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Posts posted by klubex99

  1. thankfully nobody was killed this time, however Im sad to say that Brits in general are reputable as well for carrying attitude problems from time to time... A possibly iced up Thai working illegally and an angry possibly very loud and aggressive Brit threatening with police or reciprocal violence is just asking for trouble.

    Tut tut!!!

    Seems to me that you are saying that this tourist deserved what he got.

    I suppose if your wallet had been ransacked, you would have just smiled and shook the crook's hand?

    I mean, how dare this tourist become agitated at such a trivial thing. It must obviously be because he is British and has attitude.

    Som nam na... Eh?? And I suppose also you are vindicating this act as 'not having attitude'. I think stabbing a passenger is probably at the brink of maximum attitude if you ask me.... maybe the illegal bus worker has attitude because he is maybe British too?

    To be honest... I think when we read the latest news offerings from Thailand, one could possibly assume that ALL Thais are murderous cut-throats out to steal with maiming and death being the answer when you dare resist. that is of course, if we all observe like you and tar everyone with the same brush...

    Sir.... You have the brains of a biscuit tin.

    • Like 2
  2. Its funny how Thai Visa always posts the few bad incidents about Phuket, but hardly any about Pattaya or other tourist destinations. The same stuff or maybe even more incidents happen in Pattaya but somehow I never seem to read about them, except for an occasional story once a week or so...

    I inderstand the posting of a murder is serious, and I don't question that, but the general image given of Phuket is bad, while in reality it is NOT. 95% of the tourists have has a great holiday, and would come back anytime,... You can never satisfy them all

    I live and run a business in Phuket, and in the past 4 years nothing has ever happened. At most a bar brawl with some drunken guy but that can happen anywhere.

    Stop giving Phuket a bad name... I know its not the ideal paradise, but thenagain no where in Thailand, or maybe this whole planet will you find the ideal paradise location... All my customers and friends feel very safe on this island and as long as you behave, the Thais will leave you pretty much alone, except for the Tailors, Tuk Tuks, and Ping Pong idiots. Of course you always have your trouble makers, which when intoxicated, feel invurneable, and those big, bad mouthing farangs learn the hard way from the locals... But wouldnt the same happen in our home countries???? Yes it would...


    Patong, phuket

    It is because around 8 months ago the staff decided to crack down on seriously negative posts about Pattaya.

  3. 50 crack officers from BKK with NO financial interests in keeping the crime momentum of Phuket in place.

    WOW!!!! They really mean business this time...

    The poor victim must have been connected to the travel and tourism industry or something to provoke this amount of positivity from the Thai authorities.

    Had she been a banker or something else, could we expect this sort of action?

    Never happened for all the other victims. Soon as it happens to someone that has an influence on the amount of cash flooding into the kingdom, then they finally act.....lol

    Only in Thailand.

  4. TAT, for once, is actually not lying trough its teeth, albeit by lack of details.

    Thailand is , without any possible contest, the world's first destination for sex tourists, much to the dismay of our beloved Minister of culture, .

    I still remember one of her predecessor in some useless ministerial post , who went on a tour of Pattaya and said she saw no sign of prostitution over there.

    They ought to have sent a man.

  5. I have flown into BKK 3 times thus far this year alone and its only half way through the year. I count as 3 tourists and will probably fly in again another 3 times before the year is through. i am not a tourist, even though i am on a tourist vise, and yes,.... I have a Mastercard.

    Wonder how many more of the 1 million foreigners living here on tourist visas can bump that number up.

    Don't confuse tourists with foreigners entering the country... If you actually counted all those entering Bangkok genuinely for a holiday, and had the true stats in hand, then you will find it is a mediocre destination and probably would not even be in the top 20.

    Sorry TAT, I just don't see hardly any foreigners in Bangkok who are on holiday there. As a matter of fact, I can't ever remember having a conversation with a tourist. most are living and working here or passing through.

    Strangely, the last couple of farangs i chatted with were living in Cambodia and only in BKK for a visa. Having lived for a few years in Thailand, actually really dislike it now and say that its much better there. I have to agree. I love visiting Cambodia, it is a lot more chilled out and I can see that probably in 10 years time, it could be the new Thailand. Same as Myanmar... TAT need to really look at the looming threats posed from those 2 countries right on its doorstep.

  6. Utter <deleted>, There must be 500 surreys done by all the different supposed authorities.

    Mastercard.. Indeed.... huh.

    What about New York City? Amsterdam? Prague? Rome, they all get huge numbers of travelers.. I been to these places, the tourists are a lot more plentiful than i see in Bangkok.

    Even though BKK is popular, the TAT ought to ask themselves exactly what it is popular for... Even though they will try to hide it, but the whole world knows exactly what it is famous for.. THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS!!!

    Also, I think you will find that the majority of people hitting BKK as tourists are all filtering out to different locations like Pattaya, Chiang Mai and the south... they are all funneled through BKK airport where they use their credit cards to get their first baht.

    This is because Thailand is so far behind the rest of the world with its lack of international airports infrastructure.

    Personally I hit BKK many times a year... I live in Korat, but if i want to go anywhere, i usually have to make my way to BKK, cambodia... via BKK, Laos.... via BKK, Vietnam...via BKK. Every time I return, I am counted as a statistic. So many falangs doing this, while living on tourist visas..... its all smoke and mirrors.

    • Like 1
  7. Crime doesn't need to be on the rise to get worse, and that goes for anywhere.

    If an incident sparks enough outrage to affect the tourism in a particular area such as Phuket (and this will). Then say 5% of 'would-be' visitors decide to go elsewhere, then that means the concentration of risk increases for the 95% stoic visitors. because the level of criminality will not decrease in sympathy with the drop off in tourism.

    This extra risk factor is exponential and can reach a tipping point where such a high % of travelers become victims, that a place becomes infamously notorious as a very high risk area to visit. That in itself can totally destroy a location for travelers.

    When Malawi in central Africa re-opened to tourism after banning tourists for about 25 years, i was one of the first to visit the country. One or two tourists were murdered in robberies, and that spurred the government into action. they imposed an immediate minimum of 25 years jail sentence with no hope for parole and a maximum of the death penalty for ANY crimes against a tourist no matter how trivial... If it is against a tourist, you are f****d. Considering that not many people survive a Malawi prison for more than 12 months, Then you could say that you are literally risking everything...

    Anyway, it worked. Crimes against tourists was totally nipped in the bud.

    If the Thai government really want to protect its precious tourist trade, I would suggest they take a leaf out of Malawi's book. It would take a simple change in the law society, and that will be suffice.

    • Like 1
  8. #1 TL;DR - but it involves the MLM sector

    Yes... I already said that. The MLM sector is a totally legal sector. You can get MLM licenses for Thailand... Didn't you know that?? You can get MLM licenses for any country. Not that many people bother with globalizing their licenses.

    It's a multi-billion dollar industry. sooooo?

    It is also NOT illegal......... pyramid schemes are... But MLM is a very legal entity all over the world. Ever heard of Avon?, Amway and thousands of other MLM companies???

    Anyway... thanks so far to all those who have applied via PM. I will catch up with everyone tomorrow, and will organize a chat with you all...

    Just to add... there are actually 2 separate MLM programs and a third project which is nothing to do with MLM, but will eventually eclipse the two primary programs.

    Keep the PMs coming in. I may split this between 2 of you because the workload should be quite heavy over the coming months.

  9. If you made 200 K USD in one day 7 months ago and millions over those seven months, and continuously have such great ideas for websites that will spin huge money, why don't you hire a top quality programmer from MIT instead of looking for one to be your "partner" and volunteer their time and efforts?

    Turnover is NOT profit.

    I want someone here in Thailand. I am sick of working remotely, it slows everything down.

    That's it.... Too much money and urgency to keep messing around communicating online and working on trust. the only way i am going to get commitment is by partnering with the skill-set.

    Like I said.... PM me if you are able to fit in with this... I am willing to show all the proof you need that i don't talk crap like some are definitely going to intimate. I have no problem showing you my UK and Thai bank accounts and my online payment processors, my 15K Alexa ranked MLM forum (mainly USA users) and the two programs I already have.I am happy to give you access to the databases to show you this is all as i say it is.

    I am happy to meet anyone, I am in Korat, I don't want to fly all over the world pulling this together. I have wasted enough time with dead-heads and wasters. I will meet anyone that shows promise, and i will log in to all my accounts in front of you and show you what I can do.

    I have just TOTALLY lost my patience with (and respect for) remote freelance coders.

    I am happy to discuss a salary if you don't want to partner, but I would certainly think about it first. I am offering a great opportunity here, and it will not be open for long.

    There will be lots of doubting comments, that's fine. they will act as a natural filter to keep away those who have no ambition, because I can't use those folks.

    that's it... It is what it is.

  10. I have 3 big projects waiting to go. I have one needs a small amount of php work on it, and the other 2 are on the drawing board. But are simple adjustments of existing scripts.

    I am sick and tired of using freelancers, they let me down a lot, they lie and they are greedy, especially those from the Indian sub-continent.

    They used to be good, but for some reason they all want western salaries and to be honest, they are nowhere near as good as western programmers. I have years of experience with them, and i know what i am talking about.

    I have a grasp of basic programming flow, I know how to do basic HTML and i know how php works with MYSQL although i am no programmer, I do know what is what.

    I have run 2 very large sites in the past, and I know how to make money. I work in a certain industry, and i can make heaps of money there, I have the biggest contacts in the industry when one of my sites needs launched. To give you an idea... One i launched back in November 2011, turned over $200,000 in its first day alone, and has gone into the millions since.

    My project concepts are the best, my contacts are the best and I work my ass off.

    I won't go into industry details, but it involves the MLM sector.

    I am tired of doing all the work by myself, although the money is huge. i can pull in 200,000 baht a month easily.. My future programs will eclipse that, I am looking at millions I have many thousands of members already waiting for the the program that is almost complete pending two or 3 small coding jobs.

    I am looking for a very good coder with time on his hands to go into a joint venture with me.

    I want help with the workload, I am sick of working up to 20 hours a day, 7 days a week. But more importantly, I want to work with a farang that speaks great English and has a brain in his head... most importantly, is happy to graft hard and is a good coder that can take on any challenge.

    The rewards for the right person is limitless, and I mean HUGE! I have assembled a very good infrastructure and like I said earlier, as far as marketing the projects, it is already done, and done on a big global scale.

    I am an easy guy to get on with. I prefer to work with someone i click with. I am available for a chat on Skype anytime. I will also want to meet up with anyone I shortlist.

    Please PM me if you think you can fit in with the above criteria.

  11. I don't know how many of you UK ex-pats were in the UK when the big expose of Tesco standards verus targets was blown out on 'World in Action' (a very popular prime time British TV show).

    An undercover reporter took a job in Tesco and Sainsburys on the meat/ fish counters. The reporter was told by management to repack prawns (shrimp) that was over its use by date, and there was cross contamination between meat and fish via the knives and boards. there were quite a lot of nuggets of exposure, it also was all over the front pages of the tabloids the morning prior to the live screening just to make sure EVERYONE watched it. Seems like tesco pissed someone off who was quite high in the BBC.....lol

    I recall Sainsburys coming out of it pretty unscathed. But Tesco were caught being rather naughty on a heap of issues. The staff were actually being trained to do these things by the senior store management, and it was explained that the department managers would constantly get their <deleted> kicked over 'shrinkage' (wastage).

    It prompted a rather embarrassed statement from the Tesco supremo at the end of the show. Obviously it was more of denial that they encouraged it... Blatant lies and would have been much better left unsaid.

    It was no surprise that not too long after that, there was a 'PR Drenched' reality show emerged called 'The Supermarket', which yes.... was a 'fly on the wall' weekly TV show based in Tescos. (I wonder if it was part of the fallout?.....lol).

    But there was a lot of very smug posturing from the upper echelons as to how Tesco was becoming this huge global force (Tesco International)... It seems they have had to clean up their act in the UK, but wouldn't it be a thing if someone was to lift the lid on their global standards... Seems to me, they are at it a lot more abroad. I won't go into details, but I have seen things in Tesco here that have made me think about that TV show more than once or twice.

  12. I had the exact same thing as you for 18 months.... The Opening post could have been written about me.

    18 months of it, and I went through my regular foods, and every week i left out something totally till I tracked down the culprit.

    It was IBS brought on by chili. Simple as that... I have cut out ALL chili and anything spicy and have not had the squits for 6 months.

  13. Thanks for all the stories guys.

    It seems that the general consensus is that the child is going to soak it up anyway and should be totally bilingual before school age. I think there is going to be a good balance between having the majority of people round them speaking Thai, so that is where they will learn Thai by default, and then with me speaking only English to them, and making sure that myself and my wife communicate in only English in front of them, and then add in some English TV and a nightly bedtime story in English, that should be enough.

    I think with all that said. i can give them lessons in the English language structure once every few days should be enough... The alphabet, grammar, verbs, nouns, pronouns, conjugation etc etc...I want them to start on the internet from an early age. I think it is very important that they see the internet as more of an 'opportunity' to develop a backup income rather than a gossip board. My 10 year old son in the UK has a great future ahead of him. He has been trading XBox and PS3 games online now for 2 years, and on some days he can make $30 profit. he is also learning to build his own websites.

    It is important that children understand from an early age that they need to develop skills to see them through life. But I need to pass on my e-commerce knowledge to my new kids too, that is why I think it is critical that they are 100% fluent in English.

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  14. Hmmm...l two kids in the UK which you appear to have abandoned. Or are you also supporting them?

    Yes i do support them, and I travel back to the UK very frequently just to see them. i am ok for money. i have some very very good investments that i built up over the years and to be quite honest, i need not worry about work or anything like that. i own over 200 websites and that provides a very nice lifestyle on autopilot.

    BTW, I said i have 3 kids there, i also speak with them almost daily on skype webcam, its just like we are living together. Unfortunately their mum and me just were unable to live together. We tried 3 times to get back together but each time was worst than the last, and that is not fair to have the kids grow up in an atmosphere of discontent and tension.

    They are getting into their teens now and they love the idea of having siblings on the way from the other side of the world, and they really like my Thai wife too, as she accompanies me to the UK.

    Its all good. but like I said. I will almost certainly look to giving them (my Thai kids) a UK education. they will have 3 big sisters and brother to look after them.

  15. Thanks guys.

    So it sounds like a natural to absorb both languages without really them having too think about it. that's great,

    @ Steve_lynch.

    I will do whatever it takes to have a fully communicative relationship with my kids. If my ability to speak and understand Thai to a much more advanced level, then something extra is going to come out of it.

  16. Hi.

    I have been here for 2 years and have a very small smattering of the Thai language and zero grasp of Thai reading or writing. I am far too busy to take up education and i intend to pick it all up as I go. I am not so bad at the language I can get by OK, buy things ask price, ask where certain things are etc...

    Anyway... I got married to a lovely Thai lady last month and we plan to start a family next year sometime. Probably just 2 kids. I already have 3 in the UK. But that's not the reason for my post.

    I am very curious as to know what other dads of half Thai kids do to enable their children to be multi-lingual.

    I mean... Is it a natural thing, as children are like sponges soaking up information and have a remarkable ability to learn at an early age. For instance, I would like to know if you had to sit down daily and teach your children your own mother tongue?

    I am assuming they learn Thai by default as they are surrounded mainly by that language. Is it difficult to teach them?

    It would be interesting to hear from dads who have had many differing experiences of this multi-lingual absorption. maybe most of your kids can't speak a word of say English, or German or Russian or whatever your own language is. I really want my kids to speak adequate English, because I may wish for them to spend their education years over in the UK, but of course fluent Thai is essential as well.

    Just really interested because I am yet to meet another farang who has kids of early age.

    thanks in advance.

  17. Most of the "suit makers" in Pattaya can do it however my personal experience is as follows:

    I am very slim so it might cost you more but I went to some Thai/Indians that have a shop on walking st. close to the "King Seafood" restaurant and on the same side. They did the measurments there and then and told me to come back the next day at 1:00pm for a fitting. I did and was told it would be ready at 4:00pm. It was and it was custom fit and cost me only 2500 baht mind you that was 5 years ago but I do know they are still there.

    Like I say, I think most shops will do it and if you tell them you need it the next day it CAN be done but my experience with this particular shop I can vouch for.

    That's the advice I was waiting for. Thanks for that, I will go there.

    Make sure you ask for double stitch. When i last got suits made, you had to tell them you wanted double stitch or else they will try to save time with single stitch and you will end up with a suit that can easly fall apart.

    This is experiance from Indians in Bahrain. But I thought I would add, as it's relevant in any Tailor shop.

    When i get suits made, i always ask for an extra pair of trousers (pants) made. The trousers (pants) normally wear out quicker than the jacket.

    Good advice on the double stitch. I never knew that but guess I was lucky wiith the shop I used. Have had the suit for 5 years now and still strong as ever. Most of them do speak English at least so you can describe exactly what you want as you said.

    I will say that I did go into several shops first and ask how much and most were 4500 even back then so when this one shop strait out said 2500 that got my attention. I would sooner deal with someone who gives their bottom price FIRST then the rest that try to start high and barter down. These type of people I normally give a tip to just for their honesty in the first place if I like what I receive.

    PS: To the OP. What day will you be here? Maybe I can take a run down there and get the name of the shop or take a picture for you?

    That would be great.

    I don't mind paying, I got a pretty open budget.

    meet us down there and I will buy you a few beers :)

  18. Most of the "suit makers" in Pattaya can do it however my personal experience is as follows:

    I am very slim so it might cost you more but I went to some Thai/Indians that have a shop on walking st. close to the "King Seafood" restaurant and on the same side. They did the measurments there and then and told me to come back the next day at 1:00pm for a fitting. I did and was told it would be ready at 4:00pm. It was and it was custom fit and cost me only 2500 baht mind you that was 5 years ago but I do know they are still there.

    Like I say, I think most shops will do it and if you tell them you need it the next day it CAN be done but my experience with this particular shop I can vouch for.

    That's the advice I was waiting for. Thanks for that, I will go there.

  19. Hey expats.

    Hope you can help me out here.

    I am up in Korat, and I am getting married next Wednesday. I opted to hire the clothing for the big day, on the advice of my future wife,

    We did the pre-wedding photos a few weeks ago (don't ask why). I have to say that I hated looking at myself in the pics with the evening suit.. Thing is, i am a bit 'robust' in the beer gut dept. So my choices were limited (seriously limited).

    Anyway, i am rejecting the suit for the wedding day, and i have been all over Korat looking for a replacement, buy or rent, its all the same to me as long as I get results. But problem is, i don't have time for a fitted suit, and nothing off the peg fits, we been all over the place. they just don't cater for fat farangs here.

    Now anyway, i am off to pick up some of my mates from the airport on Thursday and we are going to Pattaya for a few days before heading up here, I know pattaya is top-heavy heaving with farangs of all shapes and sizes, so I am confident that i will score something there.

    Ideally I am looking for an evening dinner suit with waistcoat and bow tie on a white shirt with the turn-tip collar ends. A bit James Bond if you like.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction to be able to acquire these things in 48 inch chest and 46 inch waste and 30 inch leg??

    Would appreciate the help, I can even handle the Mr Blobby comments ;)

    I can buy or hire... not a problem, I can mail it back and leave C-Card on file.

    Thanks in advance.

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