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Posts posted by Imkah

  1. 10 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

    30 million doses

    is enough for 15 Millon people.


    Why not go all in and get 100 million Pfizer and 100 million Moderna for the public.


    Use Astra Zeneca on the army to keep them complacent.


    After this you can order 100 million more for booster shots.  Any extra give to your neighbors before they expire.


    10 million here and 20 million there doesn't cut it.


    Anutim should have been doing this last year, F idiot.

    No booster shots:  Although Thailand is a country in dire straits most of Africa are still up <deleted> creek without any paddles.  Western countries have hoarded, Thailand has not even tried without the Government first asking what is in it for us, which is a tragedy.  Covid will probably never go away but if we don't want to go through the whole Greek alphabet of mutations to this virus we have to slow the spreading world-wide.  It's actually a good lesson in how we all now are dependant on each other.  A lesson that should be well learned.  (It won't I know but what the heck). Could be useful for other minor problems like say global heating, draught, heat, floods, Bangkok and other major cities slowly sliding into oceans rising etc.  What I am trying to say is forget the booster shots for now!  Lets start with understanding that this is not over before the reste of the world is a wee bit safer. 

    • Sad 1
  2. Well, this will cut Thailand's tourist numbers in half.

    I doubt that very much! They are (or so they say) trying to get a hold on the massive influx of labour from neighbouring countries. (Whom, by the way are needed by the countries economy - local logic..). The tourists who come for a week or 3 are still welcome. Most of them speak Mandarin, Cantonese or Russian or related languages by the way. The small cluster of pinkies in Phuket or Pattaya who haven't got their papers right are of no consequence to Thailand's economy. Stop fooling yourselves; the room and the bike you rent, the beers you drink mean nothing.

  3. As much as I abhor violence, there are some people who deserve a good kicking................sad.png

    A good kicking, what for? The man got up on the stage, interrupted the show surely, but said what HE thinks about the whole thing and was - from the looks of the photo - fairly peacefully removed. Could have happened anywhere in any democracy. Or is it because of the 9 inches you long to give him a nice, good kicking perhaps?

  4. This is just some random clown on facebook. What makes it newsworthy? There's plenty of baying for blood from the other side too. Selective reporting.

    What makes it newsworthy? Well, for starters a named person is officialy suggesting the abduction and possible killing of two named young women. I find it newsworthy, and so would most normally hinged people I would think.

    Selective reporting? Nobody's said that the other side(s) are flawless, but you should understand that a report that goes against your likes or dislikes does not make it selective. It would be too selective if we all had our own preferred "selections" and categorized news according to this. You can of course have your own point of view but sharing this with us on social media, hiding behind phrases such as "random clown" or "selective reporting" isn't really very newsworthy, now is it?

  5. They was not entitled to stay in Denmark after his death . Therefore, they were sent home to Thailand. They do not meet the requirements of the legislation said. Not the wife and the daughter's fault that he died . A shame for them that they did not get to meet the requirements when the man died. Because they have lived here for a few years, doesn´t make them Danes. Can´t see what connection they have to Denmark. The dead man not even adopted the little girl. Again , there is legislation . Fair or not is debatable. Legislation must surely be followed. But we have a spineless government that due to pressure from a support group, as well as the press, the resilience and choose to make a special law. Home is being said / written. Where is home? What citizenship do they have? Tourist visas they come to Denmark on. If it is as it says, that it is a tourist visa, then something illegal is going on. Can´t own / rent an apartment, a daughter go to school, get social security, free medical and hospital , later perhaps work etc. on a tourist visa . Well , these two do it. Now everybody that comes to Denmark on a tourist visa will be thinking, hat all who come to Denmark on a tourist visa believe that they can do this too. Well the same for everyone. Welcome to Denmark.

    Your a bundle of joy arent you.

    Well put, Pomthai! Apart from "jes" being so unwilling to share whatever it is he (I presume IT is a he) seems to think is being stolen from him: I very much doubt that they stayed for 4 years on a tourist-visa: they might have arrived on one, but their status was surely changed when she was married in the Queendom of Denmark. The kid has lived half her life in Denmark. She only speaks Danish and Denmark is the world she knows. And in cases like this, where interests of State, adults and children do not co-incide the childrens rights are to trumph all other interests. Some nerd out there might help me find the right UN-declaration and wording?

    This has been an on-going discussion for years, including in my home country Norway where the police are apt to break into an asylum-seeking families home at night and evict and return children who have no other language than Norwegian to some foreign country. Denmark and Norway enforce their (possibly internationally illegal) laws quite heavy-handedly. And strangely enough: the police-corpse is never seen objecting to such inhumane treatment.

    One maybe 12-13 yrs old girl (lived in Norway for close to 10 years) put it this way on TV in a fluent west-coast dialect: "I like Norway, but Norway does not like me!" She is back in the home country of one or both of her parents, and doesn't speak a word of the language nor the culture. A great cheer! for jes, Denmark and Norway!

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  6. I'm confused - and a bit heart-broken I must admit. Here we have a thread about a black American supposedly attacking an elderly Thai female shop-keeper with a small flip-knife. And NOT ONE OF YOU have uttered the words "The last nail in the coffin for Thai Tourism". I need to hear this guys, 3 times a week at least. This comment - to any news of any sort, is what makes me feel at home here. Surrealism equals safe and sound for me. Guess that is not happening anymore and I will have to do as y'all and check out Prozac?

  7. Try to do that in Belgium:

    No way you would be able to get near to government buildings and shout al that venom.

    When will someone jail thet Suthep????

    Too scared of something?

    Thailand on its way to chaos sad.png

    Suthep said once the people announce the victory over the Thaksin regime, all her assets would be seized.

    The protest leader also disclosed that on the shutdown day, all major government offices will come under siege by protesters so as to prevent all officials to work or serve the caretaker government.

    All major roads leading to government offices will be blocked and all government vehicles will not be allowed to pass, except city buses which will continue servicing the people.

    He said houses of Ms Yingluck will also be blocked by an army of female protesters, of Surapong Tovichakchaikul, and of Kittirat na Ranong.

    For Mr Surapong, also the foreign minister, Mr Suthep said he would see ”Hell on earth does exist and will experience it.

    They will face mass protests that they have never seen or expected in their lives, Suthep said.

    The mass protests will also be held at the homes of the national police chief and his two deputies, he said.

    Would the Belgium people tolerate 3 years of pillage???? or are they too week to fight something like this--I think NOT they would do the same as here, any country would. No country near on earth would wait for an election with no demonstrations and no reform, When people pillage they have to GO.

    If persons mobilizing the protests are found very wrong they also will have to GO.

    I don't know the Belgians, only their waffels and chips.. but this has absolutely nothing to do with what is maybe happening now: a forced non-democratic takeover. Yes, there has been pillaging for years, Thaksin got in on the game and understood how to pillage with greater finesse (sometimes) than his predeccors. AND: he understood the gains coming from populistic politics. Throw some gifts, paid from Government coffers and gain the trust of the people you are robbing. I used to call him a "Berlusconi gone bad". So, at part we agree. Thaksin and his like are scum. Problem is though that "and his like" are now leading the protests against Yingluck. Plague og Cholera? What will be your choice, Sir?

  8. A fine example of the mentality and the I.Q. level of these ''public servants.''

    They really are a pathetic excuse as a bunch of human beings who can't or won't do the job they are trained and employed to do.

    Fine first class service at extorting money both motorcycle and taxicab drivers and the motorist in general along with the commercial vehicle drivers too and let's not forget the bus drivers neither.

    Fine at trashing motorcycles and cars and terrorising women as so recently seen on Channel 7 a couple of days back..

    Never in my born days have I encountered such a pathetic, spineless, useless corrupt group of objects as we see in the O.P. image

    'Tis indeed a shame we are not able to call upon the services of the ''Keystone Cops.'' They would have indeed put this current bunch of of turd polishers to shame

    They did not choose to be un-educated. They dide choose, though, to join a force with leaders seeing it as a pro that they have no education and little or no understanding of how such a service should be operating. As a member of the force you are obliged to join in on the corruption and the system of money trickling (is that a word?) upwards. If not you're out. So who deserves our fingers pointing at them? The mindless, un-educated and often brute idiots whom we meet on the streets or their educated leaders incl. politicians who live their more than comfortable lives riding on their backs and cheering them on?

  9. Some of you really take this seriously now, don't you. By accident I happened to take the tube to Sukhumvit and frankly I had to give up counting! How many people can you stuff into a metro - 3-400? they were crammed arriving from both sides totalling 20 or more arrivals p/h. BTS and MRT logistics about the same so say close to 20.000 arriving per hour to only this one site! Add the ones arriving by other means were talking numbers hard to fathom. I'd only gone to buy the Sunday newspaper and returning half an hour later the crowds were even larger leaving Asoke. So totalling it all up I would think attendance actually was negative.

    Anyway the notion of democracy and "one man one vote" always disgusted me. One man one paid vote here, while in the "mature" democracies we don't even get paid, only lied to 3-6 mnths. every 4th. year. Churchill (I think): "Democracy is not perfect but the best we have". Must have been a couple of years since he said that, and still no one has come up with a better idea?

    Reading these posts I get the feeling not many of you enjoy the daily 5 laughs you are supposed to share with your peers, but to those of you who have not forgotten how: All the best wishes for the New Year!

  10. "Thai Baht hits weakest level in nearly 4 years".

    Good. Let's hope it hits its "weakest" level for 10 years - and the sooner the better.

    It has been too artificially high now, for far too long.

    It damages the economy because it damages my willingness and ability to buy its products.

    It ain't rocket-science.

    I take it you are not a Thai citizen and therefore not "embedded" in Thai economy but rather a hired hand or retiree and of no significance to the overall Thai economy. A weakened Baht might up to a certain point be good for exports but then the science actually hits in. It doesn't take a scientist -rocket or other - to see that your willingness to buy equals ability and that your post is of no significance or help whatsoever. I don't even know what rocket science does for the economy or for anything else not related to rockets or space ships or ? Merry X-mas to us all! All we have to do is count our money and blessings and spend accordingly!

  11. I'm considering building a new house soon. Does anyone have the name of any of the architects supplying the figure of six million... so I can make sure when I need to order materials that I don't use these guys otherwise I'll end up paying for 50,000 roof tiles instead of 1500...

    OK, a joke is a joke is a joke. It's not only you, kkerry but all of you: is the reason for commenting threads on this site only to exchange more or less bad jokes no one in his right mind (except for y'all guys) would care to share? Would be nice to find a site where the political situation in Thailand and elswhere could be discussed. Cheers, and a happy New Year!

  12. Ms. Chitpas Bhirombhakdi, you are insane. So high so in stupidity and hate. Your comments would be condemned by law in a civilized country. Hope the REAL people will show you how "uneducated" they are.

    Where and when did this anger of yours erupt? Get laid by a representative of the REAL people mayhaps? Please, this kind of comment does not become any site, any thread. I would claim it uneducated.

  13. I wonder if they're going to investigate the code of conduct of the member of the university hierarchy who posted on his Facebook page that he wanted to stand on her face?

    She might very well be a mixed-up girl/boy. Or not. But you're attitude is not unexpected, home-grown British homo-phobia? I love your pinkish colouring, by the way, - you're abhorring freckles and your fat, pale asses. Wouldn't touch one of you're women though. Not because of the women, they're great! But because of you.

  14. Always count your fingers after shaking hands with a lawyer. Noppadon is sadly just another uninteresting no. in a neverending queue of not-so-bright-masters of law. You will find them worldwide. All it takes is 4-6 yrs of not too complicated studies and they are tasked with separating right from wrong. How right can that be? Madiba, the father of the peace process in South Africa (and a lawyer), died yesterday. And proved that maybe 0.5% of the worlds lawyers actually have compassion.

    Today is the birthday of the King of Thailand, also a champion of peace and reconcilliation and a man worth celebrating.

    Maybe these two great men should be given more space? Maybe appreciating good governance and leadership will lead to something a wee bit better than digging for faults? Which seems to be the favourite thread here.

    Just my Euro's worth...

  15. Why is a "married to a Thai" visa only requiring 400,000? Makes no sense that it should be 400,000 when two people are being supported. Why not 1,600,000 baht for a married farang?

    Your thinking is so weird!

    You should be asking why do we need to have anything in our bank accounts for the sake of a retirement or a marriage visa.

    Can you tell me of any other country that stipulates this requirement?

    I would think most countries, or they'd be out of their mind! But I only know the Scandinavian countries' rules, and yes: Of course you have to prove that you are able to support yourself so you will not be a burden to your new chosen country of residence. Without this proof, no admittance. Weird thinking? Yeah, sure

  16. Even accepting your analysis of Reaganomics and the development of the American Middle class, it is drawing a very long bow indeed to in any way suggest that Thailand's circumstances are similar. One major divergence is the whole issue of corruption and it's octopus like stranglehold on this country ( no matter which side is in power). The USA could never have grown in the way it has with conditions in any way comparable to what Thailand faces.

    Well firstly I am not talking about Reaganomics, I am if anything talking about the 'New Deal' era of the early 1930's upto the 'Great Society' era of the 1960's. The drive to recover from the Depression, invest in industry, ostracise the conservatives who were an anchor around the legs of the manufacturing economy. While everything is easier in hindsight and Roosevelt has a lot of critics, this was an era of great progress and change, incredible feats of engineering, railways and manufacturing and yes a blossoming middle class. This is especially remarkable considering the truly dark era that preceded it. And while there was not equality for all, and racism was mainstream, in terms of industry and upward mobility this age was truly a golden age, from which the US has only headed downhill since.

    This also chimes in with your other point re; how does it relate to Thailand, as Roosevelt's "New Deal" era arrived on the back of the crippling depression, mass-poverty and anarchy in the streets. What it took to pull the US back from the brink was a man with a vision, and the vision was an all-out manufacturing economy, heavy industry, and full-wage rights for workers. Many many people on Thaivisa including myself, have said that all Thailand needs is a new leader with a vision for reform and the guts to go through with it. And in Thailand's case, as you so rightly pointed out, the vision would have to include as a starting position a total corruption null-point, an uprooting of the whole rotten tree, starting at the top and working down. It can be done it would just take a leader with a titanium backbone and unwavering conviction. We don't have any such leader in the public sphere, as far as I know. But that is what it would take. Also worth mentioning is that corruption is a by-product of inadequate full-wage employment, so you would crack down on corrupt politicians, officials, police, and work down to corruption in business, starting at the top. While investing in infrastructure and industry so that people who want to earn a fair wage can do so without having to resort to crime in the first place. But it takes leadership, it takes a rare and brave leader to tackle the enormous ****storm that is coming down. I pray frequently that we will see such a leader eventually.

    But that is the whole problem I have with the actions in the OP. Storming buildings and hitting photographers is not what is needed. A leader with progressive thinking and the courage to fight for those ideals in the political arena, is what is needed. They will face overwhelming odds in their battle against corruption, it is a mammoth task, but history shows us that nations on the brink of disaster can turn the corner, like in the New Deal era.

    Look what Korea achieved in 40 years.

    Big differences.

    a. The population has an enormous respect for education more than connections

    b. The people that were looked to to develop the country were Korean, as opposed to Thailand where they were essentially Thai Chinese.

    Both societies were enormously corrupt, but Korea got going to go forward as a country to invest and develop itself finally locking up loads of people and coppers for corruption. Thailand got ahead on a model of Thai Chinese exploiting cheap labour instead of investing in education to grow the ability of the people, so today, the Thai companies that remain must cower behind domestic protectionism whilst Korea opens up and has world class companies of it's own.

    Two countries, similar journey, two outcomes.

    Happy to read other voice than the usual "last nail in the coffin" voices. These are troublesome days. And so they have been for years. For one: The fights include but does not really involve "the people" of Thailand. They are unfortunately bought and allthough they are the one we see on the streets they have no real saying, and I think we can agree on this? Second: The fight we see now and the recent fights are between groups that roughly represent "new" and "old" money. There are reasons going way back when this can not be discussed in this forum. 3rd. is how to get rid of corruption. This is not easily achieved, strong leadership alone cannot do this. Nor can implentation of a so called democracy. Corruption is the back-bone of social control in Thailand today. The country is based on a paternalistic society and will need many years to move away from this. Longer than any of their neighbouring countries: as the last country in Asia (I might be wrong) and one out of few int the world (I am not wrong) they still teach their children with the outfashioned rote-learning system. This will have to go before changes can happen in Thailand. My Thailand! My penny of advice: In stead of complaining about outrageous, hilarious etc falangbusting schemes and how our pensions/salaries are going to waste: Let us "out" the Thai's for the way they are wasting their childrens futures. Let us tell them that their schoolsystem stinks! There are many a good and hard-working teachers out there, I have met many of them, but if parents and children are told that what they are doing is completely wrong, it will only take a generation to repair what is rotten in this paradise. No harsh/strong leaders. Common sense.

  17. Why and how do I react to all this nonsense? Am I of a better breed than the idots writing theese obvious and boring comments? Absolutely not! But my mother taught me not to flag my ignorance. Did any of you ever have a mother? If you had: What makes you think that she would applaud you voicing meanings about your thoughts about traffic in one of the worlds outposts such as Thailand? Am not sure how to spell but I'll try: Goo laah beau beau, goo laah seng seng! Or whatever. And my very best wishes to all of us who still enjoy our lives in Thailand and still meet our neighbours with a smile!

  18. Why raid a casino at 7pm anyway especially an illegal one in Bangkok. It wouldn't fill up till 10pm or midnight. They obviously wanted to go when it would be empty with no chance of having to arrest a client who was well heeled.

    As it happens I found one of the BIB training Video's


    I have never been to this particular casino, but the casinos in Bkk are not night-time establishments. It's 24hrs and counting. Pawn shops in the casino usually give a lower rate than the ones outside, so business is full blast from the ext. pawn shops open, and this goes on till they open again.

    The cops who were supposed to raid might not be part of the group of owners, but they know that if they raid, the owners would arrange a new raid on THEIR extra curricular businesses. The result would be a total mess with different groups of cops, army, navy and politicians raiding each other. Utterly caos, and we can't have that, can we?

  19. IfA call was made from Dubai to someone in the Phua Thai, or one of the red shirt leaders, and the message was clear and simple... 'Shut Seh Daeng up by any means necessary.'

    Seh Daeng was silenced. Who actually pulled the trigger is irrelevant, but it was Thaksin who gave the orders.

    A great work, a modern Sherlock Holmes..Thaksin again...the bogeyman....i wonder when would someone blame Thaksin for the crucifixion of Christ ..

    I respect your great belief in Mr. T. but I'm sorry to say that would never have been possible. Wrong timing. But I am sure he would have tried if he'd had the chance because he would obviously have been among the hawkers, fortune tellers and other crooks Christ chased out of the temple. Beeing chased with him would have been a crowd of yellow, red, black and all hues of colored T-shirts.

    Old money, new money: why is it so important to choose which side to root for? The country many of us has chosen as our home no.1 or 2 is in deep trouble in so many ways while it is struggling to find it's bearings. Opportunists on both sides are wrecking havoc as they fight for power and riches. And all you can think of is running out into the streets (or to a TV thread) in a colored T-shirt of your choice (or you're wifes familys choice perhaps?), jump up and down and scream your head off? I am sure the more sober and balanced-headed citizens of Thailand appreciate this most valuable addition to the discussions necessary if the country is to move on in a more peaceful manner.

    I am not Thai, but a frequent guest in the country. I also thank you for the way - in the most graceful manner - you and you're kind make all us farang look.

    • Like 1
  20. The number of besserwissers (french for a*holes) here never ends to surprise me: most of us have a mediocre, maybe with a + educatioanal background. (Who else would choose to settle within a culture/country you have absolutely no chance to learn to understand in a lifetime or two?) So we get screwed of course. Daily. Seen from the oposite side: that's what we are here for!

    Maybe, maybe the story and your adversary can be "turned" - but not by acting like a farang and whining all the way down or by trying to impose your own morale on you opponent (girl-friend/love of your life). You have to accept by just being here you are a looser! And that your money means nothing as long as it is in your own pocket.

    My advice, after years of tripping, falling, loosing and still sometimes smiling - what have you: go with the flow, enjoy the bumpy ride and you will most possibly end up loosing with a grin, or with a bit of luck: the two of you end up in the bottom of a pool laughing your heads off!

    Or go home, - cause you never really did belong, did you?

    My dime worth...

  21. It is time to devalue the baht. Bring it down to where it was 30 years ago.

    Thailand is known to be a cheap destination. Tourists and expats come here for easy and affordable living. A strong baht will turn people off.

    Wake up, my friend! Tourism is an important industry I agree, but Thailand is (and should) look for guests with more spending power than the odd farang who wishes to spend his or her eve of life here. The times of the 30 Baht bungalow on a lonely beach are long gone. Welcome the luxury-expecting Mandarin -, Japanese - and Russian- speaking guests not on a social security budget.

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