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Posts posted by gazwa

  1. What is a common practise is to give the sin sod for show and get it back after the ceremoney. Tradition is up-held, faces saved.

    That's what I did! It was the wifes' idea...Mother in law got face (and some cash) ..we kept the cash and gold..great wedding! 6 years later.....still very happily married! It happens! Not to say some guys get ripped, but......Don't gamble what you cant afford to lose...good luck!

  2. 55555!

    My friends are coming from Australia......I know they like and perform this type of music, so wanted to show them a good time in BKK. I will, of course show them around Thai cultural must sees.

    The VOLUME pertains to the number of instruments he buys and sells, he constantly upgrades and collects his own instruments and sells any extraneous to his needs.

    Thanks for the link to The Dubliner, just what I was looking for. After our night out I will publish a review for anyone who may be interested in this type of entertainment.

  3. I have some friends visiting this month and would like to take them to see some live music. He and his wife are both accomplished musicians and my pal is also a composer of some repute in the jigs and reels genre. Any musicians involved in this type of music may also be interested to know my friend is a low volume dealer in top quality accordians, violins and bows.

    I hope some good craic can be had, some new friends and contacts made. Cheers!

  4. Mr. Somchai′s group then reportedly tried to drive away, but Mr. Somsak tailed the group onto 5 November Road. Suddenly, a vehicle appeared in front of the motorcycles, Mr. Somsak said, causing the motorcyclists to abruptly stop. Mr. Somsak allegedly failed to stop his car and crashed into the motorcycle drove by Mr. Somchai, killing him and injuring his friend.

    Soooo.....he was tailing them.....they stopped for another vehicle.....he smashed em....but missed the other vehicle????

    Leave this one to the BIB....they know a tall story when they tell hear one.

  5. There are a lot of teachers out there who are clueless, however that should be the job of the school to filter them out, not the government, as many teachers who don't have degrees are brilliant teachers. But the main thing is that schools should be given the choice, particularly the poor countryside schools (Who can often only attract a lower quality of Thai teachers compared to wealthy city schools, let alone qualified NES teachers), otherwise the gap between the rich and the poor will continue to increase.

    Allowing the schools free choice would merely allow them to select the foreigners who look best (white, young, female) and work cheapest. They usually don't give a rats arse about the quality of teaching. Which is why the government needs to set a minimum level of qualification, which I still suggest would be a license to teach in their own country.

    The minimum level of qualification to teach non native speakers in most English speaking countries is TEFL.

  6. My wife of 11 years is my best friend, nurse, confidant, mother to my child, cook, launderer, gardener, ditch digger and sex beast. She loves and knows American and English football and my punk music? She is the finest person on this planet and I am so lucky to have met her. I can't imagine a day away from her. She happens to be Thai. There are many horror love stories out there, but there are a few good ones.

    My missus doesn't like American/English football, she doesn't launder/ garden or dig ditches and I have to wait till she goes out to listen to my punk music BUT she excels at everything else on your list.

    She is 20 years younger and was a GoGo dancer and yet we have made a great life together. She already owned 2 houses when we met (a very good GoGo dancer) and told me straight I would have to support her and her 3 kids if I wanted to get involved. 5 years married now and life is grand....we laugh a lot...the kids are happy (4 now) and nothing on the horizon to indicate the next 5-10+ won't be just as good.....we had our problems, but worked through them together....have your eyes open and be honest with yourself and your partner and good things can happen.

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  7. I've been driving in LOS for 5+ years and would definately take the train/boat/taxi route if I was visiting. I have relatives in Kanchanaburi, so have driven there often from our home in Rangsit. Uninteresting drive, but great destination. As stated prior the Hellfire Pass Museum is a must see. Sai Yok National Park has houseboats for day/overnight stay, quite cheap and great in the hot summer months. Ayutthaya is a day trip from BKK, but with so much to see I would recommend an overnight stay. Skip the driving if you can, dangerous and frustrating.

  8. First visit 2004 44yo divorced. Emigrated 2008 married GoGo girl, mortgage and 3 kids. Now 4 kids, best wife I've ever had, and I've had a few. Happy wife, happy life! Still work in Oz 3 weeks on 1 week off and time off for good behaviour (between contracts) No regrets. Just roll with the punches ( traffic/ shit drivers/ dual pricing/ corruption etc) Wouldn't be dead for quids!

  9. Forewarned is forearmed! I had to drive to Imperial lat Prao for visa business during the Chaeng Wattana shut down the other week and found perusing google maps and street view in the comfort of home most rewarding....drove there without a hitch..! and tried an alternate road home...piece of piss!!! I prefer sat nav to the wife's crap nav skills, but checking the route beforehand is much more relaxing.

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  10. After years of careful consideration, I got my first tat at 30 years old. No regrets. Have had many since, the most recent last week at Wat Bang Phra. The missus insisted, as she believes the tattoo I was assigned by the monk would enhance my prospects for a new job contract. I was happy to go along as I had always wanted to have a traditional Thai tattoo. All my tattoos are for my own benefit and enjoyment. None are visible unless I am at the beach or local pool. Personal choice, mine to have em, yours to not have em.

    How will they look when I'm old? Who cares I'll be old! And if I gave a damn about what other people think, I wouldn't have got them in the first place. Tats were still frowned upon when I was young. Judgeing anyone on looks alone is just pissweak...get a life.

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