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Posts posted by Meddle

  1. Hi guys,

    Current flight is 10 June - 9 July

    If I were to change my flight to an earlier date (2 June), how would I go about paying the extra 8 days over and above the one month?


    One more question - I booked a one way in then a one way out, so it's not a return ticket. I could just show the one way ticket out at immigration could I?


    Used to live in Thailand but lost track of policies now that I'm in China!


    Thanks a ton,


  2. Hi guys,

    I'm sure this has been asked a gazillion times, but laws change that amount of times too ; )

    I'm on a South African passport - I always get a free 30 day stamp at immigration. Does anyone know if this is still the case?

    I can't seem to find anything concrete online, wading through different info on different sites.




  3. 1. don't ever expect a school to make professional or any other rational decisions for that matter, and 2. unless you're applying at an international school, don't stress about "teaching ability" - essentially your only qualification is needing a white face. We've had whities from Kazakhstan hired!

    I'd suggest applying for a job at a regular school, with perhaps less responsibility considering these salary figures, for the average 35,000THB

  4. athletic build? Definitely needed to know that very pertinent detail, and '...most recognized international schools in Thailand...' offering you 30K Baht?! For what?? Cleaning toilets? I teach at a mediocre government school and earn 36K. Probably one of the tinker Thai's giving you the '..most recognized international schools ..' line. Promoting that school in the same way extra small items of clothing are promoted as "free size"!!

    • Like 1
  5. Thanks TomTom ..

    How long did it take you to get the visa once you submitted all the doc's?

    I'll have to wait for the originals then, and I'm guessing I'll have to take passport, medical and whatever else I can dig up, in case.

    Gonna book a ticket, send booking confirmation to China to speed up the process in getting invite letter and work permit, take those to embassy here and hope to get the visa ASAP.

    Wow, getting a bit nervous, wonder how similar / different it is to Thailand.

  6. Hi all,

    I can't seem to find any threads on the working visa for China, so apologies for posting it here under 'General'.

    My work visa's been approved, and the school in China is busy processing the invitation letter which I take to the Chinese embassy in Bangkok, but does anyone know if the Chinese embassy accept copies of the work permit and invitation letter? (as opposed to having to get the originals posted over). It's getting a bit late and this would greatly speed up the process.

    I'd appreciate any suggestions if anyone's been through this process :-)

  7. Exactly the same thing happened to me on Sunday - down by 20K now ! Had to go into the bank, fill in a form, after which they said it would be sorted out by Thursday .....Thursday! I told Thai girlfriend who didn't seem too perturbed by it, that banking incompetencies may happen frequently in Thailand, but not sure if she appreciates just how serious this kind of thing would be in the West.

    Few months before, an ATM froze on me and a Windows XP screen popped up!

    Anyway, no point in stressing .. let's see what tomorrow brings.

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