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Posts posted by Invisibl3

  1. kobrien, I am in the same boat (kinda). My partner and I (both Aussies) are looking at doing a quiet ring exchange with just us, our sets of parents and a close friend somewhere in Thailand. No celebrant, no specific loaction, but I need to be able to get the seven of us around without using scooters/motor bikes.

    We planned to spend about 4 or 5 days seeing the sights and doing a few day tours maybe, before having a quiet ring swap and exchanging vows with just those closest to us present, followed by a group dinner to celebrate. We are doing the paper work when we get back to Aus, but as we have no religious preference so it's more for us than anything else.

    My partner and I both speak a little Thai and our friend is Thai so we don't need a translator, we have been to Ao Nang and Pattaya and while we love both places we also want to go somewhere a little less tourist driven. Money isn't so much an issue, but that said I don't want the parents to be forking out more than 3000tbh per night for a hotel that we are only sleeping in, and I need somewhere with more than just elephant rides and water sports for activities.

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