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Posts posted by Disander

  1. Have you actually seen the frog or toad eat the cat food? I ask because in Hawaii we often get toads sitting by pet food dishes waiting for the roaches, people assume they eat the kibble but when asked , have never actually seen them eat it. Most frogs and toads will only eat some thing they see move.

    I too have to agree, next thing I'm gonna do is set up a perimeter of kitty food dishes. No, but seriously. I've kept toads for a number of years now. The food always has to move, for them to eat it.

  2. These types of discussions on why one moves to Thailand always amaze me with their dishonesty. Come on! There's only one reason people move to Thailand, and its located under your zipper! And I'm not, repeat NOT, saying theres anything wrong with that. The draw could me one particular woman or man or not. But we ALL know what it comes down to. The rest are just justifications.

    Someone mentioned culture???? Give me a break! You just love Thai entertainment, music, sports, movies, art SO much better than in your home country. I just don't believe you for half a second.

    Interesting way to look at it I suppose. But, yes culture was a main reason. After a friend turned me on to Thailand, I couldn't and still can't seem to get enough. I love the unique cuisine, retail street vendors, spirit houses, sanuk, Songkran, and lastly the nightlife.


  3. I suppose the grass is always greener etc.

    Visas are difficult ??? Most things are covered, Retirement, Marriage, Education ,Investment. The only area lacking seems to be visas for younger people who haven't got the 10 mil, 40 mil for investment and want to live cheaply in Thailand to "visit the temples".

    As far as land ownership is concerned,yes a problem, but perfectly legal to own a condo in the quota system on monies brought into Thailand.

    As craig3365 pointed out it other things are important too. If you just want citizenship, not in this region though, St Kitts and Nevis will give for a contribution of 250,000USD, no waiting, I also hear Montenegro is available but do not know the cost.

    Personally do not own any land here and after many years does not worry me at all. The thing that does annoy me is the 90 day reporting, but I'll struggle through.

    I thought I read somewhere they did away with the investment visa. I could be wrong.ermm.gif

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