/Taxi (call them what you wish) I know gives Bht 300 a day, unless she's pissed him off (which does occur often), then he either delays payment or skips it altogether.

    <deleted> to those who say that Thai men don't pay.


    In a word NO.

    I have been here for Eight years.

    One marriage and four relationships.

    ALL have ended up bad.

    Thai women only want money not LOVE.

    Or maybe i have just been unlucky.

    A friend of mine who has lived here for 15 years and married to a Thai.

    Always tells me you know when a Thai is lying when their lips MOVE.

    Another friend says THEY can but we CAN NOT.

    I am going back to my own country soon.

    Had enough of the SHIT you have to put up with here.

    And it is a lot worse than Eight years ago.


    AGREED, no chance of true love.

    30 million opportunities, everyone is the same.

    (Insert irony alert)


    In my experience of reading TVF forums, the only way for true love to flourish in Thailand for a farang is to follow a few simple rules:-

    1. Be the most naive person in the western world in that you have never heard of Thailand's world class reputation of having the most yo-yo knickered ladies per capita, bar none.

    2. Never be tempted to go to a bar. In fact, steer clear of alcohol all together. All thai ladies like a fun, sober guy.

    3. Always dress smartly. You will be admired far and wide if you dress in a shirt, trousers, leather shoes and socks and best of all, a tie, in 37°C temperatures. Pour scorn over the uneducated slobs wearing t-shirts and shorts, they know nothing and are an embarrassment to all and sundry.

    4. Try to come here reluctantly at the insistence of your blue chip company. As a specialist in your field and respected by your peers you will find your complete lack of knowledge about culture, language and every single aspect of life over here to be absolutely no hindrance to meeting a hiso thai in no time at all. Best to skip over the reasons for why you were mysteriously single in your homeland though.

    5. Once you have hit the jackpot and met the hiso thai lady of your dreams and believe me, this will not take long, don't make the amateur mistake of failing to constantly remind everyone that you are not and never have been a sexpat. If necessary, inform people you possess a degree as this is a very, very rare achievement.

    6. Finally, never be tempted to post photos of your wife on the internet. Whether posing halfway up a tree or proudly standing in front of her Honda Wave you may find you lose some of the credibility you should have accrued by observing the previous 5 points.


    Funniest thing I've read for ages.

    Dumb Shumk

    "In my experience of reading TVF forums" - says it all.

    You have no idea, apart from your myopic views on Thai Society and the intricacies of living same.

  8. Do I pay her a Salary?

    I do.

    But the term 'Salary' infers money for services rendered.

    A 'Stipend', far better terminology.

    She gave up a good job to be with me, now she takes care of our Family.

    Some money provides modest security for her.

    Do I want to get dragged around the Markets, or TESCO while she is looking for that lipstick/food snack/insert her choice of consumer goods. NO !

    Am I 'buying her'? I don't think so.

    The test is, 'Would we be together if there was no money for her'? Most likely.

    When we dated, and that was a few years before we started a Family, there was no money asked for, nor given.

  9. If you are worried about the smell, the wind changes direction daily, but it's a stinker if they burn overnight, which they often do, it's a still night and the cloud drifts your way.

    When the trees are all gone, they will source wood from other sources, usually wooden pallets.

    I've never seen hay used in the production of charcoal.

    If you collect water off your roof to drink, wait till a good rain shower to was the dust away before you store it in your jars.

  10. Thank you for posting this - brightens up the day!

    I have to say I prefer Miss Thailand to the winner. And Miss Myanmar and Korea too.

    Guess that's why I married a Thai wink.png

    One of my friends, an oilman, married a girl from Venezuela. Not only beautiful but a really nice, caring person. I met several of her friends and they were all very good looking girls but also nice, unassuming, intelligent people.

    I glad you liked it ... wai.gif

    Sometimes, we do get a bit serious in the General Forum and some 'light relief' is appreciated.

    We forget the beauty that exists in the world. I'm happy to bring a little bit of it to General.

    So, to honour your post, Miss Thailand, Miss Myanmar and Miss Korea ...


    wow, we never see this on the tv !

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