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Posts posted by THAIDOG

  1. When was SEX ever FREE?? I have had to pay in one way or another for years..

    Why don't these newspapers and govenment agencies pay a REAL American or even a British subject how to write a story or at least proof read them...???

    We all know they mean a display of "public nudity" and "public intercourse" ...

    This sort of thing should be done in those rented rooms or behind closed door as I agree with any government against this sort of behavior. Okay.. yes some of us got it going on at Devonshire Downs in the San Fernando Valley in SoCal, at theworld infamous New York's "Woodstock" and Great Britians "The Isle of Wight" in 1969 .. I know as I was at all three concerts... Lots of public nudity and sex, drugs and rock n roll as well But today we are all visitors to a country that is changing and is starting to grow up a wee bit better.. Yes things here are very slow.. but look again at how many kidnappings as Mexico City and all the grime and crime of Costa Rico.. I agree NOT to bang a hooker or your wife on the beach in public.. very tasteless.. :o

  2. World class toxic waste dump more like it!

    No money in the world would make me live there.

    Hey, this is the the problem they are trying to solve!

    Addressing local politicians...  during a workshop on transforming Bangkok into a liveable city

    They admit BKK is not livable right now. That's a good start, I guess.

    The traffic problem is intractable, and to me that is the worst thing about BKK, and dooms it forever to being second rate. If I had to drive in BKK, I'd go insane.

    Though who knows, if you can believe what many geologists and economists are saying, oil will be extremely expensive in 20 years, and traffic won't be much of a problem. That would make irrelevant BKK's hugest, uh, 'design' flaw, leveling the playing field quite a bit, and BKK would have a shot at being world class in relative terms.

    I must agree with WORLDWALKER..

    I just drove from my beautiful lush garden palace in ChiangMai to that so-called new "world class" city of the future..

    What a freekin joke.. "Traffic"and all those a-hole drivers, no class scumbags in Benz's drive as they own the entire road.. and then all that ugly buildings going up is the strangest of place.. a big bomb is what Bangkok needs.. and then start over building a new world class city with all NEW world class residents from all those other world class cities to teach all the natives how to act..and how to speak english, spanish, french, and italian...plus maybe japanese then you have world class..worth living in..

  3. Apart from the drug overdose, there is a possibility he may have changed his mind about hanging himself. By removing the belt he may have unexpectedly hastened his death.

    This has happened to divers removing dry suits after a dive.  The sudden rush of blood once the restriction around the neck is released, can cause death.

    I’m not saying this is what happened, but it is a possible explanation why he was found on the floor with a belt mark around his neck.


    I TOTALLY AGREE.. it was [size=14 MURDER!!!!!!!!! :o

  4. Big jump in dengue cases raises fears in Thailand 


        BANGKOK: --  A rapid increase in dengue fever cases over the past two months in Thailand have become a major concern of the Public Health Ministry, which already warned of theworsening of the situation.

        In January and February this year, the number of dengue fever patients jumps to 2,769, a 75 percent increase over the same period last year.

        "The sharp increase warns that the situation could get much worse during the rainy season," the ministry's permanent secretaryVichai Tienthavorn on Monday was quoted by The Nation newspaper assaying.

        Dengue fever, transmitted to humans by the mosquito, is one major public health concern internationally and also the leading cause of hospitalization in Asia.

        Vichai said doctors were instructed to keep a close watch on patients with high fever for more than three consecutive days without developing any flu symptoms.

        The Medical Sciences Department has also been ordered to monitor the dengue fever virus which mutates every few years.

        The department head Paijit Warachit said the Central region andNortheast could be hardest hit by the disease where a new strain of virus had been found more often than elsewhere.

        A dengue pandemic first broke out in Thailand in 1958. The government's target this year is to keep the cases below 31,500.

    --Agencies 2005-03-21

    WOW!! So that is what has made me so sick with fever that was so impossible to beat.. it whipped my arse for almost a week..I could do nothing.. I never felt that bad in years.. today I feel much better but for almost 8 days I was crippled with fever 102+.... it was horrible... ThaiDog :o

  5. another BS story.. from more BS people about some scum-thinking Euro who is a sick mo-fa who will fly... when he shows the loot.. he need re-education and not with a big BLACK person..[another sicko out there punchin' keys..]

    This wacked out Fin needs some real help..I do not understand a MAN with a boy any more than man and a little girl.. sick... Fags will be fags at any age.. rapers will be rapers as well..Death to them as well as the political people who run this sick sideshow..??? Is that the answer??? who are the real culprits pocketing all the loot they can from the innocent..?? Are the thai so brainwashed it is just a joke..??so misinformed, uneducated, with no real morels, but to run you over if they can on the street, lie and decieve you daily in all walks of life, say yes when you now know it really is a NO and pocket as much of your money as they can.... these people have never heard of work.. funny thing.. when they get to the states they all change into money hussling people more than they were here..why.. because you have to really work to make it big in America. I have seen over 75 countries in almost 60 years..and know personally a lot of people that you all wish you could meet..

    Thailand permitted all this to happen years ago.. Why Thailand?? Because the people are all too mai pen rai...??? Sure it is cheap here and is why so many are there. More bang for the baht...I do not even think like this or ever thought like that.. I think on how I can avoid being ripped off by the Thai daily.. or ask the question everyday..why does the thai man not come to work on time or even show up at all.. why do so many thai women want a farang husband..?? MONEY!

    THESE KIDS WERE TAUGHT BY SOMEONE TO ORALLY COPULATE..you think he was the first??? no he was the one who got sloppy and was caught because he was downright stupid to begin with.. blame the man as he is a adult who should know better....FULL STOP... or PERIOD to the American reading this... apparently he doesn't know better.. both he and the two boys need a better education.. make him pay for that...educate them...they whipped the American teenager for spray painting a car...with a bamboo cane..what will this guy really get here???

    DEATH is too easy..cutting it off is too silly..a better education and then more supervision by big black guys in chino...

  6. LOL...the sewers of all sewers "USA" are sewed......not that it is a good thing, but somewhere it is ok.....just to know for the dudes that they aren't ruling the world..

    EXCUSE ME!!!??? What "SEWER of LIFE " did you crawel out of???

    You can't be a American.. or at least a true blue American..

    The lawsuit is what it is, a "freedom" to voice one opinion in America..

    Thank the powers that may be... you can do such a thing in a land where freedom rules.. Here in Mickey Mouse land what freedom do you really have???

    MONEY buys me everything I want here.. but true honesty from the people..do not make me laugh any harder than I can.. Here in LIARLAND do you really think you could even make a statement??? Hardly... AMERICA ROCKS

  7. Right on.. you go guys.. get dem non-work permit people out of here.. no need for Westerners to help out now..!! why help at all.. the Thai do a great job of working hard each day..[yes siree...sur pop] It took me 3 months to build a 22 meter fence to keep my dog from getting out to kill the neighbors fighting chickens.. she killed & ate ten of them ... [so they claimed]... now the fence is finally done and the chickens are all dead. 3 months later....."WHY THE THAI MAN NO COME???

    all I kept saying day after day... WHY THE THAI MAN NO COME?? What does it take to get a Thai to work on time??? only money....I could have built the fence in just a fraction of that time but they tell me I need a Thai to do the work.. Even if I had a work permit or not.. yes I do have a work permit and it was rather simple to get so If I have to do it so should all those other foreigners do it too.. whao I love this place.. and oh boy I am so happy I own a dog and not had to get married just to stay here.. I did it all on my own and never had to get a wife just to stay here or any country I have lived in..And who needs a wife with a great housekeeper anyways.. at 400 baht a day..it cost me 10 times that in the states....

    I prefer to watch others do the job..pay them double of what they normally get.. and make lots of friends because that is all anyone wants from one another..$$$$ My old friend Elvis once said, "Make it and then spend it" as you can't take it with you.



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